The Mad Confessions.Why I Am A Proud Qabili


Call me mad if you want but this is the confessions on why I'm a qabili.

1. I ain't waiting for a Somalinimo that hasn't come for 34 years
2. Why do I have to fake loving some nation that did nothing positive for my clan and only negative since 1880
3. I saw the miserable face of Boqor Osman in Mogadishu after his sultanate was forcefully sacked by Italy, essentially a forced union
4. I saw our former kingdom giving foreign aid to the Khaleej, if we would've remained a kingdom we may have been a Somali Khaleej
5. I pay mag(social insurance) not at a Somali level but at a clan level, Somalis won't protect me but my clan will so they are my first loyalty
6. I feel more at home among my clan, it's my ancestoral home, stories and history and it has a duty on me to safeguard and develop
7. I haven't seen a single benefit from Somalinimo just total losses even when we neglected our homeland building up Mogadishu, that's proof only we believed in it.
8. The amount of massacres we had to endure from sayid abdulle, colonials, siyad barre, USC, alitihaad, SFG has woken me that this idealogy is a cancer
9..Since 2000 to 2004 Abdiqasim Salat crafted PL civil war in 2001. From 2009 to 2024 every new govt has made it their mandate to war with PL or do aid and scholarships isbaaro.
10. We saved Mogadishu and set up the recovery course their on from a total vacuum only for them to use the SFG to harm PL

May Somalinimo be made an illegal idealogy, it's a sickening idea created to harm PL only as the langaabs in Somalia gang up together.


If I had the power I'd throw that sickening ethnic idealogy into flame of πŸ”₯
Youre The Best Ryan Reynolds GIF by CBC
Call me mad if you want but this is the confessions on why I'm a qabili.

1. I ain't waiting for a Somalinimo that hasn't come for 34 years
2. Why do I have to fake loving some nation that did nothing positive for my clan and only negative since 1880
3. I saw the miserable face of Boqor Osman in Mogadishu after his sultanate was forcefully sacked by Italy, essentially a forced union
4. I saw our former kingdom giving foreign aid to the Khaleej, if we would've remained a kingdom we may have been a Somali Khaleej
5. I pay mag(social insurance) not at a Somali level but at a clan level, Somalis won't protect me but my clan will so they are my first loyalty
6. I feel more at home among my clan, it's my ancestoral home, stories and history and it has a duty on me to safeguard and develop
7. I haven't seen a single benefit from Somalinimo just total losses even when we neglected our homeland building up Mogadishu, that's proof only we believed in it.
8. The amount of massacres we had to endure from sayid abdulle, colonials, siyad barre, USC, alitihaad, SFG has woken me that this idealogy is a cancer
9..Since 2000 to 2004 Abdiqasim Salat crafted PL civil war in 2001. From 2009 to 2024 every new govt has made it their mandate to war with PL or do aid and scholarships isbaaro.
10. We saved Mogadishu and set up the recovery course their on from a total vacuum only for them to use the SFG to harm PL

May Somalinimo be made an illegal idealogy, it's a sickening idea created to harm PL only as the langaabs in Somalia gang up together.
Couldn’t agree more Dr.Osman. Muslim and Majeerteen.
1 more middle aged qabilist on top of the pile of darood,hawiye,isaqq etc filth encompassing the somali race.

however i respect open qabilists more than those that say somalia hanololato and hate their kin the next moment.
being qabilist whilst leaving in the west is genuinely pathetic lowlife behaviour
if i insult hawiye and ure offended then youre a qabilist aswell, im ogaden and i dont care for the name. I care only for the somali name not for clan as my ehlu-sunnah father did before AUN.

A country like somalia needs individuals who are stoic and have no second loyalties even if its just 1000 of them their loyalty should be to somalis as whole not to some worthless clan. As it was said before

"i think therfore i am"

just this small group is enough to supplant the weak mental state of the 30 million somalis and guide them to be better. Our end goal is to have the third generation after us be completely cleared of clan.

You're young so i encourage you to read about enchridion of epictetus he will make you think harder on yourself and those around you.


β€œla vie en roseπŸ₯€ ~”
if i insult hawiye and ure offended then youre a qabilist aswell, im ogaden and i dont care for the name. I care only for the somali name not for clan as my ehlu-sunnah father did before AUN.

A country like somalia needs individuals who are stoic and have no second loyalties even if its just 1000 of them their loyalty should be to somalis as whole not to some worthless clan. As it was said before

"i think therfore i am"

just this small group is enough to supplant the weak mental state of the 30 million somalis and guide them to be better. Our end goal is to have the third generation after us be completely cleared of clan.

You're young so i encourage you to read about enchridion of epictetus he will make you think harder on yourself and those around you.
I don’t like it whenever any Somali clan gets insulted it’s my instinct tbh I’ve seen Somalis say the most dehumanising things to each other over clans it’s disgusting primitive behaviour.I’m Somali before I’m Da’uud nothing more obviously I’m proud to have a clan but other than that I really dgaf


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
This guys posts sometimes resonate with me wallah idk why.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
We need to have a Somali state that is strong in order to take Somali Galbeed back from Ethiopia when it collapses. We have a land area the size of Germany i.e Somali Galbeed ruled by Christian raw meat eaters. Every single Somali should feel terrible shame about this fact.

We need ethnic unity in order to be able to wrest that land back and join it to Somalia. Our long term enemy is Ethiopia and specifically the Oromo. We have unsettled business to finish. Our beef with urur Samaale can wait until we have managed to take back everything between Moyale and Ma’ayso. Rag aan dumarka isa siino cadaawad fog koley inagama dhaxeen karto. We can make Somalia a 1,000,000 sq km country.


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