The State of Palestine



Article (1)
The State of Palestine is a sovereign, independent republic. Its territory is an indivisible unit based upon its borders on the eve of June 4, 1967, without prejudice to the rights guaranteed by
the international resolutions relative to Palestine. All residents of this territory shall be subject to Palestinian law exclusively.

Article (2)
Palestine is part of the Arab nation. The state of Palestine abides by the charter of the League of Arab States. The Palestinian people are part of the Arab and Islamic nations. Arab unity is a goal, the Palestinian people hopes to achieve.

Article (3)
Palestine is a peace loving state that condemns terror, occupation and aggression. It calls for the resolution of international and regional problems by peaceful means. It abides by the Charter of the United Nations.

Article (4)
Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Palestine and seat of its public authorities.

Article (5)
Arabic and Islam are the official Palestinian language and religion. Christianity and all other monotheistic religions shall be equally revered and respected. The Constitution guarantees equality in rights and duties to all citizens irrespective of their religious belief.

๐—ฃ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜ ๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ต๐—บ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ฑ ๐—”๐—ฏ๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐˜€โ€™ ๐˜€๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ต ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ป๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜† ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—ฃ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—œ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ฒ:

To the great Palestinian people, in Gaza, East Jerusalem, West Bank, the diaspora in the refugee camps and abroad. Today we face a monstrous assault on the whole Palestinian people and a clear genocide being faced by all our people.

A massacre is being committed in front of the eyes of the whole world to try to break our will and spirit, to try to remove us from our national homeland and roots, the land of our fathers and grandfathers, who have lived here for thousands of years.

This is a war campaign on Palestinian identity, that has been yet another round in the century-long assault on our people. This is a war on the Palestinian identity and existence.

It is also a mark of shame on those who support and provide political and military cover for this assault. Curse be upon this occupation, those who stand behind it and those who stay silent, as they drop indiscriminate bombs and cause fountains of blood on our children, women and men.

Our defenceless people are paying the highest of costs of this aggression. We have identified a string of our national priorities to the world to confront this aggression.

Our number one priority at this moment, which we are working on with every ounce of power we have, is to stop this barbaric aggression and achieve a ceasefire.

A drop of blood of a Palestinian child, and woman and man, is more valuable to us than the whole world and everything in it.

We want a free, liberated, dignified life for the Palestinian people in our homeland, under a fully-sovereign Palestinian State with Jerusalem as itโ€™s capital. This is our goal and strategy. We will continue the struggle for this goal until it is achieved.

We have fought with all our strength and all our power, the Israeli occupations plans for ethnic cleansing and displacement of the Palestinian people from our homeland. These satanic plans and agenda of the occupation are clear to us.

Their plans are exposed and the Israeli leaders shamelessly state it. We have foiled their ethnic cleansing agenda and will continue to foil any agenda of this nature.

Palestine is our only homeland and there is absolutely no alternative to this. If there are those who must be removed, it is the Israeli occupation.

We have managed to achieve international consensus to reject the Israeli occupations agenda of ethnically cleansing Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

We will continue, with all our might and power, to achieve victory in this war of displacement by remaining on our lands regardless of all the difficulties we face. This is a national, human, and religious duty, before being a political priority.

We will continue to work to provide Gaza with all the necessities of life. Gaza will forever remain a part of Palestine, and will remain our priority.

We reject any attempt of speaking about Gaza as if it were a separate entity from the West Bank and Jerusalem.

We are all under one people, one cause, one struggle, one Palestinian flag, one Palestinian state, one political future.

The PLO crowned decades of struggle through this independence declaration. We will make this a reality for our people sooner rather than later.

We reaffirm there is no way for anyone to achieve security without the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state, according to the international resolutions and right of return.

The world today is more aware and convinced of this view. We will not waiver until we achieve our state, and the occupation will crumble.

To our brave Palestinian people, whenever the darkness and difficulties increase, this means the dawn is closer upon us. The dawn of Palestine will shine soon, god willing, and our sacrifices will not go in vain.

