Tigray crisis


Bantu Liberation Movement
Its Always Sunny Eating GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
This was way too late to notice what happened to Tigray. The war already ended a year ago and 10% of their population wiped out

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Propaganda. But what goes around comes around
I heard the TPLF still armed fighters with their weapons and chain of command still intact? I think it’s fake news but according to some Ethiopian lady on twitter they number at 250k surely this just misinformation.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
I heard the TPLF still armed fighters with their weapons and chain of command still intact? I think it’s fake news but according to some Ethiopian lady on twitter they number at 250k surely this just misinformation.
It’s true

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
It’s true
257,000 fighters? Who tf did they disarm? Did they only take away heavy weaponry? How does Addis Abba think that they can change the theater of conflict to Amhara region when the TPLF still posses a mass of fighters and surely they are rearming? If I was Abiy I wouldn’t be able to sleep until every TPLF soldier was disarmed and “neutralized” either permanently or they return to their homes and resume civil life even then I’d keep an eye.
It’s already happening bro. They need to Balkanize that country before it’s too late
These people are stuck with eachother.
Oromos are not a "natural" nation and would beef eachother due to due to shear differences amongst themselves, plus a large proportion of them are pro ethiopia now anyway.
Amharas will always be nationalists imo, ethiopia is their brainchild. Tigrays can never build a separate state simply because its economy unviable, some of them have recognised this and stopped calling for a seperate state.
I think they're just locked into a state where tribal wars will break out every few decades and the next group will run the country, i guess, until they learn to ditch their tribes or put the nation above tribe.
These people are stuck with eachother.
Oromos are not a "natural" nation and would beef eachother due to due to shear differences amongst themselves, plus a large proportion of them are pro ethiopia now anyway.
Amharas will always be nationalists imo, ethiopia is their brainchild. Tigrays can never build a separate state simply because its economy unviable, some of them have recognised this and stopped calling for a seperate state.
I think they're just locked into a state where tribal wars will break out every few decades and the next group will run the country, i guess, until they learn to ditch their tribes or put the nation above tribe.
That’s true but I do think Somalis are in a different situation than the other ethnic groups. K5 has the resources it’s needs to be an independent country. Plus the Somalis in Ethiopia will never view themselves as Ethiopian, and they will never be viewed as such
How is Ethiopia still a country Somalia is known as a failed state meanwhile Ethiopia just defaulted on its debt they have genocides going on and ethnic wars this country needs to Balkanize immediately to ensure safety for every Ethnicity

