To recover from Cawsweyne defeat it will take three months

Al Shabaab waxay qaadaan hal weerar oo xoogan kaas oo khal khal ku rida ciidamada dawlada intii laga soo kabanayana waxee qaadanee 3 months ooy ku nu neefsadaan after their i cant breath

Hada dawladii waa is eedaynaysaa kan badal kanaa qaldan waa laga soo baxaay dhulkii sanad ka hor la qabtey ciidamo hor leh xamar halaga qaado bla bla

This cycle wuxuu soconaa ilaa sanad kale(gobolada dhexe) . Xassan sh qorshihiisii dagaalka ee put your egges in the security basket fashil uu ku dhawyahay Al Shabaab waji labaad ee dagaalka ayuu la dhamaan muda xileedkiisa ka hor hawiye ma dhawa
First mistake they made was re-starting the end of Phase 1 in Central regions. They should have kept Ceelbuur under tightly monitored siege to starve out Shabab and next moved on to help drive AS out of Jubaland & Baidoa. They were too prideful and only wanted to see Hawiye lands being liberated. AS will not be defeated if there is no coordination and political tanasul from the president who should put his personal feelings aside to help liberate this country.
First mistake they made was re-starting the end of Phase 1 in Central regions. They should have kept Ceelbuur under tightly monitored siege to starve out Shabab and next moved on to help drive AS out of Jubaland & Baidoa. They were too prideful and only wanted to see Hawiye lands being liberated. AS will not be defeated if there is no coordination and political tanasul from the president who should put his personal feelings aside to help liberate this country.
This phase one war is BS all Shabaab willl disappear once in all south somalia so no poiint to fight them only in Hawiye. Imagin all the Shacab they let down in all the towns they evacuated yesterday how can these people support ciidanka again. I see why their villages were empty they knew their mooryaan cannot be trusted.

Now if they back it will be worst than before.
It is better for SFG to make peace with shabab than go on with this endless war. Amisom, Ethiopia, don't want shabab to be defeated and there’s no appetite within the international community to fight al shabab. Form a coalition govt with shabab and kick out amisom and Ethiopia from somalia


Nacalad ku taal culusow iyo his HAG government.

Majority of those boys who died aren't even HAG. This was culusow/mahad salad destroying none HAG soldiers.

My advice to non HAG soldiers completely refuse to be sent to abgaal/HAG lands. It is a death sentence l.


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