The Mad Confessions.Why I Am A Proud Qabili

Then you are mareexan dumashi:hemad:
Kendrick Lamar Smiling GIF


arenโ€™t you an atheist ๐Ÿ’€

I love my ancestors first
1 more middle aged qabilist on top of the pile of darood,hawiye,isaqq etc filth encompassing the somali race.

however i respect open qabilists more than those that say somalia hanololato and hate their kin the next moment.

I'm a qabiili and loud and proud and open I love my ancestors then this ethnic language race union mumbo jumbo.

Lions are tribes and they look the same and speak the same but separated into prides. Yes tribe is pride.

f*ck ethnic ideologies.

Plus my qabiilism is love of my people and to seek their greatness its not harm of other clans as I could care less for other clans and what they do cause it's not my burden. Where as the true sick.qabili is someone who doesn't do any positive for their clan but just tries to fight clans oo tashaday and then in public talk or sing about somalinimo but their heart is a cancerous hatred for beelo tashday while they can't control their own clansmen.

I ain't hiding in your mountains doing terror cause u don't even matter to me. I ain't doing isbaaro on your aid or scholarship like the sfg does to PL. For me to hate you or war with you it would mean you mean something and to be quite honest you don't and that's why PL don't care for GM or HS or SW or SL.

You don't get it I' landheere u don't even exist to us forget us trying to harm you cause you need to matter first and u don't to puntite.

