US navy vessel deployed in Kenya


Not sure if anyone posted this but it could be why Turkey is urging for talks white powers love stepping on Somalis and they might want us to surrender beforehand and get atleast something out of it. Not a good sign.

“America has deployed the first naval ship to Eastern Africa in over a decade to boost maritime security and allow freedom of navigation in the region. This comes two months after Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta received the US-Africa Command (Africom) Gen. Stephen Townsend in Nairobi.

The Expeditionary Sea Base USS Hershel 'Woody' Williams (ESB 4) has been deployed along the Eastern and Horn of Africa coastal line as Kenya and US seek to strengthen military co-operation.

The naval ship can be used for a broad range of military operations acting as a mobile sea base to support multiple operational phases. Its deployment comes amid a diplomatic crisis between Somalia and Kenya.

During the December 12, 2020 meeting between Kenyan and US officials in Nairobi, America promised to offer Kenya security assistance by professionalising the Kenyan military forces, increasing the country’s counterterrorism as well as border security capabilities, besides others like increasing peacekeeping capabilities and maritime security.

Last week on Tuesday, Kenya’s Defence Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma received the vessel at the Port of Mombasa. Details on how long the ship will be deployed along the Indian Ocean remain scanty.

The ship's commander Vice Administrator Gene Black said Kenya is a strategic partner and a priority for the United States and will remain an integral part of a successful US-African alliance.



It means nothing. If Kenya lose legally then they can cry all they ant but not even the us can drill that region for them.

We can live without those blocks and get rich off the rest. Kenya desperately needs them.
its just pressure politics but of course kikyus cant do it right. when you pressure a country the plan isnt to get them to back off completely but agree to a "win-win" settlement. but considering how late they're doing this and how clear it is that somalias gonna win I doubt even the most corrupt somali would be dumb enough to agree
People need to realise cadaans will never side with us against kikuyu or Habashi. They really seem to hate us for some reason and they will always use them against us.


It's all so tiresome
When are cadaans going to realize that you can't pressure reer 68 with a navy on it's coast.

We don't believe anything could hurt us.