The World And Multiverse Explained Thru Hamites Wisdom


Ok what I am about to tell you guys is going to sound absolutely rubbish, ludicrous, even heathen like to some and to most the rantings of a mad man or schizophrenic. But lend me your ear and eyes as to explain what I found. Now the multiverse isn't really anymore considered ludicrous and is just unproven but thru probability mathematics we could calculate its extremely highly likely and what you see in the cosmos and heavens is only an illusion or horizon and it continues further and possibly into more galaxies, solar systems, and cosmos and this may never end.

Our whole Cosmo could literally be a grain among an infinite amount of grains. Our Cosmo from the big bang could literally be one tv channel on YouTube videos while billions exist and we may have to go thru each channel into infinity which I hope isn't true but hope is faith only and not proven, I hope to fly, but gravity is real and I will fall my hope or faith is irrelevant in natural law.

Deja vu also makes me leans towards there is some telepathy signal from the multiverse that people usually get to remind them they been here before and can be quite vivid. Anyways back to what I want to reveal and unfortunately to the Greek and Roman grandfathers who are the science gods of the west, this is going to sound strange to you due to their scientific method which mind you came from ancient Egypt as they weren't shit till they settled among the hamites and same goes for Persians.

Mathematics is a MAHAMITIC, they added the "TH" as they can't say MAX or the AX due to being neaderthals in their vocal cords and even they admit 2 to 5% is neaderthals DNA in Eur-asians ppl lol, so they say Math not MAX or MAS.

Anyways I wanted to highlight that so you don't need to explode and call me wild for what I'm about to say and may sound as unholy madness. But the earth is physical yet imaginary, the actual earth and nature around you is fixed yet it can be non fixed at the same time. What I mean by that is consider your bedroom right now it's fixed dimension but I'm saying it can also have dimension where it's not fixed and can scale to two rooms or infinity. So another example is land it can be fixed and measured and calculated but that's physical and logical dimension this is 3D reality.

But there is another D or dimension which is physical but illogical. So what this means and yes boo me all U want, but the earth is only fixed from our perspective. When the ancients were mapping the world that was the real world in their time physically and not due to any technological limitation, when we die ppl will laugh at us also for thinking there is 7 continents, but their will be more found as the illogical layer which I suspects uses gravity in 5D is what I suspect keeps stretching the planet and shrinking it over time. I hope U understand what I mean the planet could've been flat, an egg shape, even triangle or any shape it desires from gravitational effect and bends it causes. The earth doesn't look the same always and forever is my argument and I suspect this applies to each sun and moons and planet across the universe and multiverse..

So every generation thru out time is living in a time and 3D reality but that's an illusion also as their an illogical or imaginary layer on the earth and cosmos, it's not how U see it. It's like a piece of art maths what U perceive isn't always wat it is.
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I hope this illogical layer in 5D is found so students in the future will know the shape of all the planets, sun, moons and cosmos can Shape shift due to gravity having an unidentified force field that can stretch and shrink anything and thus create any shape it desires, this can mean the planet, moon, suns physical dimensions can change and every generation is working with a planet dimension only real to them in their side of time space and this will be seen as old world lol by next generation as they constantly find new continents and planets, suns, moons, and galaxies, and cosmos.


U can't escape gravity force inside the earth or in space and it can only be different in terms of its effect due to the size of the planet being effected and the sun gravitational field, just like U can't escape climate but the effects of climates are varied right well so Is gravitation.

What's funny ppl think it doesn't actually effect their brain and how that force can be extra strong or weak or varied in between and can work it's natural magic how it pleases, some ppl walking 10 km feels like a breeze while others it can feel like 100 miles depending on terrain, diet, mental health. Same with time and space which are combined like twin as one can't exist without the other.

Space itself has a mind of its own and thru gravity and time can shapeshift all in one person mind or thru multiple ppl mind and behave unpredictable. Imagine a never ending road into infinity that won't come to an end. Imagine earth is just lane on the road and within the one lane it's only one section or unit and that's earth and the Cosmo and multiverse maybe like that with earth replicated into infinity with you in there and possibly in different storyline a hellish one or heavenly one and they have even levels that don't end.

