UAE offered South Africa billions to drop the genocide case against Israel

I don't understand the UAE what do they gain out of supporting Israel? Economically this would be a good deal for south Africa but unlike UAE they've got a heart and they understand what apartheid is.
I don't understand the UAE what do they gain out of supporting Israel? Economically this would be a good deal for south Africa but unlike UAE they've got a heart and they understand what apartheid is.
Whoever’s with Israel in the Middle East, gets the ear of Washington and the American officials. I probably surmise that the Emiratis did this to curry favour with the Zionist lobby in Washington and the broader American Foreign policy establishment. In return they’ll expect or have the guarantee of the US to come to their aid whenever they’re in a rough patch.

It’s simple, ruthless pragmatism. No matter how treacherous it might seem to us Muslims and pro Palestine folks.