UNBELIEVABLE! Found professionally done, unbias Somali documentary N cause of the Death of Somalia

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I didn’t know that CUMAR CARTE played a huge part of it without even leading a rebel group. Nigga gone on Radio Mogadishu as the rebels entered the capital. He read over the radio for the Armed forces to cease fighting, join the rebels and hand over the weapon. It is believed that he done this to benefit the north :hemad::hemad::hemad:


Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I can’t so many of you armchair Somali historians refuse to divulge your ounce of opinion about this thread.

This man literally laid out the causes of the collapse yet you don’t want to do say anything abt it
Intresting video. I find the Sanctifying of siyad bare disgusting which puts the whole video's impartiality at risk.

Carte had no power to dismiss nor command any army at that time. The SNA was massively divided into clan militias by 1990, those loyal to barre went with to him to gedo and others joined their respective clan millitias. Those left with no clan loyalties could have NEVER withstanded caydiid so Carte being oppurtunistic as he was might have persuaded them to join with mahdi so he could further his political career - as odd as it may sound, Carte was still hoping to get through this mess and lead new goverment.

Also about wanting to give the north an oportunity secede, need i remind you carte was one of barre's tea clup buddies as the somali air force were bombing Hargeisa into oblivion. He didn't give a single f*ck about that infact he was the highest member of the gov. at that time after Barre and samatar but he did Nothing to stop them from comminting bear genocide.

The idea of somaliland nation was premature on the early 90's so much so that the leader of SNM, abdirmaan tuure, was unaware of it and vehemntly opposed upon finding out such plans were being discussed In certain wings of the party. They later ousted him of the party. He later was named as Aydiids PM. Just like carte he NEVER actualised that position. But as far as we know, had Aydiid taken control of the south or mahdi went on to crash Aydiid and taken control of the south, they both would have to face the same reality: an armed conflict with the north to keep them In the union. Carte would have had no problem marching north with mahdi.

So i thing carte was just oppurtunistic politician Who did what he thought was right for him to rise through the ranks. He is to this Day not a secessionist, hard for me to imagine him being one before either.
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