UN special representative to Somalia Catriona Laing speech at the UN

When the UN country Rep., and US Ambassador are taking upon themselves to brief the UN as to major events and developments in ardu Somal, yet el Presidente is seated there, with nothing to offer about said major events, then you know, it is doddle.

I listened to a Minister being interviewed as to the reason the Fed. gov't wants arms embargo being lifted, he said 'we want to go to international arms markets to purchase heavy weapons'. Unfortunately, the interviewer was not sharp enough to ask: 'with what, and for what?'

With loans, donations, grants, and subsidies to the national budget?
When the UN country Rep., and US Ambassador are taking upon themselves to brief the UN as to major events and developments in ardu Somal, yet el Presidente is seated there, with nothing to offer about said major events, then you know, it is doddle.

I listened to a Minister being interviewed as to the reason the Fed. gov't wants arms embargo being lifted, he said 'we want to go to international arms markets to purchase heavy weapons'. Unfortunately, the interviewer was not sharp enough to ask: 'with what, and for what?'

With loans, donations, grants, and subsidies to the national budget?
It think you mean this guy who is state minister of foreign affairs cali balcad.