Glory be to our righteous martyrs, liberation for our free prisoners, and urgent good health to our brave injured.
Hamas Charter

The Movement:

1. The Islamic Resistance Movement โ€œHamasโ€ is a Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project. Its frame of reference is Islam, which determines its principles, objectives and means.

The Land of Palestine:
2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to Umm Al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity.

Palestine was Arab since it was settled by the Canaanites

It is not known with certainty what life was like in that region, which later became known as Palestine, but the oldest archaeological discoveries found in Mount Al-Qafra, south of Nazareth, and the sand hills near Tiberias, which date back to the period between 7500 and 3100 BC, confirm that this region witnessed... A kind of simple life. The most important event it witnessed was the founding of the city of Jericho, which historians consider the oldest town in history, and traces of it were found near the town of Ain al-Sultan.

In the late fourth millennium BC, the inhabitants of the region began to learn about copper and use it in some primitive industries, so historians called that period the Copper Stone Age.

Migration of the Canaanites
The first important human migrations to Palestine began at the beginning of the third millennium BC, which was the migration of the Canaanites, who were known by the name of the places where they settled. After a while, there became three languages: Canaanite, Aramaic - the language of Christ, peace be upon him - and Arabic, and Palestine remained called the land of Canaan until the year 1200. BC when it was invaded by Cretan tribes.
The migration of Abraham, peace be upon him

In the third millennium BC, Abraham, peace be upon him, migrated from the town of Ur in Iraq to Palestine, and there he gave birth to Isaac, the father of Jacob, who is also called Israel, and to whom the Israelites belong.

Egyptian Empire
During that period, Palestine was part of the Egyptian Empire, and trade exchange operations were active between them, as evidenced by the Amarna letters discovered in Upper Egypt.

The name of Palestine
Palestine witnessed a series of invasions carried out by the Cretan tribes that settled on the shores of Jaffa and Gaza, so that region was named Palestine after the name of the invading Cretan tribe that merged with the Canaanites, the original inhabitants of the country. The name Palestine was given to all coastal and inland lands that were inhabited by the Canaanites, and with time it prevailed. The Canaanite element, and the entire population of the country became Canaanite Arabs.

The Israelis
Because of the famine that swept Palestine, Jacob, peace be upon him, and his children migrated to Egypt, where his son, the Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him, was in charge of its treasures. This is a story detailed in the Holy Qurโ€™an in Surat Yusuf. The Israelis settled in Egypt and their number increased, but they began to be subjected to persecution during the reign of Ramesses II, so Moses, peace be upon him, decided to take them out to the land of Canaan, and this story was mentioned in the Holy Qurโ€™an in many places.

The Children of Israel stayed in the desert for forty years before they were able to enter Palestine after the death of Moses, peace be upon him, during the era of the Prophet Joshua. David, peace be upon him, was able to establish a kingdom for the Children of Israel in Jerusalem after the Israelis defeated Goliath.

David, peace be upon him, became king and succeeded in uniting the Israelis again and eliminated the differences and wars that existed between them. He was able to defeat the Jebusites, establish the Kingdom of Israel, and take Jerusalem as the capital (Jerusalem) of his kingdom.

After the death of Solomon, the son of David, peace be upon them, in 935 BC, the kingdom was divided among itself, so Judah rose in Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Israel in Samaria, and disputes and wars broke out between the two kingdoms, and each of them sought help from the kings of Egypt or Assyria against the other, which weakened them both and weakened their authority over the population, so it returned. Troubles again.

Demise of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel
Sheshenq, King of Egypt, attacked the Kingdom of Judah in 920 BC and occupied it, so that it became affiliated with the Egyptian state from then on. In 721 BC, the Assyrians attacked the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, occupied them, and imposed tribute on them. The Kingdom of Israel attempted to revolt, but the Assyrians violently suppressed its rebellion and took most of its inhabitants captive to Iraq.

Nebuchadnezzar the Chaldean launched an attack on Palestine in 597 BC. He seized Jerusalem, the capital of Judah, took its king, his family, and most of its leaders captive to Iraq, and established a new king in Jerusalem. In 586 BC, the remnants of the Jews tried to rebel against the Sultan of Babylon in Palestine, so Nebuchadnezzar returned and invaded it again. This time, he destroyed Jerusalem, and Palestine was once again Canaanite Arab, belonging to Iraq, receiving Arab migrations from Syria and the Arabian Peninsula.

