UN: There will be no talks with Somaliland region until elections are held

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The Ls just keep coming for the current administration.


Qaramada Midoobey Oo Sheegtay Inaanay Wada Hadalada Somaliland Iyo Somaliya Furmayn Iyo Nuxurka Shuruud Ay Ku Xidhay Furitaanka Wada Hadaladaas

Hargeysa(Ramaas)may.25,2017-Qaramada Midoobey ayaa aaminsan inaanay wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya furmi Karin ilaa ay doorashada Somaliland ee Madaxtooyadu qabsoonto bisha November ee sanadkan,waxaanay doonayaan inay wada hadalada bilaabaan dawlada Madaxwayne Farmaajo iyo dawlada Somaliland ka dhalan doonta doorashada November ka dib.

Ergayga Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Somaliya Danjire Michael Keating oo dhawaan khudbad ka jeediyey xarunta caalamiga ah ee Chattam House ayaa sheegay inay madaxwaynayaasha Somaliland iyo Somaliya ka go’an tahay wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya labadoodaba.

“Madaxwaynayaasha Somaliya iyo Somaliland waxay si cad u sheegeen inay doonayaan wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya in dib loo bilaabo”ayuu yidhi Micheal Keating isaga oo intaasina raaciyey “Laakiin dad badan ayaa aaminsan inaanay taasi suurtogal ahayn ilaa doorashooyinka Somaliland dhacaan dhamaadka Sanadkan waana arrin qof walba soo dhawaynayo”sidaas ayuu yidhi Ergayga Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Somaliya.

War-murtiyeedkii laga soo saaray shirkii dawladda Somaliya loogu qabtay magaalada London ayaa isna waxa ku jiray qodob dhigayey in wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya furmi doonaan marka ay doorashooyinka Somaliland qabsoomaan bisha November ee sanadkan,waxaana muuqata inay beesha caalamku lasoo baxday siyaasad ah inay isku xidho qabsoomida Doorashooyinka Somaliland iyo bilowga wajiga labaad ee wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya.



Your superior
UN says it doesn't think SL Somalia talks will happen until the elections - saved you a read

Also there shouldn't be any 'talks' between Somaliland and Somalia, there is nothing to talk about.


UN says it doesn't think SL Somalia talks will happen until the elections - saved you a read

Also there shouldn't be any 'talks' between Somaliland and Somalia, there is nothing to talk about.

Shuruud = condition. So for any talks to take place elections must happen first. :manny:

"Qaramada Midoobey Oo Sheegtay Inaanay Wada Hadalada Somaliland Iyo Somaliya Furmayn Iyo Nuxurka Shuruud Ay Ku Xidhay Furitaanka Wada Hadaladaas"


This isn't the time for pride, the people need the aid. The more they get, the better. :manny:

The westerners have woken up sxb. It is really hard for them to ever trust Kulmiye again ( they know about the corruption). It is better
the money is channeled to a trusted charity organization or something so it can reach the people on the ground.



The westerners have woken up sxb. It is really hard for them to ever trust Kulmiye again ( they know about the corruption). It is better
the money is channeled to a trusted charity organization or something so it can reach the people on the ground.

Or that they implement a money tracing system. Where there has to be full disclosure on where the money is going.


Or the UK aid to Pakistan families model. Straight to the ATM and they get bank cards to withdraw. That way the money goes straight to the families in need instead of politicians.



Although there are probably ways or loops around it. Sound's slightly risky but if there is independent overseer that can make sure the government don't try anything illegal or corrupt with that money.
UN are useless when it comes to regional administrations like the unrecognized "republic of somaliland" they should carry on with their humanitarian efforts.
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