We are all inside space time and gravity and ur minds are too and it doesn't have to be the same for everyone as others can see or feel it differently. Just like how we respond to weather what's hot or cold to you may not be to the next man and vice versa, we need a time and space and gravity feel,see,smell, touch index as we do with weather in temperature and feel.
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Multiverse can be proven thru deduction of logic and reasoning not observation only as that's only a tool among science, but not what science was about not for hamitic tradition anyways.

For example use logic like imagine U said U wanted to walk around the world by foot with no other modes in between such as boat or planes or animals but by purely feet. Do U think the world will end where U complete the walk which won't be even a tenth of the world land mass as we can calculate walking speed and sleep in between and other factors like terrain, weather diet, mental state vs the distance of world mass. We can assume either thru precision or thru probability where U will end not exact spot like a grain but rough area.

The idiot will then say this all the world was as if the world is based on your capped mind lol, but the wise hamites would then educate him not to be unwise as it was a culture purely about wisdom not competition or rat races as everyone was striving to be the best to themselves and ability not compete with others or pkssing contest which is a indo European and Mongolian traditions like their kids and shit and not wise men.

So do U assume universe stops based on observation and tools lol only an unwise would say that it does like the fool who thinks he can travel the world on foot across all land masses in a life time and he would think that was the world well it was to you and your capped mind. Lol as if the universe obeys it's creature mindset, it's us under its law and mercy.


There is 3 dimensions to our reality but there is possibly 7 more or 10 or 12 or 40 as they have deep religious meaning those numbers. It could also be infinite. So their could be voices ppl hear from those dimensions in their mind while in 3D reality and it's not a sickness if they don't respond badly to it and could even be a gift if used wisely and they should be accommodated like autism kids into diverse education system to learn how to multimode their mind in 3D and the other Dimensions contacting it in the multiverse.

The neurodiverse should be able to learn how to live with it and the brain redefined as multi conscious brains and neurotypical and neuro diverse not throw them into mental wards and drug them up to death like animals which has bad outcome for 99% whether physical. emotional, work, social, family and friend side effects due to stigma and irreversible damage from medication.

Their medication reminds me of the shit idol worshippers would eat at temples of gods well this vicious pagan greek god called medicine is known and I'm not your subject as I'm a hamites do that with your European and Mongolian loyalists it may work for them ya juj Iyo majuj

When you do mindfulness do U think ppl hear the same sounds well they do most neurotypical minds but not the neuro diverse as some have deeper hearing and go into multiverse idea or spirit world.

For example do u think sound is capped to our small minds lol no it's also scales into infiinity and we only experiencing a little bit of it.
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I'll give u an example why visual hallucinations are real also from the mind being inside multiverse conscious. In 3D reality imagine a bird leaves s quick poo in a grass and it's infinitely small like a grain and one person saw it while another didn't and when they investigate and find it's so small they can't see it, is one mad and said your hallucinating lol no he did see it while the other didn't same with multiverse not all neurodiverse or neurotypical see visuals, audio tactile, touch, or any of the human senses and reality in thesame degree or perspective as reality is about degrees and perspectives and partially objective only not fully objective.

When I'm unwell I am seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, and even touching the multiverse or spirit world and I'm tagged as unwell but it's just spirit world as anything unknown was called spirits or alien or jins by every generation of man. So stop tagging mentally ill ppl with labels U ego driven punks to make yourselves feel better and superior thru pity or persecution and treating them as lesser beings. Their just different not sick what's sick is you thinking lol who are different are not normal.


As for the moon travel U can believe it or reject it as U don't have proof other them images which can be altered. Once U leave the ground into 30000 feet if their no air pressure in the cabin, U suffocate and therefore I think how do U go above that into some void with no air and their petty backpacks of oxygen makes no sense vs the amount of time spent there lol.

So U can believe or disbelieve untill firm evidence is provided. As for flat earthers feel redeemed as the planet, sun, moon may be all that really exist but we do see other suns in the night and planets if U take telescope. As for the shape of earth it could've been flat, egg. triangle or any shape because gravity has an unidentified force field that can bend it how it wants whether shrink, or expand our planet or any planet.

3D reality and time is the problem which creates our perceptions and observations as fixed but gravity or any natural law is not fixed or capped to our mind so untill we can tap into 5D and more dimensions this is a strong theory what I'm proposing following logical method which is only one tool in science as science is way more then logic in the hamites traditions


When my mind is in this multiverse which isn't up there in the sky but here on earth but concealed under 5D and lower dimensions, lots of ppl are in hell crying or tormented which god sheilds us from by keeping us in 3D and fixed time.