Because of the invasions of the Assyrians and Chaldeans, the Jewish state in Palestine disappeared after living for four centuries (1000 - 586 BC) that were full of disputes, wars, and unrest.

This period is considered one of the most important periods of Palestinian history, as the Jews rely on it in their claim of their right to return to Palestine, which they called the Promised Land.

Palestine under Persian occupation
The Persians invaded Palestine in 539 BC and occupied it after they occupied Babylon. Palestine remained affiliated with the Persian state for two centuries, and during their reign the remnants of the Judah tribe returned from the remnants of the Babylonians to Jerusalem.

Palestine under Greek occupation
Alexander the Great's victory over the Persians is considered one of the most important events of the fourth century BC, as he seized control of Syria, Gaza, and Jerusalem and annexed them to the Greek Empire in 332 BC. After his death, his empire was divided among his leaders, so Palestine was under the control of the leader Antichus, who was defeated by the Ptolemies in Gaza in 321 BC. AD, and from then on it became subject to the rule of Antiochus III in Syria in 198 BC.

Since that period, Palestine has been experiencing a state of war and unrest under many countries, such as the Maccabees and the Nabataean Arabs in 90 BC, and it remained under their capital, Petra, until the Romans occupied it.

Palestine under Roman occupation
The Romans occupied Palestine and made it a Roman state subordinate to Rome first, then Byzantium, until the middle of the seventh century AD, when the Arab Muslims conquered it and it became part of the Arab state. During the period of Roman rule, Palestine witnessed the birth of Jesus Christ, son of Mary, peace be upon them, but the Jews denounced him to the Roman governor in the year 37 AD and accused him of disbelief, and what followed was the story of the crucifixion, with its different details in the Islamic and Christian faiths.

Jewish rebellion
The Jews tried to exploit the religious freedom granted to them in Jerusalem since their return from Babylonian captivity in seeking to establish a state of their own, but the Roman ruler, with the help of the Arab population of the country, launched an attack on them in the year 71, occupied Jerusalem, and killed a large number of Jews before they fled to Syria, Egypt, and other Arab countries. .

The last attempt to establish a Jewish state in Palestine was in the year 135 AD, when a Jewish rabbi led a rebellion. The Roman ruler Hadrian attacked them, occupied the Jewish area in Jerusalem, destroyed it, and built a new city in that place, which Jews were forbidden from entering. After that incident, the Jews did not attempt to raise any unrest in Palestine until the advent of the twentieth century, the middle of which witnessed the establishment of the State of Israel, more than two thousand years after the collapse of their state in 586 BC at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar.
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The Islamic conquest of Palestine
Caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq sent several armies in the year 633 to conquer the Levant, led by Amr ibn al-Aas, Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan, Sharhabeel ibn Hasna, and Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah. Yazid defeated the Romans in Wadi Araba, south of the Dead Sea, and pursued them as far as Gaza in the year 634.

Amr ibn al-Aas achieved major victories over the Romans in the Battle of Ajnadayn in the year 634 and conquered Fahal, Baysan, Lod, and Jaffa. When Theodorus, brother of the Roman Emperor Heraclius, assumed command of the Roman army, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ordered his commander, Khalid ibn al-Walid, to head from Iraq to Palestine.

Caliph Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq died, and Omar bin Al-Khattab took over the caliphate after him. He ordered the Islamic armies in Palestine to continue fighting to complete the conquest, and Khaled bin Al-Walid ordered the unification of the Islamic armies into one army. Khaled clashed with the Romans in the Battle of Yarmouk, in which the Muslim victory was a decisive moment in the war. The history of Palestine, where the Romans were expelled from it.

