UN unsure on how to withdraw AMISOM from Somalia

by not recognizing madoobe presence in the region, your essentially forcing his hand. thus allowing him too seek aid from foreigners in this case kenya, who'd gladly back either sides. you essentially turned kismaayo and jubalaand into a bufferzone, giving kenya probable cause and a greenlight. too counter this, what does farmaajo do?, he brings in eithopian troops, because a country far away told him not too involve sna.

now both kenya/eithopia got footing aswell as pawns too do their bidding.
winner/loser is not important so long as the amonisty between the pawn grow.

the port you allowed the same h.utu, your ancestors looked down on too protect you from yourselves, while at the same time profitting the most from it, fueling their economy.

like i said marehan/ogaden main cause in fueling amison in somalia.

Believe me, I’ve thought before would the smart, pragmatic move have been to recognize Madoobe, pry him away from Kenya? But then lets face it you dance with whoever came to the dance with you. Madoobe came to Kismaayo with the Kenyan Army, they invested a lot in him, then final straw Somalia took Kenya to court. So bottom line is Kenya needs Madoobe, Madoobe needs Kenya Bottom line. There is nothing FGS, Farmaajo could have done to wiesel Madoobe away from Kenya.

On the flipside FGS doesn’t have the power to contest Kenya, so Ethiopia’s now involved. Btw the candidate Villa Somalia is pushing is Maxamed Oomar, a Cawlyahan/Ogadeen. Anther reason this isn’t as black and white as MR Vs OG


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