To all the creationists masquerading as science experts, hatu burhanakum

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You can't pull out the constants A and B its part of the sin function, thats what i mean by you are gonna need some identities.

You have to rewrite it as sin(x)cos(2x) + cos(x)sin(2x) if we choose 3 as an arbitrary number..

But i did not take into account of the squared part of the equation which you would need to handle carefully
The only identity I remember is the half/double angle identities. and those don't apply if there isn't an addition sign.:kodaksmiley:

@Inquisitive_ take it away G.

where a and b are any real numbers.
I get where you are coming from. A lot of people have claimed to have a higher level of understanding of quantum mechanics... But the question is too easy.
Be that as it may, I'm gonna add another question! In fact, this time I'll go one step further as well, with a wager!

If @Inquisitive_ posts a full solution to the one below, I'm going to publicly apologise to him in a new thread! :icon lol:


You bring us a first year University math equation to prove what exactly? Or did you want to show off a little bit?

No one is arguing with the principles of mathematics you xoolo. You can manipulate the numbers and bend the equations to justify your theory - it's the theory we are here to discuss. If the deranged David Icke was an expert mathematician, and gave you an equation you couldn't solve, does that prove to you that the Queen of England really is a shape-shifting lizard?

Get the f*ck out of here with your juvenile bullshit.

You bring us a first year University math equation to prove what exactly? Or did you want to show off a little bit? No one is arguing with the principles of mathematics you xoolo. You can manipulate the numbers and bend the equations to justify your theory - it's the theory we are here to discuss.
You just embarrassed yourself! It's not an equation. This shows that you lack the complete basics! You don't even understand what's written, let alone knowing how to solve it. And you want to discuss the theory - the theory that requires one to know how to solve things like this first? You're making me laugh! :icon lol:
You just embarrassed yourself! It's not an equation. This shows that you lack the complete basics! You don't even understand what's written, let alone knowing how to solve it. And you want to discuss the theory - the theory that requires one to know how to solve things like this first? You're making me laugh! :icon lol:

An improper integral is a definite integral that has either or both limits infinite or an integrand that approaches infinity at one or more points in the range of integration.

There's your copy and paste. Happy?

You're such a fag. Again what does this have to do with anything?
You're such a fag. Again what does this have to do with anything?
That it's an improper integral was already mentioned! But just now you were calling it an equation! :icon lol: It shows that you guys are fraudsters. You don't know the basics, yet you make claims about the more advanced! The mathematics that modern quantum theory (which you apparently want to discuss) utilises is far more advanced than anything I've posted in this thread. :icon lol: That is precisely my point! It's unmistakably clear, unless you're particularly dense!
That it's an improper integral was already mentioned! But just now you were calling it an equation! :icon lol: It shows that you guys are fraudsters. You don't know the basics, yet you make claims about the more advanced! The mathematics that modern quantum theory (which you apparently want to discuss) utilises is far more advanced than anything I've posted in this thread. :icon lol: That is precisely my point! It's unmistakably clear, unless you're particularly dense!

I misspoke, and called it an equation (laymen terms). But you fixated on that, totally ignoring the point of my post. How in any way is this linked to exposing Europhile fuckery? How?
I misspoke, and called it an equation (laymen terms). But you fixated on that, totally ignoring the point of my post. How in any way is this linked to exposing Europhile fuckery? How?
You guys pretend like you understand scientific theories - in fact, some of you going as far as to claim to have read 'heaps of books' by various experts in these fields. Just now you were acting all pompous and saying "it's the theory we are here to discuss" when every quantum theory course requires one to know how to solve questions like the one in the original post, which you obviously failed solve. You guys are as close to being scientifically illiterate as can be - yet you always claim to have a working scientific knowledge required to discuss any scientific theory. This thread was designed test the veracity of such claims, and so far the results are absolutely hilarious! Prove me wrong and solve it!. :zhqjlmx:
You guys pretend like you understand scientific theories - in fact, some of you going as far as to claim to have read 'heaps of books' by various experts in these fields. Just now you were acting all pompous and saying ' it's the theory we are here to discuss' when every quantum theory course requires one to know how to solve questions like the one in the original post. You guys are as close to being scientifically illiterate as can be - yet you always claim to have a working scientific knowledge required to discuss any scientific theory. This thread was designed test the veracity of such claims, and so far the results are absolutely hilarious!


How about posting examples instead of shooting out your ass? Who here discusses wave-particle duality in depth or complex wave function? Are you being purposefully obtuse? The brothers here refute outlandish surface level statements from disinfo agencies like NASA - no-one here is arguing mathematical principles.

Do you need to be an expert in say the history of PoliSci to call out your local MP for fuckery? Walee wax cajiib ah baa aragnay.

@Inquisitive_ don't respond to this qashin baiting. His method can be used to silence any and all discourse.

How about posting examples instead of shooting out your ass? Who here discusses wave-particle duality in depth or complex wave function? Are you being purposefully obtuse? The brothers here refute outlandish surface level statements from disinfo agencies like NASA - no-one here is arguing mathematical principles.

Do you need to be an expert in say the history of PoliSci to call out your local MP for fuckery? Walee wax cajiib ah baa aragnay.

@Inquisitive_ don't respond to this qashin baiting. His method can be used to silence any and all discourse.
Examples are available in the very first post of this thread from none other than @Inquisitive_ (who's here btw, I await your solution) claiming to have read 'heaps of books' written by experts from fields such as quantum physics. If that's true, then he should have no problem with this. If it isn't, then he's a fraud! Who are you kidding? You yourself were just admittedly ready to discuss 'theory'. Also, it appears your analogies are as terrible as your maths. And no, both questions are very well defined, and can silence you only if your self-professed knowledge isn't there. :icon mrgreen:

How about posting examples instead of shooting out your ass? Who here discusses wave-particle duality in depth or complex wave function? Are you being purposefully obtuse? The brothers here refute outlandish surface level statements from disinfo agencies like NASA - no-one here is arguing mathematical principles.

Do you need to be an expert in say the history of PoliSci to call out your local MP for fuckery? Walee wax cajiib ah baa aragnay.

@Inquisitive_ don't respond to this qashin baiting. His method can be used to silence any and all discourse.


This is what happens when you have mind fucked a person into complete mental disorientation and the cognitive malfunction is at such they loose complete touch with reality, I clearly underestimated my impact on such people.

He reminds of this colleague in a debate yapping about infinity/monkey/shakespeare until I pointed out to him that in evolution/big bang specific estimated time-lines are given and not "infinity", the audience laughed, he got disoriented and then in panic asked me "what is 2+2" which I laughed at prompting further laughter from the audience.

I don't even see this as a bait but just like the above scenario a pathetic epic mental capitulation, among the Europhile conformist quackademics groups on here, he is the dumbest by far, incapable of even mounting a single coherent rebuttal to any of those topics posted.
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