Omar's visit
Patriarch Sophronius stipulated that Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab personally take over the city of Jerusalem, which was then called โ€œAelia.โ€ So Omar came to Palestine and wrote a covenant to the Christians in which he guaranteed them their churches and crosses, and stipulated that no Jews should live in that holy city. Since then, Arab tribes from Syria, the Hijaz, Najd, and Yemen flowed in and inhabited the Palestinian lands, most of whose people became Muslims, and the Arabic language became the dominant language.

Umayyad era 661 - 750
During the Umayyad era, Palestine was affiliated with Damascus and ruled by Suleiman bin Abdul Malik. Among the greatest monuments of that period is the Dome of the Rock built by Abdul Malik bin Marwan in the place from which the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, ascended to heaven on the night of the Night Journey and Miโ€™raj, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was completed by Al-Walid bin Abdul The King, which is the building that is still standing today, and the city of Ramla, where Suleiman bin Abdul Malik built his famous palace and the White Mosque.

Abbasid era 750 - 1258
After the end of the rule of the Umayyad state, Palestine became affiliated with the Abbasid state, and Caliph Al-Maโ€™mun and his son Al-Mahdi visited it. Under the Abbasid state, the process of Arabization increased and new generations arose as a result of intermarriage between the Arab conquerors and the people of the country.
In the third century AH, as a result of the weakness of the Abbasid stateโ€™s grip on many parts of Palestine, the Tulunids were able to control Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Palestine. It is famous monuments during their rule fortify the port of Acre.

Historians consider the fourth century AH a century of political turmoil. The Qarmatians flowing from the Arabian Gulf raided the lands of the Levant and occupied Palestine after causing much destruction and ruin. After that, Palestine was ruled by multiple ruling regimes from the Ikhshidids, Seljuks, and Fatimids, and it was truly a century of chaos.

Crusader occupation 1095 - 1291
Foreign occupation of Palestine returned again at the end of the eleventh century AD. Europe witnessed many political, social, and economic problems, including poverty in raw materials, an increase in population numbers, and disputes between kings and knights and between the pope and kings, so raiding the East was a convenient solution for all parties. The moral charging process began with a sermon by Pope Urban II in the year 1095, in which he demanded that the public rid the holy tomb of Christ from the hands of Muslims and purify Jerusalem of them.

Peter the Hermit led the first military campaigns that lasted two centuries, which were known as the Crusades because they took the cross as their emblem. Peter occupied Ramla, destroyed Jaffa, and besieged Jerusalem with soldiers estimated at forty thousand. After a month of siege, the small Egyptian garrison that was present there surrendered. They entered Jerusalem in 1099 and immediately killed large numbers of its Arab residents, estimated by many historical references at seventy thousand.

The Crusaders declared the establishment of a Latin kingdom in Jerusalem and extended their influence to Ashkelon, Beit Shean, Nablus, and Acre, and settled in Tiberias.

Battle of Hattin
After fierce fighting with the Crusader garrisons, Nur al-Din Zengi succeeded in regaining some cities and emirates, and Saladin al-Ayyubi completed those victories with the famous Battle of Hattin, after which he regained Jerusalem in 1187.

Battle of Ain Jalut
During the era of the Mamluk state, Saif al-Din Qutuz and al-Zahir Baibars were able to repel the Mongol invasion that invaded large parts of the Islamic world in the Battle of Ain Jalut near Nazareth in the year 1259. It was one of the most important and famous Islamic battles.

Final cleansing
Khalil bin Qalawun continued to liberate the rest of the Palestinian cities that remained in the possession of the Crusaders until the country was completely cleansed of them in 1291. Among the Mamluk monuments that are still standing in Palestine until now are some buildings, schools, and the construction of a bridge near Lod, and among their works was the restoration of the Dome of the Rock and the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Ottoman era
The Ottomans defeated the Mamluks in the Battle of Marj Dabiq near Aleppo in 1516 and entered Palestine, which became subject to Ottoman rule from then on for four centuries.