That imaginary area of 5D and higher has hell's of absolutely torment and why I cry randomly when I'm in spiritual disaster as my condition has a mood element they say or bipolar of highs and lows so don't freak if U see me shedding Tears even that isn't accepted to get out of this hell they say and leave the tears in 3D and time world, this area of the immortal is a whole different code from the atomic or Adamic world we know, their laws are far stricter even stricter then hamites of old.

These ppl are wise and unlike us that's why I call em jins as my ancestors did. I'm looking for Jesus, ELYAS, Enoch,Khidr as they reached this level is what has reached us and skipped death. I've yet to find them tho but their could be their clones in here in hell so that will suffice. Religion is for the mortals who fear death and the unknown outcome, the wise don't tho and strive to live to what the immortals did cause we see hell and still function inside of it. U got laws in hell and codes and U do need to get Satan approval and he isn't ever pleased so U need to know when had enough and let it be or U ain't going nowhere as god doesn't have to intervene as we owe something to our faulty being and other spiritual or unknown beings a debt. U need great amount of patience tho that god will come but U keep going also.

They want U to pay if he life debts at a every level of your being or else Allah can't intervene as he is just. Some pray too among them but it's just faith also as their stuck in there hoping U only hope n pray when U don't need nothing or else U keep fighting with all if being and when U have no more then U pray and after U pray U surrender fully not partially mentally and physically. U also ask for if U keep me alive I'll fight again in jihad in this hell.

U don't just pray due to fear or desire but U require nothing or fear nothing as usury is terrible not just financial but it desires and fears.
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We must re understand our concept of the physical world around us and the hidden world which U can call layers or dimensions. We live in 2D world as everything physical has two sides but it's the same coin. There isn't anything with 1 side not even those physical matter which appear dead as their not dead as they move especially plant life and and movement is sign of life but how life presents itself may be deceptive as online and offline due to how energy principle stating everything physical is energy as they move and need fuel and cannot be destroyed or created, that mean death is an illusion of our mind like when we sleep and wake up we don't know where we were and I think death is similar with conscious or awake state shut off and also memories and U just wake up instanteous across the multiverse in any physical species even rocks as they maybe heir own awareness and world

So we are in a 2D world not 3D as silly greek imagined as height, width. Length is still inside 2D of physical objects as , time is 3D and it can be itself erratic and unpredictable as it can slow to crawl like quantum or be as fast as our eyes can react only or technology can capture. U could also imagine it as 1D dimension with time as 2D. It all reports to common origins every physical object which we say is atomic for all living or non living things.
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Dr Osman, bro, are you astrophysicist or philosopher ?

I'm a philosopher at heart so love all sciences from Cosmo to Multiverse to quantum and everything in between and I love natural, Adamic, noahide laws as laws effect all and there is 3 main ones. AL or Adam law world which indont think we can even imagine. NL or Noah natural law and where most of our natural physical world's and being came from after the flood and we still under his natural law which the non spiritual call their gods or science. I also love learning and growth but relative to my ability not a competition. I like a bit of everything yet not to much anything I love diversity not linear or specialties as moderation is key concept that is universal and multiversal and I love to all,y game theory on alll knowledge fields including religious

Then we have Morality Laws O Mankind LAWS. These cover all unknown or known life forms and their law is peace, shalom, Salam,Nirvana principles from EL god of Israelites which belonged Kaanan but got attacked a son of Ham as those Semites love to take what belongs to sons of Ham like some fetish. They had number of prophets and mahdis and they also expect one to come but he under EVE LAW and some say it's ibnal maryama.

Then you have AL god of Allah who reports also to Abraham god of unseen, unheard entity variety but he falls under is Eve Adam from Eden garden in Iraq as they seek rewards or fears theats eve adam emotional god not the first Adamic law or awa cultures in Africa and I think in Australia natives, these are vastly different Adamic principles.

I love spirituality also, philosophy across all knowledge domain as long it's creative and not repetitive like an idolatry ritual of speed learning and memorising. But my true passion is history I can sleep into infinity knowing about the past under desert environment thru gabays and oral history not written history for the idols worshippers of eve gods from Iraq garden to study.
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