The Underlying Issues Surrounding the Existence of Femcels and Incels


Child of Dhu Raydan
The Underlying Issues Surrounding the Existence of Femcels and Incels:

Abstract: The purpose of this peer review study is to investigate the factors that contribute to the formation of groups like Incels and Femcels in societies with high Human Development Index (HDI). Through extensive observation and engagement with individuals in these communities, the study seeks to understand the underlying causes of negative self-perception and problematic attitudes and behaviors. The study also examines the impact of societal factors such as consumerism, individual success, and the elimination of hazards on the formation of these groups. Additionally, the study evaluates the role of cultural and religious traditions in shaping gender identities and the impact of colonialism on cultural and religious decentralization. The study concludes by recognizing that the emergence of Incels and Femcels is a reflection of larger societal issues and the search for identity and purpose in a world that can often feel chaotic and confusing.

Introduction: The formation of groups like Incels and Femcels is a phenomenon that has been observed primarily in societies with high HDI. The purpose of this study is to understand the underlying causes of negative self-perception and problematic attitudes and behaviors among individuals in these communities. Through extensive observation and engagement with individuals in these communities, the study seeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issues surrounding the existence of Femcels and Incels.

Society: The study hypothesizes that in societies with high HDI, individuals are more likely to engage in negative self-perception and develop problematic attitudes and behaviors. The investigation seeks to examine the role that societal factors such as minimalization of negative stimuli, sedation of the public, consumerism, and individual success may play in creating a sense of dissatisfaction among certain individuals. The study argues that the elimination of hazards, problems, and dangers in the Western world has resulted in the creation of new stimuli in the form of societal issues, such as those seen among Femcels and Incels.

Problematic Definitions of Gender and Cultural Connotations: The study focuses on the differences between the perceptions of what constitutes a man or a woman in Afghanistan and Somalia, both of which have distinct cultural traditions within the Muslim faith. It acknowledges that religious teachings play a significant role in shaping gender roles and identities, yet customs and cultural practices often persist despite religious strictures. The Western world, rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition, faces similar issues regarding gender and cultural understandings.

The Impact of Colonialism on Cultural and Religious Traditions: The study evaluates the effect of colonialism on the decentralization of cultural and religious practices and the subsequent shift towards a centralized, secular, and "progressive" mindset. Following independence from colonial rule, many nation-states were encouraged to adopt progressive ideals and abandon traditional customs and cultural identities. Despite relinquishing political authority, colonial powers maintained a significant level of influence through education, resource control, and the recruitment of top students for further education in colonial nations.

Incels and Femcels in the Context: The study concludes by recognizing that the existence of Incels and Femcels is a symptom of larger societal issues and the search for identity and purpose in a world that can often feel chaotic and confusing. The idea that man is the greatest delusion is highlighted in the emergence of these groups, as individuals seek meaning and fulfillment in societies that are increasingly divorced from traditional structures and beliefs in favor for secularism.

Conclusion: This peer review study sheds light on the complex and multifaceted nature of societal norms and beliefs, and the impact these have on individuals and groups like Incels and Femcels. The study recognizes the importance of understanding the underlying causes of negative
Incels and Femcels exist because their self esteem is so low, they'll never use dating apps or go out. Then they'll be surprised as to why they don't have a significant other. Their lack of social skills could potentially be based on neurodivergent thinking, but it's mostly cultural conditioning and a lack of socialization.

For incels specifically, they have essentially fucked up in two ways:

1. They look up shit most people don't give a fk about, and as such, never have anything interesting to say to others in a social setting, so they can never relate to anyone except themselves online.

2. They drunk the Kool aid on the black pill to the point where they completely reject socialization and embrace full blown manic paranoia in regards to social interactions and the make believe idea that there are negative intentions.

Femcels exist because of reason number 1 and because they don't have good friends who are real with them when it comes to relationships. If they had good friends, they'd be real with them on what to do to go out and get a man.

Both groups are usually ethnic, and go through this no man's land zone where they exist in limbo between the restrictive culture that cannot coexist with western values and their westernized upbringing that lures them in but they never go close enough to fully integrate.

The solution is to like normie shit, get better friends, be hygienic, socialize and pick a side: your culture or western culture. You'll either go the dating route or get married. Either way, your -cel issues will be over.
Incels and Femcels exist because their self esteem is so low, they'll never use dating apps or go out. Then they'll be surprised as to why they don't have a significant other. Their lack of social skills could potentially be based on neurodivergent thinking, but it's mostly cultural conditioning and a lack of socialization.