Napoleon's campaign of 1799
France, led by Napoleon, attempted to invade Palestine after occupying Egypt, but the campaign was defeated after arriving in Acre, where it failed to storm the city thanks to its fortifications and the valor of its leader, Ahmed Pasha.
Mohamed Ali
In 1838, Muhammad Ali, the governor of Egypt, decided to expand his kingdom by annexing the Levant. His son, Ibrahim Pasha, succeeded in conquering Al-Arish, Gaza, Jaffa, then Nablus and Jerusalem. Popular revolutions broke out in Nablus and Hebron in protest against Ibrahim Pashaโ€™s severity in his dealings with the people and his imposition of heavy taxes. Muhammad Aliโ€™s rule in the Levant did not last more than ten years, before it returned again to Ottoman rule.

British occupation 1917
After the victory of the British forces over Turkey in World War I under the leadership of General Allenby, Palestine entered in 1917 under the British Mandate until 1948, when it withdrew, making way for the Jews to establish their state in Palestine, which was called Israel. The Zionist gangs, with the help of Britain and the United States, succeeded in defeating the Arabs in the 1948 war, and they declared the establishment of the State of Israel after an absence from the Palestinian arena that lasted for more than two thousand years.

Division of Palestine
Britain sent a royal commission to Palestine and set its tasks to ascertain the main causes of the unrest and verify how the Mandate was implemented. The commissionโ€™s report confirmed that the causes of the Arab Revolt were summed up in the Palestiniansโ€™ desire to gain their national independence and their refusal to establish a national homeland for the Jews.

The committee proposed ending the mandate over Palestine on the basis of partition and replacing it with a system of treaties similar to what happened in Iraq and Syria, and establishing two states, one of which is Arab and includes Transjordan with the Arab-Palestinian section that the committee identified, and the second is a Jewish state in the Palestinian section that the committee decided should be for the Jews, on the condition that The two treaties should include strict guarantees for the protection of minorities in the two countries, and that military covenants should be attached to them regarding the establishment of naval, land and air forces and the maintenance of ports, roads, railways and oil pipelines.

Outside the borders of the two states, the committee called for there to be a third region that would include Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and facilitate communication with the sea through a corridor extending from Jerusalem to Jaffa in the north and the cities of Lydda and Ramla. The committee stipulated that this region remain under the mandate and that the Balfour Declaration not apply to it, and that the English language be The only language in it.

It proposed that in exchange for the Arabs losing their lands, the Jewish state would pay a financial aid to the Arab state when the partition was implemented. Of course, the Arabs rejected the committeeโ€™s report. As for the Jews, despite the committeeโ€™s proposal to grant them a Jewish state, they rejected the report because it violated the Balfour Declaration, which pledged to give all of Palestine to the Jews.
On September 13, 1937, British Foreign Minister Eden presented Britainโ€™s policy regarding the partition project before the League of Nations and proposed sending a technical committee to develop a detailed plan for partition. In light of the rejection of the Arabs and Jews, the implementation of the partition project was postponed, and then British-American efforts to persuade the Arabs of this idea became active again in 1945 through the joint Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry, and through the Morrison and Piven projects in 1946 and 1947.

The scene of events shifted from the League of Nations in the 1930s to the corridors of the United Nations in the 1940s. Britain announced its historic decision to abandon the mandate in early April 1947 and asked the Secretary-General to present the Palestinian issue in a special session.

On April 28, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly held a special session on the Palestinian issue in which it was decided to form an international commission to investigate. Four months after the committee was sent to Palestine, its report was similar to the report of the British Royal Commission, as it recommended maintaining the religious character of all holy places and adopting peaceful means to approve any solution.

The third recommendation that concerned us in this presentation was the division of Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The borders of the Arab state consist of Western Galilee, mountainous Nablus, and the coastal plain extending from Ashdod, south of Jaffa, to the Egyptian border, including the Hebron region, Mount Jerusalem, and the southern Jordan Valley, and an area of This country is 12 thousand square kilometers. As for the Jewish region, it consists of the Eastern Galilee, Marj Ben Amer, the largest part of the coastal plain, the Beersheba region, and the Negev.

The area of this area, which is considered the most fertile Palestinian land, is 14,200 square kilometers. As for the holy places, they include the city of Jerusalem and its region. They are placed under international trusteeship, and the United Nations Trusteeship Council appoints a non-Arab and non-Jewish ruler for this region.

