Thoughts on Shahid Bolsen?

Smart guy, however, I do wish he would stop emulating some of Malcolm X's mannerisms
Was gonna say, guy speaks exactly like Malcolm X, even imitates him with that signature Malcolm X finger to cheekbone



Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
He’s not a da’ee from the few clips I’ve seen on his TikTok’s. He’s purely in the political space with Islamic guided politics.
He has great takes on the liberal west.

But his takes on the gulf leaders and the yahuud are suspicious, to say the least.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
He’s shady, unnatural rise to fame, I’ve even heard he’s been involved in murder and kidnapping, although I cannot say with certainty, apart from that I find him to be a good articulate person and he’s sharp
When he was young he was charged with murder and put on death row in Dubai but the charge was reduced to manslaughter and he got out. Pretty sure he had some of those human rights groups helping him. He wasn’t really involved in the kidnapping thing as far as I can tell