For incels specifically, they have essentially fucked up in two ways:

1. They look up shit most people don't give a fk about, and as such, never have anything interesting to say to others in a social setting, so they can never relate to anyone except themselves online.

2. They drunk the Kool aid on the black pill to the point where they completely reject socialization and embrace full blown manic paranoia in regards to social interactions and the make believe idea that there are negative intentions.

Femcels exist because of reason number 1 and because they don't have good friends who are real with them when it comes to relationships. If they had good friends, they'd be real with them on what to do to go out and get a man.

Both groups are usually ethnic, and go through this no man's land zone where they exist in limbo between the restrictive culture that cannot coexist with western values and their westernized upbringing that lures them in but they never go close enough to fully integrate.

The solution is to like normie shit, get better friends, be hygienic, socialize and pick a side: your culture or western culture. You'll either go the dating route or get married. Either way, your -cel issues will be over.
I can also deconstruction modern masculinity as well and explain how I got over that shit and moved on in life.
Both groups are usually ethnic, and go through this no man's land zone where they exist in limbo between the restrictive culture that cannot coexist with western values and their westernized upbringing that lures them in but they never go close enough to fully integrate.
Majority incels are white cis gender males from Western countries


E pluribus unum
Incels and Femcels exist because their self esteem is so low, they'll never use dating apps or go out. Then they'll be surprised as to why they don't have a significant other. Their lack of social skills could potentially be based on neurodivergent thinking, but it's mostly cultural conditioning and a lack of socialization.
Incels blame their lack of play on everything but themselves, at its core incel ideology is defeatist and childish, instead of working on themselves, incels blame women for being "wh*res" but don't seem to think that maybe the issue is that they never go outside, smell bad, don't have friends, etc.
Majority incels are white cis gender males from Western countries
I'm speaking on ratios in comparison to the overall population. For example in the USA, about 70% of people are white. So although they're the majority, when it comes to overall ratio, those that are ethnic are of a much higher percentage in comparison to the overall population.


E pluribus unum
The solution is to like normie shit, get better friends, be hygienic, socialize and pick a side: your culture or western culture. You'll either go the dating route or get married. Either way, your -cel issues will be over.
What's normie? Cause all those things are just normal human behaviors
Incels and Femcels exist because their self esteem is so low, they'll never use dating apps or go out. Then they'll be surprised as to why they don't have a significant other. Their lack of social skills could potentially be based on neurodivergent thinking, but it's mostly cultural conditioning and a lack of socialization.

For incels specifically, they have essentially fucked up in two ways:

1. They look up shit most people don't give a fk about, and as such, never have anything interesting to say to others in a social setting, so they can never relate to anyone except themselves online.

2. They drunk the Kool aid on the black pill to the point where they completely reject socialization and embrace full blown manic paranoia in regards to social interactions and the make believe idea that there are negative intentions.

Femcels exist because of reason number 1 and because they don't have good friends who are real with them when it comes to relationships. If they had good friends, they'd be real with them on what to do to go out and get a man.

Both groups are usually ethnic, and go through this no man's land zone where they exist in limbo between the restrictive culture that cannot coexist with western values and their westernized upbringing that lures them in but they never go close enough to fully integrate.

The solution is to like normie shit, get better friends, be hygienic, socialize and pick a side: your culture or western culture. You'll either go the dating route or get married. Either way, your -cel issues will be over.
Larping as normal sounds incredibly exhausting but it’s something I have to learn to avoid unnecessary trouble. Putting on a persona to fit in and be liked in general will probably lead to intense burnout once the initial validation of being accepted wears off.
Incels blame their lack of play on everything but themselves, at its core incel ideology is defeatist and childish, instead of working on themselves, incels blame women for being "wh*res" but don't seem to think that maybe the issue is that they never go outside, smell bad, don't have friends, etc.
Hygiene and friends is kind of bluepill nonsense. 99% of incels do that stuff. The reason they don’t get any is because they just look like shit/are non-NT. They complain about this all the time


Child of Dhu Raydan
Larping as normal sounds incredibly exhausting but it’s something I have to learn to avoid unnecessary trouble. Putting on a persona to fit in and be liked in general will probably lead to intense burnout once the initial validation of being accepted wears off.

Hygiene and friends is kind of bluepill nonsense. 99% of incels do that stuff. The reason they don’t get any is because they just look like shit/are non-NT. They complain about this all the time
Hmmm ill shall assess.

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