Think about

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If you're feeling down or maybe burnt out, never forget that even through you're worst times, Allah swt will always be there for you, it's normal for us to feel sometimes lost or confused, many times myself i thought i couldn't continue like this anymore , but i slowly started to read Quran and self meditate just clear my mind from negative thoughts , and people always forcing me to do bad, The Prophet s.a.w before he was ordered to Allah swt spread the message, he used to mediate in a cave just to be away from the noise, Think positive , stay positive, and always look to what you can do best not what you're failing at, :nvjpqts::nvjpqts:


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@Yohan Meditation (as in the conventional, 'new aged' version) where one seeks 'out of body' experiences or reiterates a particular hum for a period of time actually leads to Jinn possession. I kid you not, I've witnessed it. My brother treats people that have Jinn possession. Search about 'frightening' experiences people have had after meditating. You will find many people online (who are oblivious to the world of Jinns) share their traumatic experiences.

The best form of meditations in order to have a peace of mind or feel more 'in the moment' are all prescribed to us by the Prophet (SAW). Dhikr is one of the best ways. Each adhkaar has specific virtues. For example, uttering 'Subhanallah' once, is worth 10 good deeds.

If you say 'subhanallah wa bihamdih' 100 times a day, all of your sins will be forgiven (scholars say only minor sins will be forgiven, major ones require taubah).

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi, {Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)

There are many more adhkaar that I can not mention right now that have specific virtues.

Also reciting the Qur'an is another excellent way of attaining a peace of mind and nurturing your soul. You are rewarded 10 good deeds for each letter you recite in the Qur'an. Alif laam meem for example, is 30 hasanaat overall.

You can also ponder upon the signs of Allah, the state that mankind are in, the universe, death, anything meaningful. I do this a lot. This is an excellent form of meditation.

Whenever your doing dhikr or reciting the Qur'an, always focus on the meaning. You will find these to be the best methods of achieving inner peace, 'mindfulness' and nurturing of the soul.
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