At a session held by the United Nations on September 23, 1947, it was decided to transfer the project to a special committee formed from representatives of all member states, including a Jewish representative and a Palestinian representative. The Palestinian delegate rejected the project after a historical review of the roots of the Palestinian issue, while the Jewish delegate announced his approval of the project. The project with its demand to annex Western Galilee and the Jerusalem region to the Jewish state.

On November 29, 1947, the partition project was put to a vote and was approved by a majority of 33 votes, 13 against, and ten countries abstained from voting. On March 15, 1948, Britain announced the end of the Mandate over Palestine, declared evacuation in August of the same year, and confirmed that it would not exercise any administrative or military powers.

Original text in Arabic

Disclaimer: I let AI do the translation, and have not done corrections of apparent translation errata.
The ancient history of Palestine (from origins to Islam) by Tariq Al-Suwaidan

The first to inhabit Palestine
It is not known exactly when man inhabited the land of Palestine, but many indications indicate that the first people to inhabit Palestine were a group of tribes called the โ€œNatufians,โ€ in the 14th century BC, and they have traces that indicate them, but no one knows: Who are they? What is their origin? Where did they come from? However, they are the owners of the oldest antiquities discovered there so far.

In the 8th century BC: traces were found indicating its beginning in the city of Jericho, which is considered the oldest city in the world, and this continued until the middle of the 4th century BC.

The first established traces of people settling in Palestine go back to the โ€œCanaanitesโ€ and โ€œAmorites,โ€ who are Arab tribes who entered Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. This is proven in the history of Palestine, and historians, both Eastern and Western, agreed upon it. As for the Jews, they were not mentioned in this history, but rather The first mention of them came several centuries later.

The Arab tribes in Palestine were divided into sections:
  • Canaanites: They lived in the plains of Palestine.
  • The Jebusites: They settled in the Jerusalem area.
  • The Phoenicians and Amorites: They lived in the mountains.

The ancient name of Palestine
The ancient name โ€œPalestineโ€ has deep historical roots. The name is derived from the word โ€œPhilistimโ€, which referred to the indigenous Philistines, an ancient people who lived in the region. This ethnic group is mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts and in the Old Testament of the Bible, where they were called the Philistines or Philistines.

In ancient times, the region was known by different names based on the civilizations that controlled it or the languages used. For example, in Greek and Roman texts, the region was known as โ€œPalaestina.โ€

Over time, the name โ€œPalestineโ€ came into use to refer to the entire region that includes the historical lands of the Palestinian people.

The first to use the name Palestine

The name โ€œPalestineโ€ goes back to the peoples who came from the Mediterranean Sea, including the โ€œIsland of Creteโ€, after they were struck by famine and attacked the shores of the Levant and Egypt, and โ€œRamses IIIโ€ repelled them in the famous Battle of โ€œLuzineโ€.

Then, after negotiations, they were allowed to live in southern Palestine in areas called โ€œBelestโ€, so they were called โ€œBelistenesโ€ and their land was known as โ€œBelestineโ€. They were neighbors with the โ€œCanaanitesโ€ and Jebusites, its original inhabitants, and then their lineages and languages mixed.

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History of the Jews in Palestine
Abraham, peace be upon him, lived in Palestine. The Prophet of God, Abraham, peace be upon him, was sent to the city of Babylon in Iraq, then he immigrated to the Levant and from there to Egypt, then he returned and settled with his wife Sarah in the city of Hebron in Palestine, and there Sarah gave him her maid, Mrs. Hagar, so he married her and had Ishmael from her. " peace be upon him,

Then the divine command came to him to take Hagar and Ishmael and leave them in Mecca. When he returned to โ€œSarahโ€ in Palestine, God granted him โ€œIsaacโ€ from her, peace be upon him, and from his descendants was the Prophet of God, โ€œJacob,โ€ who was called โ€œIsrael.โ€ May the best blessings and peace be upon them all.

