"US and UK Promoting “Chinese Rape Machine” Theory"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

"There is literally no evidence of mass Chinese rape of Moslems. It’s just a story...

Just understand: every single person promoting these Chinese hoaxes is promoting war with the Chinese in the name of globalism. Many of them are too stupid to know what they are doing, but that is what they’re doing.

How actually stupid are people?


The video above is where this Kuwaiti girl describes Iraqi soldiers pulling babies out of incubators. This was used to promote support for the Gulf War.

Then it turned out she was lying and it was a hoax.

In the early 2000's, George Bush told us that we had to invade Iraq because of Saddam's WMDs and then we found out he was lying and it was a hoax. There were no WMDs.

Previously, there was the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident that was used to pull the US into Vietnam. Then it turned out that that was a hoax.

Prior to that, there was the Lusitania incident that was used to get the US in WW1. Then it turned out they lied about that too.

Obviously, I don't like the writer above and I despise his ideology but what he is saying is the same thing I've been saying for a while.

I've come across evidence that the thing is fake and I think five, ten, at most twenty years from now it will be common knowledge that the thing was yet another hoax pushed by the US.
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Yes, anyone who doesn't follow the US line is allegedly a shill. No one can disagree with the US narrative or they're supposedly a shill.
There are countries outside of China and "US" that see the horrible shit the chinese are doing. What's your next excuse for the Chinese? What the rest of world believes about China is from the American propaganda right?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
There are countries outside of China and "US" that see the horrible shit the chinese are doing. What's your next excuse for the Chinese? What the rest of world believes about China is from the American propaganda right?

Ah yes, countries like UK and Australia are all about going after China. And... yeah... the US does have influence on other countries.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

@butANumba why does her story change? why does the alleged length of detention change from having been a few weeks to having been nine months?