NEWS Ugandan Army Defeats Al shabab

“The militias were struck in their hideouts in the villages of Sigaale, Adimole and Kayitoy, just over 100 kilometers southwest of the capital, Mogadishu,” Nur said.

A statement from the Ugandan Army said that during the operation, “a large number of military hardware and items used by the terrorist were also destroyed.”

“The UPDF also disrupted an al-Shabab meeting, injuring several terrorists in Donca-daafeedow, which is seven kilometers from the Janaale town,” the statement added.

Residents, who asked to remain anonymous to avoid retribution, told VOA they could see military helicopters striking key al-Shabab targets and hideouts in the thickets and farmlands around Janaale town.


Koonfur Galbeed Warrior
AUN all 185 of them
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

How did they manage this? Some say it was a airstrike and others say it was drones
In Uganda people think it’s not true, they said they did this a couple days after Musevini “won the election” perfect timing right?
Definitely fake news. These Ugandan soldiers are getting a fat check for literally sitting around, their entire families are eating good off of the amisom money. If they get rid of AS, they go back to Uganda and the checks stop coming in for them and it’s back to $1 a day
Definitely fake news. These Ugandan soldiers are getting a fat check for literally sitting around, their entire families are eating good off of the amisom money. If they get rid of AS, they go back to Uganda and the checks stop coming in for them and it’s back to $1 a day
Their soldiers are receiving 100-150 dollars back home but 1k+ a month in Somalia just to chill in their bases. We can't blame them:ftw9nwa:

