The xabash are coming.

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We wouldn't try to annex Djibouti, unless you abused the afars plus the military bases make it almost impossible without the afars lol.

The annexation of Crimea by Russia showed everyone that there is still new territory to gain in the world. It also showed the weakness of the U.N. (if it wasn't obvious by now).

If we annexed part of Eritrea, the U.N. would fail to do anything and America would reluctantly agree because they understand the needs of a country, and would ultimately save billions in aid.
Comparing Russia to a third world African state that is the second largest recipient of US aid.

Just lolz
I honestly don't know if it is or not? But im all for suffocating eretria because it puts food on Djiboutians tables. Are you pro or anti tplf btw?
I think it can go either way tbh.

I'm anti, because of their anti Ethiopian rhetoric and division. We do need a government that's run like a business from the top down which doesn't get slowed down by too much democracy but not the way they do it.

I've been to Dj, it's a nice country but a bit hot. I can see it taking off as a major shipment hub of Africa. Hopefully UAE doesn't sabotage it.


I think it can go either way tbh.

I'm anti, because of their anti Ethiopian rhetoric and division. We do need a government that's run like a business from the top down which doesn't get slowed down by too much democracy but not the way they do it.

I've been to Dj, it's a nice country but a bit hot. I can see it taking off as a major shipment hub of Africa. Hopefully UAE doesn't sabotage it.

The next decade is pivotal for us. Fingers crossed.
I think it can go either way tbh.

I'm anti, because of their anti Ethiopian rhetoric and division. We do need a government that's run like a business from the top down which doesn't get slowed down by too much democracy but not the way they do it.

I've been to Dj, it's a nice country but a bit hot. I can see it taking off as a major shipment hub of Africa. Hopefully UAE doesn't sabotage it.

The amhaaras are worse of now then they've ever been, the TPLF are catering to oromos (Even giving them Addis Ababa) while neglecting the amhara ppl. There's only 2 viable options here, 1) the TPLF will press the self destruction button and cut of from the country or 2) the status quo will continue where ethnic States is solidified and the amhaaras will continue to suffer.

Lastly eritrea is long gone, you can forget about it lol.

Seriously just think about it for a second, if the TPLF truly believed in this Ethiopia country, why would they include a clause where they can leave Ethiopia whenever they want? The irony in all this is that even tho amhaaras are true nationalists and want to see 1 Ethiopia, that whole idea backfired terribly on them

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
How are they going to get those β€œships β€œ on to the sea? It is gonna be one helluva tow job


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ethiopia is not the enemy it’s hawiye and Isaac that are the enemy may Allah bless Ethiopia
The amhaaras are worse of now then they've ever been, the TPLF are catering to oromos (Even giving them Addis Ababa) while neglecting the amhara ppl. There's only 2 viable options here, 1) the TPLF will press the self destruction button and cut of from the country or 2) the status quo will continue where ethnic States is solidified and the amhaaras will continue to suffer.

Lastly eritrea is long gone, you can forget about it lol.

Seriously just think about it for a second, if the TPLF truly believed in this Ethiopia country, why would they include a clause where they can leave Ethiopia whenever they want? The irony in all this is that even tho amhaaras are true nationalists and want to see 1 Ethiopia, that whole idea backfired terribly on them
It's not just Amharas that believe in Ethiopia and most Ethiopians feel the same way.
Tplf has already fractured within themselves and has already conceded. The people of Tigray do not want independence and won't seek it.

Now you know if you stopped wishing bad on your neighbor maybe just maybe your country can recover.
It's not just Amharas that believe in Ethiopia and most Ethiopians feel the same way.
Tplf has already fractured within themselves and has already conceded. The people of Tigray do not want independence and won't seek it.

Now you know if you stopped wishing bad on your neighbor maybe just maybe your country can recover.
You're saying the tigreyans don't want secession but the facts is they included a clause where they have all the freedom to leave the country whenever they want, look at the eritreans, they would never want to join back with Ethiopia and ur here making fakenews that they want to join lol, the oromos harars Somalis and tigreyans like ethnic states, the amhaaras have absolutely no option but to accept it, ur speaking opinions where as I'm stating facts.

The Ethiopia the amhaaras envisioned is far from what the truth is, it's actually a nightmare for them :samwelcome:
You're saying the tigreyans don't want secession but the facts is they included a clause where they have all the freedom to leave the country whenever they want, look at the eritreans, they would never want to join back with Ethiopia and ur here making fakenews that they want to join lol, the oromos harars Somalis and tigreyans like ethnic states, the amhaaras have absolutely no option but to accept it, ur speaking opinions where as I'm stating facts.

The Ethiopia the amhaaras envisioned is far from what the truth is, it's actually a nightmare for them :samwelcome:
Didn't know that you knew more about what my people want more than I. Even top tplf politburo and military members have left the organization to join opposition or start their own party. These parties have even won in the Tigray Region. The former leader himself said that the ethnic states are a short term solution (showing that even they agree that it's not practical). You focus too much on the clause when the entire constitution doesn't even hold water and will be redrafted in the coming years.
muddo dheer Somaliland :salute:

May we continue to f up the koonfurians :manny:

It's "Somaliland Hanoolaato". Google translate is not your friend.


Fyi, don't take @fox seriously. His great grandmother was a xabashi slave. We noble Isaaq despise the xabasha.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's "Somaliland Hanoolaato". Google translate is not your friend.


Fyi, don't take @fox seriously. His great grandmother was a xabashi slave. We noble Isaaq despise the xabasha.
Isaac are the illegitimate children of xabeshi that’s why you go by your mothers abtiris

Young Popeye

Call me pops
TPLF is working with Ogaden/Afar/Harar to have control of east africa and they have agreed that 40% of the revenue will go to TPLF if the alliance can successfully assist in controlling most of east africa. Afar wants to unite with its counterpart in eritrea, tplf wants to unite with its brothers in eritrea . Abdi illey gang want access to the ports. TPLF knows direct rule is not possible due to cultural differences so they are working around it. It will bring stability to the region. This plan will be enacted when the europeans are busy with some war:lolbron:
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