In the story of the Prophet of God, Joseph, son of Jacob, after his brothers threw him into the well, and he was accompanied with a caravan to Egypt, where he lived and then became its dear, he was sent to his father Jacob, so he took his family and sons, and they all immigrated to Egypt and settled there, and from here it appears that the children of Israel were immigrants to Palestine. They did not complete a single generation there and left for Egypt. Arab and Western historians have unanimously agreed on this matter.

The migration of Moses, peace be upon him, and the Children of Israel to Palestine

The children of Israel lived comfortably in Egypt during the time of Joseph, peace be upon him, due to the honor of the Pharaoh of that time towards him, and when their numbers increased and its people multiplied after Joseph, peace be upon him.

The Egyptians weakened them and humiliated them, so they became slaves, and the matter reached the point where the Pharaoh of Egypt issued the order to kill their male children, so God sent Moses, peace be upon him, to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt and return them to Palestine, and they saw the nine great signs and miracles with which God supported him.

On the migration journey, Pharaoh and his soldiers followed them, so God drowned them in the sea. In Sinai, they passed by a people who worshiped idols, so they asked Moses, after everything they had seen, to make gods for them like these.

What flaw in faith and what bad thinking?! Then Moses, peace be upon him, preceded them to Mount Al-Tur to speak to his Lord, so they worshiped the calf, and Mount Al-Tur rose above their heads like a cloud, and then they said, โ€œWe hear and we obey,โ€ while they were hesitant.

Then they continued their journey to Palestine, and when they were ordered to enter Jerusalem, they said to Moses: {They said, โ€œO Moses, we will never enter it as long as they remain in it, so go you and your Lord and fight. We are sitting here.โ€}

Glory be to God. The prophets did not pass by a people with such meanness, a people who saw miracles and then miracles and refused to obey and surrender, so Godโ€™s punishment came to them.

God afflicted the children of Israel with a forty-year wandering from Jerusalem, during which the story of the cow happened and they saw miracles. Aaron died during it, and after him Moses, who called on God: (Lord, make me safe near the Holy Land), so the Angel of Death captured his soul a stoneโ€™s throw away from Jerusalem, at a red dune.

David, peace be upon him, and the Kingdom of Israel
After the death of Moses, peace be upon him, in the wanderings, the generation that saw many miracles changed and disbelieved and did not obey, and a new generation came, which the prophets began to raise. Joshua bin Nun led the children of Israel, fought the mighty people, and entered the Holy Land after the miracle of the sun being trapped for him, so that victory could be achieved before Sunset and the beginning of the Sabbath, during which work and fighting are forbidden for them.

After the death of Joshua bin Nun, peace be upon him, the children of Israel were torn apart and dispersed, so God sent prophets to them one by one. Whenever a prophet died, a prophet rose. In fact, three prophets may have met in one village, but disbelief took root in their hearts and they became accustomed to sin and opposition to the prophets. Then the situation developed in them until it reached them to kill the prophets.

Then the Amalekites ruled over them and โ€œGoliathโ€ ruled them, so they took from them their sanctities and their money, the most important of which was the ark containing the staff of Moses and the tablets that were revealed on it. So the children of Israel came to a prophet of theirs and asked him to choose a king to fight under his command.

So God sent โ€œTalotโ€ to them as a king, and they finally fought after stubbornness and disobedience. In his army was โ€œDavid, peace be upon him,โ€ who killed โ€œGoliath,โ€ married Talotโ€™s daughter, and led the children of Israel after him.

David, peace be upon him, established a kingdom for the children of Israel in Jerusalem that lasted (90) years. He ruled part of Palestine up to the coast. It was the first kingdom for the children of Israel in the year (995) BC, and that was (1600) years after the arrival of the Canaanites and the Jebesites in the year (2600). BC, and the children of Israel lived in their new kingdom in some parts of Palestine, and others were inhabited by Canaanites.

In the time of the Prophet of God, Suleiman bin David, peace be upon them, he renovated the building of the ancient Al-Aqsa Mosque, according to Islamic sources, and made fun of the jinn for that. However, in the sources of the Children of Israel, they claim that he built the โ€œTempleโ€ using a large number of soldiers and masons, who were later known as โ€œMasons.โ€ From them came โ€œFreemasonryโ€, and there is no clear statement of its exact place in their books.

