Us military commanders ask biden to station commandos in somalia

The Pentagon wants President Biden sign off on sending several hundred special operations troops into Somalia to help stop the spread of the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab terrorist group, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Defense leaders want Biden to reverse orders made by then-President Trump in his final days in office, when he directed roughly 700 Army Green Berets, Navy SEALs and Marine Raiders to withdraw from bases in Somalia, administration officials told the Journal.

The commandos, who had been training local fighters to defend against al-Shabaab, were mostly moved to nearby Djibouti and Kenya. Now the U.S. military wants to White House to move those forces back to Somalia, the officials said.

Since U.S. forces have come out of Somalia last January, we assess there is an uptick in al-Shabaab activities,” as the group faces no current pressures and has “freedom of movement,” a senior U.S. intelligence official told the outlet.

If there continues to be no pressure on [al-Shabaab], the concern would be that they would become a threat to the homeland.”

U.S. military counterterrorism operations have spread across the globe in the 20 years since the United States invaded Afghanistan, with troops targeting al Qaeda, its affiliates and, later, ISIS everywhere from Iraq and Syria to Libya to Yemen to Somalia to the Philippines.

But the Pentagon considers al-Shabaab to be al Qaeda’s most powerful offshoot, with an estimated strength of 5,000 to 7,000 fighters. To counter the group’s spread, the Defense Department since 2007 has conducted a largely secret special operations war against it.

That special operations war was largely delegated to the skies after Trump’s last-minute order, with airstrikes becoming the de facto way to beat back al-Shabaab.

But after Biden took office, the administration quickly reduced the number of U.S. drone strikes against al-Shabaab and put Trump’s decision under review. During the assessment, which was part of a larger look at where to redistribute U.S. forces overseas, U.S. commandos were allowed to visit Somalia to train the local elite fighters unit.
But senior defense officers argue it would be more effective to have local soldiers fight and train alongside U.S. special operations troops in Somalia. It would also be easier to coordinate air attacks with troops on the ground.
Though Biden hasn’t announced his decision, it seems likely the military will get most or all of the troops it wants in the country, the officials said.

“I believe we will be given permission in the near term to be able to have a more persistent presence in Somalia,” a senior military official told the Journal.

The Hill has reached out to the Pentagon and White House National Security Council for comment.


Quite the Islamist.
This just validates AS's stance. Last year, UK too said they will send an army. Maybe the FGS pushed back against it, seeing they haven't come yet.
Presence of foreign armies is the #1 most contentious issue in our politics at the moment, the reason why AS, years ago, refused to come to the table.

It is not their fight, literally, they are looking for trouble.
These mothafukkas live inside their dirty mind, how could a terrorist fight against another lesser terrorist makes somalia better off.
This just validates AS's stance. Last year, UK too said they will send an army. Maybe the FGS pushed back against it, seeing they haven't come yet.

It is not their fight, literally, they are looking for trouble.
These gaalos never had the intention to help someone, they just want to lead somali astray for another decades, the peace of somalia is completely in the hands of the somalis and no amount of foreign mercenaries would bring back stability

To me the route problem isnt those ragtag terrorists called AS but the real problem that need to be addressed first is the lack of strong government to take control of the entire country, see AS cant even do shit in areas where there is even a local administration like Puntland, what these gaalos are upto is to misprioratize our own problems so that we remain in the square for centuries.

Somalis need to take matters into their hands and be true to their commitment to a united and peaceful nation with strong governmental institutions or else it would just daydreaming to wait for 700 mercenaries from america to bring back stability to somalia.
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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Hassan Qabri Faage
Train and equip the Somali soldier, their presence will only help the recruiting of these kebabs. Have you ever seen kebab fight soldiers? They only do sneak attacks on bases, suicide bombings and Assassinations. You need good intelligence and cadalaad for minority clans to defeat them.
This just validates AS's stance. Last year, UK too said they will send an army. Maybe the FGS pushed back against it, seeing they haven't come yet.
Presence of foreign armies is the #1 most contentious issue in our politics at the moment, the reason why AS, years ago, refused to come to the table.

