Tupac Was Way Beyond His Time

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Does anyone think the message or music of Tupac was way beyond his time? This guy was doing this at 20 and stuff, it's crazy insane stuff the views he threw around, I sometimes ponder imagine if he was alive today. Damn is all I can say. Cause I wasn't even thinking remotely like that at his age.

He clearly demonstrated life isn't all just one sided like the media presents. We can ignore all the things that disturb us but it won't change nothing but prolong the existence. How can you enjoy Christmas and presents and eid and all that stuff when outside your world there is pain, suffering, struggles then u wanna tell us you have the RIGHT GOD or Right Society Or Right Ideas? Those two statements don't add up at all.

Imagine the person enforcing the law the cops are killing you? you would think this would be the last place of injustice, how can you have faith in any other aspect of society? you see this asshole priest or imam teaching us about god and the guy is surrounded by grief, pain, killing, poverty, diseases, and horribleness and he can't answer that but he has some answer about god? it's like a baby who wanna run but cant even walk. Imagine a baby talking about running to ya and he can't even crawl or walk yet? be weary of society, they inject us with all this lies, values, morals, ethics and it's nowhere present in the world.

Did u see how the saudis hosted the criminal rich who do corruption? in damn hotels brothers the RITZ it doesnt get any better then that and this motherfucker stole billions yet a kid who steals a 20 phone gets beheaded or hand chopped up and forget the conditions and prisons they are kept in. Just be weary of society is all I will tell you, it don't mean god is wrong or religion is wrong or govt is wrong, it's you cant trust the admins behind it.
Tupac had the same view as many other AA activists he was one of the most prominent ones however, fame helps.

On another note Tupacs music aged like milk :mybusiness:
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