Us lawmakers call for an end to funding somalia army

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Your superior

"There’s 920 instances of child soldiers, forcing children to fight. There’s evidence that some of these soldiers are parts of al-Qaida. There’s also evidence that some of these soldiers are nothing more than highway robbers,” said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., chairman of the Subcommittee of Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management.

looks like the gravy train is coming to an end


It's all so tiresome
Donor funding is the only thing stopping FGS from taking back Somaliland.

Once that restriction goes away; nothing is there to stop them from taking back control from an unruly secessionist state.:trumpsmirk:


It's all so tiresome
See us on eid nigga we got frresmoke coming your way

Hargeisa should be at the forefront of lobbying Trump to continue the donations if you you want to save your country.

With what, the bantu hordes

How did you guess? Lol them Ugandans would do anything to stay in Somalia. We'll just tell them we found the headquarters of Al Shabaab. Not too far from the truth :siilaanyolaugh:


kkkkkk but it should go to land? kkkk

He's saying centralize your regions and collect their taxes so you can fund your army just like Somaliland and have a stable standing army instead of begging aid from the U.S while your regions are lawless.
Remember US tried to overthrow Erdogan and the Turks are fighting the American allies (kurds) in syria. The Turks are also turning closer and closer to Russia and Iran is slowly gaining friendship with the government.

All these events play a key role in this. Isbaaros would have stooped American aid for the past 3 decades but it didn't so Ameria is just pissed and wants to continue the status quo for the now improving somalia


Your superior
Donor funding is the only thing stopping FGS from taking back Somaliland.

Once that restriction goes away; nothing is there to stop them from taking back control from an unruly secessionist state.:trumpsmirk:

Yeah right, First retake galgala from isis then we can take you seriously
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