"Unhinged conspiracy theorists" were correct all along


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
brutal dictatorships are coming to the west, the same countries who lecture africans, asians, etc, on ''democracy.''
We need to make tahriib to Somalia I feel sorry for all the FOBs who think the future is in the West we comin back yall :hemad:


vaccine passport
accine passport
ccine passport
cine passport
ine passport
in passport
int passport
inte passport
inter passport
intern passport
interna passport



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@Sophisticate Capitulate or the commies will have you living like a troglodyte for years to come :russsmug:


  • Capitulate and they have no indemnity if you are disabled or die.
  • Capitulate when individuals do not respond in the same way to a treatment especially if some have genetic vulnerabilities with a high risk of thrombosis, percarditis or myocarditis.
  • Capitulate when they are not transparent regarding their case reporting and change their goal post.
  • Capitulate when all ingredients/constituents are not fully disclosed.
  • Capitulate when they suppress effective drugs and undermine adjunct supplementation in favour of vaccination only.
  • Capitulate and expect to be relegated to unvaxxed if double vaxxed but you refuse bi-annual boosters (an eventual requirement for vax passports).
  • Capitulate and welcome a social credit system and surveillance state. A vaccination passport was a laughing matter a year ago now it's emerged. Obviously nothing is off the table.


Minister of Propaganda
  • Capitulate and they have no indemnity if you are disabled or die.
  • Capitulate when individuals do not respond in the same way to a treatment especially if some have genetic vulnerabilities with a high risk of thrombosis, percarditis or myocarditis.
  • Capitulate when they are not transparent regarding their case reporting and change their goal post.
  • Capitulate when they suppress effective drugs and undermine adjunct supplementation in favour of vaccination only.
  • Capitulate and expect to be relegated to unvaxxed if double vaxxed but you refuse bi-annual boosters (an eventual requirement for vax passports).
  • Capitulate and welcome a social credit system and surveillance state. A vaccination passport was a laughing matter a year ago now it's emerged. Obviously nothing is off the table.

Wallahi you Canadians are hilarious. No other Somali diaspora group is as wild as you guys.

To be fair, you guys got variety. You have the crazy wadaads and the roadmen that pray to Henny and Drake.

But this new COVID-sceptic Somali Canadian group is the funniest.

  • Capitulate and they have no indemnity if you are disabled or die.
  • Capitulate when individuals do not respond in the same way to a treatment especially if some have genetic vulnerabilities with a high risk of thrombosis, percarditis or myocarditis.
  • Capitulate when they are not transparent regarding their case reporting and change their goal post.
  • Capitulate when all ingredients/constituents are not fully dislosed.
  • Capitulate when they suppress effective drugs and undermine adjunct supplementation in favour of vaccination only.
  • Capitulate and expect to be relegated to unvaxxed if double vaxxed but you refuse bi-annual boosters (an eventual requirement for vax passports).
  • Capitulate and welcome a social credit system and surveillance state. A vaccination passport was a laughing matter a year ago now it's emerged. Obviously nothing is off the table.
I agree absolving the pharma companies form litigative repercussions shouldn't be allowed but Pfizer vaccine has been fully approved by the FDA and Moderna is on it's way. It's been 2 months since I got my 2nd dose (work-mandated), no adverse reactions besides cold chills and fatigue the morning after. How do you expect to live if they ban you from every building and institution?


Staff Member
I saw a fat slob online calling for vaccine passports at the gym due to "high intensity workouts" or to close the gyms if they refuse to implement it. He never stepped foot into a gym in his life or ever made his heart beat hard. Why is it the fat asses and the socially awkward want society to be completely shut down?


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
Yeah no shit. It's a document, you also have hospital records and a bunch of other identification you take around.

This isn't some new shit. It'll probs speed up the vaccination process and help lessen the blows.