Turkish Soldiers kill 2 Somali SNA recurits and wound 5 after 200 of them were rejected (Corruption and Triblism)


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
The incompetent government headed by the former soccer coach and cab driver is now hiring and rejecting SNA recurits on tribal bases.

The shameless Turkish warlord of 1 square mile Villa Amisom has already managed to make both Gorgor and Danab soldiers 75% recruited from MOD clans and now wants the SNA majority also to be from his loyal clans,what a Qabyliste nutjob.:kanyehmm:

The sooner Reer Mogdishu kick this impersonater the better, deposing of him is matter of national security at this point.
Xog: Dhallinyaro rabtay in loo qoro ciidanka qaranka oo maanta lagu dilay xerada Turksom ee Muqdisho
xasaaa hasan
March 22, 2021
https://www.somalispot.com/whatsapp://send?text=Xog:+Dhallinyaro+rabtay+in+loo+qoro+ciidanka+qaranka+oo+maanta+lagu+dilay+xerada+Turksom+ee+Muqdisho https://badweyntimes.net/xog-dhallinyaro-rabtay-in-loo-qoro-ciidanka-qaranka-oo-maanta-lagu-dilay-xerada-turksom-ee-muqdisho/

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Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Caasimada Online u xaqiijiyay in la dilay ugu yaraan 2 wiil oo dhalinyaro ah, kuwaas oo qeyb ka ahaa 500 oo dhallinyaro ah maanta tagay xerada Turksom ee Muqdisho.
Dhallinyaradaan ayaa rabay in ay kamid noqdaan ciidamada Soomaalida ee uu tababaro Turkiga, waxaana la sheegay in laga qaatay 200 oo kamid ah dhallinyaradii tagtay goobtaas.

Wararka aan helnay ayaa tilmaamaya in dhalinyarada soo hartay oo gaaraya in ka badan 300 oo qof ay gadoodeen, islamarkaana ay isku dayeen in ay xoog ku galaan xerada Turksom si loo tababaro, waxaana kadib rasaas ku furay ciidankii ilaalada ka ahaa Saldhigga Turksom ee Muqdisho.

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Marka laga reebo geerida labada qof, waxaa sidoo kale dhaawacmay dad ka badan shan qof oo kale, sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen ilo-wareedyada xogtan nala wadaagay.
Saraakiisha Turkiga iyo dowladda federaalka kama hadlin dhacdadan Badweyn Online oo xiriir la sameysay dowladda way ka gaabsatay, halka Turkish-ka aan heli weynay.

Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ka jirta shaqo la’aan xoog leh waxeyna dhallinyarada muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyay buux dhaafiyeen goobaha ciidamada laga qoro ee Muqdisho, si ay u helaan shaqo iyo nolal dhaanta tan rajo la’aanta ah.

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200/500 recruits were selected and the rest of them were dismissed. Instead of agreeing and coming back for the next cycle s chimped out and attempted to attack troops within the base.

I wouldn't be suprised if government officials/buisnessmen got their kids into the elite class but that's not an excuse to attack soldiers.
Too much Tiktok and ppl want to be Rambo with real army. Army ain't no joke it is tough and only those with strong mentality can make it. Most ppl try to leave the army but N&N is brainwashing kids like Shabaab does. AUN if these news is real.


200/500 recruits were selected and the rest of them were dismissed. Instead of agreeing and coming back for the next cycle s chimped out and attempted to attack troops within the base.

I wouldn't be suprised if government officials/buisnessmen got their kids into the elite class but that's not an excuse to attack soldiers.

That acceptance rate is really high. I thought there would be more rigorous tests to get into the army which reduces the acceptance rate.
That acceptance rate is really high. I thought there would be more rigorous tests to get into the army which reduces the acceptance rate.
They do a fitness and health check i believe. There aren't alot of healthy well off people who want to join the military so it does increase the acceptance rate.

I'm not sure how it specifically works, i would assume they do some background checks as well through NISA and/or make sure people can vouch for recruits.

Nonetheless, its good that we are being selective. Turkish trained troops are taken care of .


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
And ofcours the austistc Turkish Ex Governor of Villa Amisom and his Twitter adminstration hasn't said a word yet, the incompetent squatter is more concerned about his re-election than the innocent lives lost on the hands of foreigners in their homeland, Khasaaro.:(


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