Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

so I think this is the material that they are pushing to the children in one of those school districts where the Muslim parents are protesting. I am really disgusted to hear what's being pushed on these kids. it is really hypocritical how the degeneracy lobby wants every conceivable right for perverts but wants to take away the rights of Muslims to believe in what their religion teaches.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I want to put this in a second post because people might not agree with this bit but... as a sidenote... I think this is very similar to the kind of thing that was going on in the Soviet Union during Lenin. I think there is very clearly some sort of Marxist indoctrination going on here but it seems to be sort of ignored. but when you look at what they're teaching in the universities, it's very open that these universities are full of Marxist ideology. it isn't the same form of Marxism as during Stalin and post-Stalin USSR (Stalin promoted sort of a more culturally conservative version of Marxism, hence why the USSR outlawed abortion, lgbt, promoted patriotism even though Marx was actually anti-patriotism) but it's this sort of homegrown version of Marxism developed in the West.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
this disgusts me so much. I unpaused to hear the rest of the video and they're talking about the history of homosexual political activism. something about this thing called Stonewall. why should kids be taught this??? I don't even want to learn about this. if they're going to teach homo history, they need to start with Sodom and Gomorrah.