They'll do and say anything to get access to children.

Do you know what they mean by AAM: It means "Adult Attracted Minor". They are using 'soft language' to make pedophilia acceptable.

The western world are going to fall soon
I wonder who will be the new super region like Europa ?
10-15 Century was Islamic world
1800-2050 century was western world (Europa and America )
2050-???? East Asia (specifically Chinese cuz they’re the new superpower)
The western world are going to fall soon
I wonder who will be the new super region like Europa ?
10-15 Century was Islamic world
17-2050 century was western world (Europa and America )
2050-???? East Asia (specifically Chinese cuz they’re the new superpower)

All of Asia is up next.

Somalia should round up all our Timojileec looking Somalis and send them as ambassadors to the new overlords.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It starts with softening language, attempting to needle move public perception, then political mobilzation and it morphs into changing the penal code. Some people are just short sighted and cannot see the long game. Remember there was a push to remove parental rights away from parents refusing gender reassignment for their children. This was unheard of years ago.

I said this in my past posts but they clearly were not paying attention and instead used red herrings to distract from the central premise. We were not discussing 17 and 21 year olds. Which still looks odd in terms of optics (because it makes the older party look socially inept) but is legal at least here. Nor wild hyperboles like increasing the age of consent to 25. Conversations get tangential so whatever.

As for lowering the age of consent. This has been done in Canada where consent for anal sex dropped from age 18 to 16 in 2019. This Bill C-75 was pushed into the house and had royal assent. What can you expect when the laws of the land over here are highly progressive. And agency is given to mature minors (16-17) for death and dying decisions. They move in lightening speed to push their dubious legislation. How can I also forget that P-Hub is headquartered in Montreal Canada.

Much of this minor attracted nonsense is an outgrowth of Kiney's sex research. His Pampheteer Hugh Hefner of Playboy supported all manner of depravity along with a burgeoning industry of demented erotica that came after. And we wonder why sex crimes have risen in the past few decades.

I will never support this BS. P*rn is sick and disgusting. And a major exploiter of women and children. And minor attracted people or adults should never gain legitimacy. Even the apparent non-threatening ones. All they need is certain legal frameworks in place to act on their mental illness. πŸ™„

We do not trust wolves in sheeps clothing.

The transage tomfoolery is just an online predator in digital drag.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The western world are going to fall soon
I wonder who will be the new super region like Europa ?
10-15 Century was Islamic world
1800-2050 century was western world (Europa and America )
2050-???? East Asia (specifically Chinese cuz they’re the new superpower)
Look at demographics. Demographically all of asia is messed up except countries with a fertility rate above 2.1. USA is gonna standalone as a superpower I think
As for lowering the age of consent. This has been done in Canada where consent for anal sex dropped from age 18 to 16 in 2019.
The problem is most countries in the past never had an age of consent at 18 and it was probably much lower anyway, canada isn't lowering its age of consent to something unheard of and low, its just going back to the normal age of consent.
@Nak-Muay-Femeu @Nak-Muay-Kru

I don't know which NAK name belongs to you, but look at this.
I saw something similar to that where a grown man was claiming to be a 9yr old girl. This repugnant shit starts with the "acceptance/they're valied" bollocks and slowly metastasizes.

Do you know about real people who actually advocate this, not Twitter people
You realise the current troons non-sense started out as just "Twitter people" too right? And now that cartoonish bollocks has made it's way into the workplace. People legit end their emails with He/Him and there's random cadaan slags posting on work socials about being the proud mother of a troons child lol
It starts with softening language, attempting to needle move public perception, then political mobilzation and it morphs into changing the penal code. Some people are just short sighted and cannot see the long game. Remember there was a push to remove parental rights away from parents refusing gender reassignment for their children. This was unheard of years ago.

I said this in my past posts but they clearly were not paying attention and instead used red herrings to distract from the central premise. We were not discussing 17 and 21 year olds. Which still looks odd in terms of optics (because it makes the older party look socially inept) but is legal at least here. Nor wild hyperboles like increasing the age of consent to 25. Conversations get tangential so whatever.

As for lowering the age of consent. This has been done in Canada where consent for anal sex dropped from age 18 to 16 in 2019. This Bill C-75 was pushed into the house and had royal assent. What can you expect when the laws of the land over here are highly progressive. And agency is given to mature minors (16-17) for death and dying decisions. They move in lightening speed to push their dubious legislation. How can I also forget that P-Hub is headquartered in Montreal Canada.

Much of this minor attracted nonsense is an outgrowth of Kiney's sex research. His Pampheteer Hugh Hefner of Playboy supported all manner of depravity along with a burgeoning industry of demented erotica that came after. And we wonder why sex crimes have risen in the past few decades.

I will never support this BS. P*rn is sick and disgusting. And a major exploiter of women and children. And minor attracted people or adults should never gain legitimacy. Even the apparent non-threatening ones. All they need is certain legal frameworks in place to act on their mental illness. πŸ™„

We do not trust wolves in sheeps clothing.

The transage tomfoolery is just an online predator in digital drag.
It's funny that you mention Kinsey because Paul-Michel Foucault, another nounce lefty neoliberal types feverishly dick-ride, was infamous for sexually abusing prepubescent children in Tunisia. Much of the current "left's" ideological framework is based off of the work and the ideas of these sick twisted nounce cunts.
It's funny that you mention Kinsey because Paul-Michel Foucault, another nounce lefty neoliberal types feverishly dick-ride, was infamous for sexually abusing prepubescent children in Tunisia. Much of the current "left's" ideological framework is based off of the work and the ideas of these sick twisted nounce cunts.
But if they can make up studies to say it will benefit children people will accept it
But if they can make up studies to say it will benefit children people will accept it
A good chunk of people, particularly the "deboonked, citation needed!" smooth-brained Twatter dickheads will accept it. The same cattle-people who injected their children with vaccines manufactured by drug companies immune from law-suits wouldn't think twice about letting the local kiddy-diddler babysit little Timmy :heh:

But I also think it'll probably cause the pendulum to swing the other way and you'll see weird team-ups between National Socialist SS larpers and hardcore "terf" feminists types. It's a line these people shouldn't even attempt to cross because it'll cause a shit-show the likes of which we've never seen.