UN pushes for famine declaration however Somalia objects. Blanket famine declaration could slow down programs, preventing future famine resilience


Somalia’s Minister of State for Environment and Climate Change Adam Aw Hirsi told Devex the government is wary of a “declaration of a blanket famine” when the areas with the most elevated levels of food insecurity are concentrated in hotspots. He added that “there is an absolute famine in some chunks of the country,” but also said some parts of the country are faring better than neighboring countries. A blanket famine declaration could “mislead responders and donors” as well as “chase away potential investors” in other areas of the country, he said.

Somalia is the second most climate-vulnerable country in the world. Climate change is accelerating the frequency and severity of extreme weather, including droughts. The government is working to attract more long-term, sustainable financing for resilience programming that addresses this perennial problem, as opposed to most of it focusing on humanitarian disasters.

Aw Hirsi said a famine declaration could “throw a wrench in the ongoing resilience programs and frustrate development partners” but if there “is ever a blanket or massive famine” the country would be the first to declare.

“We can not afford one preventable death,” he said.
Good move by the government. Somalia doesn't need out of date biscuits. We need development projects to create jobs and end poverty.

