Under this Mayor, Muqdisho was a paradise

Col. Cismaan Maxamed Jeele one of the senior members of the SRC was appointed as Mayor of Mogadishu in 1970 and remained in office for quite a while. Under his administration Muqdisho developed rapidly. He currently is one of the few members of the Kacaan that is still alive and resides in Australia.



The Mayor and Siad Barre welcoming Gaddafi in Mogadishu in 1971


The locals of Banadir really loved the mayor as he helped them develop their farms.

I will post more on his development in Muqdisho during his time as Mayor.
Wallahi I am impressed by a lot of these Kacaan guys. They really were Somali nationalists to the core. Every time I hear of one a new one and what they did they make blow modern day Somali politicians out of the water and the funniest part is most of these guys were generals/colonels/police with no civilian work background

SRC was compromised of a group of high IQ individuals from all clans who all went to the same military academies and had a similar vision, Somalia was in massive debt, had no finical reserves, had rapid clan nepotism, no written language, and you had to speak a colonial language to get a gov. job. Gov workers and military wasn't even paid on time. They transformed the country and built the strongest military in a period of less than 4 years.

I can see why they acted and did the coupe which was supported by all Somalis.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Mashallah, the Kacaan was a time of grace and dignity. Corruption was absolutely punishable by death.
Obviously he is Hawiye, but the question will remain which sub?

I'm only guessing bc he is from Hiiraan

He is Xawaadle. Very popular and well liked in Xamar and the rest of the country. He was arrested in the 1982 purge along with Omar Arte and the other senior SRC officials because his brother in law was Abdiqadir Kosar, leader of the SNM. The Xawaadle closed all roads leading leading into Hiiraan as a response for two weeks causing a standoff. This is where the popular slogan Jeelle ama Jidka came from. They through around leaflets in Xamar with that written on it.
He was the mayor for two years and few months. He did nothing significant and no one remembers him. After he got accused of corruption he was replaced by some Majeerteen guy from "SRC inner circle".

He was the mayor for two years and few months. He did nothing significant and no one remembers him. After he got accused of corruption he was replaced by some Majeerteen guy from "SRC inner circle".

all that ciil made you write this up?

Your 17 by the way, obviously you don’t know him.
He is 17? Ok that makes sense now.

A lot of the critical infrastructure in Xamar were built while he was there. All of the arterial roads, drainage systems, Fish Market, Suuqa Xoolaha. His most famous accomplishment was beautifying the city. Xaawo Taako, Sayidka, Dhagaxtuur, all the jardiinooyin and public spaces were initiated and installed by him. He was incorruptible.

He also famously ordered by decree that everyone who owned a donkey in Xamar make them wear a sash to catch their faeces in order to maintain public hygeine. This made a lot of Abgaals pissed of and they remember it to this day.
all that ciil made you write this up?

Your 17 by the way, obviously you don’t know him.
He was there for two years and few months and was replaced by a Majeerteen guy after hew was abused by "SRC inner circle(code word for Daarood)". These are facts saxib.

Isn't this what you want? Our ciil and attention? I will soon have 12hr leisure time everyday, I will give you plenty of both.
Come Let Me Love You GIF
He is 17? Ok that makes sense now.

A lot of the critical infrastructure in Xamar were built while he was there. All of the arterial roads, drainage systems, Fish Market, Suuqa Xoolaha. His most famous accomplishment was beautifying the city. Xaawo Taako, Sayidka, Dhagaxtuur, all the jardiinooyin and public spaces were initiated and installed by him. He was incorruptible.

He also famously ordered by decree that everyone who owned a donkey in Xamar make them wear a sash to catch their faeces in order to maintain public hygeine. This made a lot of Abgaals pissed of and they remember it to this day.
He was there for two years and few months kulahaa critical infrastructure, can you post any sources to the made up sheeko you just posted?

And what is your clan, you all putting on new nigis everyday. Fucking laangaabs.


Bantu Liberation Movement
The influx of reer baadiyo 1991-present. Little urban planning. Influx of IDPs, victims of war, drought and famine. Mogadishu can succeed if they elect their representatives in 1m1v but it's a raise against time.

