The Somali ethnicity and language probably emerged in Southern Somalia

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Northern Somalia was uninhabited for most of history. The Cushitic ancestors of Somalis migrated from North Sudan via Eritrea through the Awash valley and Ahmar mountain range into the Shabelle basin to Southern Somalia.

The few hunter-gatherers that lived there were chased out to Kenya and Tanzania. Some may have been absorbed, but at a rate of less than 5%. Meaning Somalis are a +90-95% replacement population from Sudan and very distant from Mota-Hadza paleolithic natives of East Africa. Recent studies back this up.

Then the South Cushites split from Lowland East Cushitic in South Somalia. They went to Tanzania. Some proto-Somalis then moved from South Somalia directly into Southwestern Ethiopia mixing with Omotics creating groups like Borana Oromos, Rendilles, Baiso etc. The Konso who speak an Oromo dialect are even majority Omotic. While the Somalis that lived in South Somalia didn't come into contact with Omotics.

This explains why the ''Cushitic'' cluster always peaks in Somalis, because they were the most isolated relative to other Cushitic groups.

Full Y studies will likely show a recent expansion of E-Z813 and T-Y16897 subclades from South Somalia to the North.

Afar E-V6/J1 types probably lived in Northern Somalia before the Somalis and were chased out. The Madhiban\Gaboye with E-V6 and Warsangeli J1s may be a relic of that group.

/Suugo Anthropology



Let's hypothetically assume Somalis originated from southern Somalia? Why would Somalis migrate to the north if it's more arid and dry when they could've migrated further south since it's more fertile? It doesn't make any sense hence why most scholars agree that Somalis originated from the north.

Also, the earliest Somalis that migrated to southern Somalia were Rahanweyn specifically Digil sub-clans like Garre, Tunni and Jiddu during 1000 and 2000 BCE as you can see the sources from below.




This is generally prehistoric (pre-1,000 BCE) and based on genetics & linguistics. So modern sources can't really back up or debunk this.


This is generally prehistoric and based on genetics & linguistics. So modern sources can't really back up or debunk this.

It still doesn't make sense for ancient Somalis to move from fertile lands to non-fertile lands when they could've migrated to more fertile lands like Kenya and Tanzania. I'm sorry but this theory is absurd, shambolic and there is no evidence to support this basis.


It still doesn't make sense for ancient Somalis to move from fertile lands to non-fertile lands when they could've migrated to more fertile lands like Kenya and Tanzania. I'm sorry but this theory is absurd, shambolic and there is no evidence to support this basis.

They went North after the camel was introduced.

U6a2 is common marker shared between Copts and Bejas/Eritreans/Agaws not found in Somalis. It looks like a marker of the Puntites.

IMO, Somalis weren't part of Punt.

Anyone with a 23andMe account can confirm. Almost no Somalis have U6a2.


They went North after the camel was introduced.

U6a2 is common marker shared between Copts and Bejas/Eritreans/Agaws not found in Somalis. It looks like a marker of the Puntites.

IMO, Somalis weren't part of Punt.

Anyone with a 23andMe account can confirm. Almost no Somalis have U6a2.

Land of Punt covered modern day Somaliland where Somalis originated from and who said Puntites did not have the same Haplogroup as Somalis?

Also, throughout all sources. Most scholars agree Somali origins originate from the north since the oldest Somali bones where found in the north including our cultural materials.


Land of Punt covered modern day Somaliland where Somalis originated from and who said Puntites did not have the same Haplogroup as Somalis?

Also, throughout all sources. Most scholars agree Somali origins originate from the north since the oldest Somali bones where found in the north including our cultural materials.

Explain why Somalis don't have U6a2? While Agaws do. It does not look like an Arabian/Yemenite introduced lineage, but clearly from North Africa.

It can only be explained by Somalis not being part of Punt and being isolated somewhere between the Jubba and Shabelle region.


Explain why Somalis don't have U6a2? While Agaws do. It does not look like an Arabian/Yemenite introduced lineage, but clearly from North Africa.

It can only be explained by Somalis not being part of Punt and being isolated somewhere between the Jubba and Shabelle region.

I've already given you sources that Rahanweyn sub-divisions migrated to the south during 1000 and 2000 BCE and Samaale branch began moving south in the first century. This is all recorded as a basic history of Somali migration.

Somalis have always lived in the north. No other humans have inhabited there and Land of Punt civilization covered northern Somalia. I mean Land of Punt ruins like pyramids, temple and tombs have been found. @NourUgaas can tell you about Awdal region and ancient Punt ruins. Heck, watch this news below where a museam of Somaliland shows you Puntite statue heads, items and etc.