It is not their fight, literally, they are looking for trouble.
The problem is up till now Somalis have been unable to fight AS making close to no progress, so you have no right to complain about foreign armies. AS is creating more refugees and displacing people that eventually ask to go where? The west. The west doesn’t want to deal with your refugees just because you won’t fight a terror group. AS is quickly merging itself with the FGS itself. The world does not want another terrorist lead government. Somalis are making no progress, some are actively collaborating with the terrorists, still asking the west for funding , still sending more refugees , but doesn’t want the west to come and crush AS.
He tried that and failed. Locked up taliye cabdimalik after sacking kheyre US pressured for his release he joined Badbaado qaran

I remembered that was it this guy or was it another commander ?

Didnt another danab commander die in dhusomareeb when they were fighting ASWJ ?
There is no bright side to gaalo foreign army staying in the country against the will of the natives.

Foreign army will be in Somalia regardless if we want them or not .

The u.s trained troops are the most effective against the al kebaabis and with the world best navy seals by their side I belive they would whoop al kebaabis behind like how they were doing befor they left .
This news means the u.s trained troops will fully focus on the terrorists instead of fighting for Farmajos political battles.
There will be no more foreign troops allowed into Somalia, what remains of them (amisom) will leave soon too.

Amisom is not leaving "soon"
They are leaving the acronym "amisom"
And changing it to Atmis as agreed with the FGS.

Atmis is "forecasted" to exit in december 31 2023 if security is still weak they might do another extension .

As for danab and other u.s trained forces they will not be used for sitting presidents political aspirations like attacking oppositions or Federal member states and will solely be focused in defeating al Shabaab .
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I share many people’s apprehension about this but Danab had been doing very good work before Trump pulled the Americans out. What we’ve seen since is just airstrikes based on Somali intel which is disastrous for civilian casualties. We need the Americans on the ground for the intel to be of any good.

Secondly Haramcad and Gorgor have been used as political tools by Farmaajo. Proving that UAE/Turkey trained troops are a dangerous future for Somalia. Danab however refused to be Farmaajo’s puppet army to further his aims and that was down to the US.

For once Somalia is actually becoming an important partner in the region as China has colonised Ethiopia, Djibouti and US has lost Sudan now. America needs us more than ever before and our resources will come in very important in future.
The U.S does not need to step foot in Somalia it has a base next door in Djibouti which it can use to train thousands of Somalian soldiers to send back and fight AS. That is the logical thing to do. Why step foot in Somalia and give AS the legitimacy and clout to start recruiting more.
I share many people’s apprehension about this but Danab had been doing very good work before Trump pulled the Americans out. What we’ve seen since is just airstrikes based on Somali intel which is disastrous for civilian casualties. We need the Americans on the ground for the intel to be of any good.

Secondly Haramcad and Gorgor have been used as political tools by Farmaajo. Proving that UAE/Turkey trained troops are a dangerous future for Somalia. Danab however refused to be Farmaajo’s puppet army to further his aims and that was down to the US.

For once Somalia is actually becoming an important partner in the region as China has colonised Ethiopia, Djibouti and US has lost Sudan now. America needs us more than ever before and our resources will come in very important in future.
Humint and source handling is very important but I assume the CIA is already doing this behind the scenes
The U.S does not need to step foot in Somalia it has a base next door in Djibouti which it can use to train thousands of Somalian soldiers to send back and fight AS. That is the logical thing to do. Why step foot in Somalia and give AS the legitimacy and clout to start recruiting more.

Danab and u.s trained forces are more effective when they have navy seals by their side plus now farmajo or sitting presidents wont able to use the commandos for own political goals .


Quite the Islamist.
The problem is up till now Somalis have been unable to fight AS making close to no progress, so you have no right to complain about foreign armies. AS is creating more refugees and displacing people that eventually ask to go where? The west. The west doesn’t want to deal with your refugees just because you won’t fight a terror group. AS is quickly merging itself with the FGS itself. The world does not want another terrorist lead government. Somalis are making no progress, some are actively collaborating with the terrorists, still asking the west for funding , still sending more refugees , but doesn’t want the west to come and crush AS.
Whenever I see länders advocating and egging on foreign occupation of the south...

We need to get AS to the negotiation table. That should be the priority. I'm no longer interested in calling them terrorists and what not, not while we have qabiil politics and mooryaans that committed war crimes serving in the government and being shamefully subordinate to the US and the neighbouring gaalos.