Nebuchadnezzar and the demise of the Kingdom of Israel
After (90) years since the establishment of the first kingdom of the children of Israel, the โ€œAssyriansโ€ from Iraq and after them the โ€œBabyloniansโ€ invaded them, and when they wanted to revolt against their rule,

The famous king of the Babylonians, โ€œNebuchadnezzarโ€ or โ€œBukhnezzar,โ€ headed to Jerusalem and besieged it for a year and a half. Then he gained victory because of the sins and transgressions of the children of Israel. He entered it, burned it, and destroyed the โ€œalleged temple,โ€ not leaving one stone upon another. He took (40) thousand of them as captives and captives. .
[ ... ]
How did the Jews occupy Palestine?
The Jewish occupation of Palestine, which led to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, was the result of several complex historical and political factors. Here is an overview of the main events that led to this situation:

The Zionist Movement:
The Zionist movement began in Europe in the late nineteenth century as a Jewish nationalist movement aiming to establish a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine. This was a response to Jews suffering from persecution and anti-Semitism in Europe.

Balfour Declaration 1917:
During World War I, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, a statement expressing the British government's support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, while maintaining the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities located there.

The British Mandate of Palestine: After World War I, the British Mandate of Palestine was established (1920-1948). During this period, Palestine saw increased Jewish immigration and a growth in Jewish infrastructure and institutions.

Arab-Jewish conflict:
With the increase in Jewish immigration, increasing tension and conflict arose between Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This conflict escalated into violence and resistance against both British control and the growing Jewish presence.

UN Partition Resolution 1947:
In November 1947, the United Nations passed the Partition Resolution, which proposed dividing Palestine into two independent states, one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem placed under international administration. The Jews accepted the plan, while the Arabs rejected it.

The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War:
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of the State of Israel. This announcement led to the outbreak of the Arab-Israeli War, in which neighboring Arab countries attacked the new state. The war was over.


All of these points, including the origin of the name Palestine are arguable. The Romans named it Palestina. Why wouldnโ€™t it be called โ€œBelestineโ€?
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The Ottomans watching all the chaos unfold after these Palestinians backstabbed their own Muslim brothers on behalf of British Christian Crusadersโ€ฆ

Let Lawrence of Arabia give yโ€™all a state..


View attachment 307333
The Ottomans watching all the chaos unfold after these Palestinians backstabbed their own Muslim brothers on behalf of British Christian Crusadersโ€ฆ

Let Lawrence of Arabia give yโ€™all a state..
The hashemites were promised a state and they got a vast desert called Jordan. You need to understand the ottomans werenโ€™t Arab and helping the British against them, with the promise of governing land as a reward was enticing.
The hashemites were promised a state and they got a vast desert called Jordan. You need to understand the ottomans werenโ€™t Arab and helping the British against them, with the promise of governing land as a reward was enticing.
These Palestinians were not aware of the Balfour Declaration they are paying the price today after being cucked by Lawrence of Arabia ๐Ÿ’€

The Ottomans were Sunni Muslims who protected the deen and these territories for 600 years and then all of a sudden These Palestinians they side with British crusaders and their descendants are trying to use the Muslim card today.


These Palestinians were not aware of the Balfour Declaration they are paying the price today after being cucked by Lawrence of Arabia ๐Ÿ’€

The Ottomans were Sunni Muslims who protected the deen and these territories for 600 years and then all of a sudden These Palestinians they side with British crusaders and their descendants are trying to use the Muslim card today.
Throughout history the ottomans made no effort to establish a Palestinian state. Like any empire they just ruled over the region and stole their wealth. Thatโ€™s why they were fed up.
Throughout history the ottomans made no effort to establish a Palestinian state. Like any empire they just ruled over the region and stole their wealth. Thatโ€™s why they were fed up.
Ottomans would have eventually granted statehood as they themselves had enough of the empire and wanted their own Turk nation. There was revolt within Turkey against the Ottoman Empire. Just like how the Soviet Union collapsed, the Ottoman Empire wouldโ€™ve collapsed as well.


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