Lastly, I never claimed Somalis to have U6a2.
I've already given you sources that Rahanweyn sub-divisions migrated to the south during 1000 and 2000 BCE and Samaale branch began moving south in the first century. This is all recorded as a basic history of Somali migration.

Somalis have always lived in the north. No other humans have inhabited there and Land of Punt civilization covered northern Somalia. I mean Land of Punt ruins like pyramids, temple and tombs have been found. @NourUgaas can tell you about Awdal region and ancient Punt ruins. Heck, watch this news below where a museam of Somaliland shows you Puntite statue heads, items and etc.

Lastly, I never claimed Somalis to have U6a2.


You are right, Somalis originated from the North. There is no doubt about that. Southern Somalia was colonised by Somalis.


Punt was in Eritrea and North Ethiopia and likely some geneflow happened between them and the Egyptians that Somalis weren't involved in (at least U6a2, probably others if I look into it).

The Somali Punt claims are cringy revisionist history.


You are right, Somalis originated from the North. There is no doubt about that. Southern Somalia was colonised by Somalis.

All the evidence is for the reverse.
Punt was in Eritrea and North Ethiopia and likely some geneflow happened between them and the Egyptians that Somalis weren't involved in (at least U6a2, probably others if I look into it).

The Somali Punt claims are cringy revisionist history.

I'm not surprised you always cheerlead for shisheeye even though you know that our lands produce frankincense more than any other country in the region and the best too. Also it was very accessible by sea unlike the Ethiopian Highlands.

Your statement is incorrect this time @Amun


Punt was in Eritrea and North Ethiopia and likely some geneflow happened between them and the Egyptians that Somalis weren't involved in (at least U6a2, probably others if I look into it).

The Somali Punt claims are cringy revisionist history.

North Sudan and parts of Northeast Ethiopia and North Eritrea were part of Land of Kush, not Land of Punt.

Like I said, explain why ancient Punt ruins is found in northern Somalia more than any parts of Africa? It literally has pyramids, temple and tombs. Plus, Somalis are not claiming anything. It's backed up by many foreign scholars too who done some research in Somaliland and Puntland.
I'm not surprised you always cheerlead for shisheeye even though you know that our lands produce frankincense more than any other country in the region and the best too. Also it was very accessible by sea unlike the Ethiopian Highlands.

Your statement is incorrect this time @Amun

Boswellia papyrifera was the frankinscense of antiquity. It is widespread in the Sudan and the Gash area at the Sudan/Ethiopian border.
Northern Somalia was uninhabited for most of history. The Cushitic ancestors of Somalis migrated from North Sudan via Eritrea through the Awash valley and Ahmar mountain range into the Shabelle basin to Southern Somalia.

The few hunter-gatherers that lived there were chased out to Kenya and Tanzania. Some may have been absorbed, but at a rate of less than 5%. Meaning Somalis are a +90-95% replacement population from Sudan and very distant from Mota-Hadza paleolithic natives of East Africa. Recent studies back this up.

Then the South Cushites split from Lowland East Cushitic in South Somalia. They went to Tanzania. Some proto-Somalis then moved from South Somalia directly into Southwestern Ethiopia mixing with Omotics creating groups like Borana Oromos, Rendilles, Baiso etc. The Konso who speak an Oromo dialect are even majority Omotic. While the Somalis that lived in South Somalia didn't come into contact with Omotics.

This explains why the ''Cushitic'' cluster always peaks in Somalis, because they were the most isolated relative to other Cushitic groups.

Full Y studies will likely show a recent expansion of E-Z813 and T-Y16897 subclades from South Somalia to the North.

Afar E-V6/J1 types probably lived in Northern Somalia before the Somalis and were chased out. The Madhiban\Gaboye with E-V6 and Warsangeli J1s may be a relic of that group.

/Suugo Anthropology
@MARAQ DIGAAG @Factz @Grant @Thegoodshepherd @World @Prince Abubu et al.
I am on a train and will read this as soon a get home and find a comfy toilet seat .



So what? The Sudan and Ethiopian border was under Land of Kush, not Land of Punt. Plus, most of the worlds frankinscense is located in northern Somalia and at least 82% of the worlds frankinscense is found in northern Somalia. Historically the ancient Egyptians traded through sea towards northern Somalia (Land of Punt).


I don't believe in the single migration theory, I think there have been many migrations going from north to south and south to north.
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