The Land of Punt was located in Eritrea according to Scientists

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
Ancient Egyptians traded with people in what is today coastal Eritrea to bring baboons to their temples, according to a new study of baboon mummy DNA.

Ancient Egyptians were big fans of baboons, which they associated with the god Babi, a god of the underworld and the deity h, who was sometimes depicted with the head of a baboon. They kept the monkeys in captivity, removing their sharp incisors so they were less dangerous, and often mummified them as offerings to the gods. But as far as anyone can tell, baboons have never naturally occurred in Egypt, said Gisela Kopp, a geneticist at the University of Konstanz in Germany and the leader of a new study on the baboon DNA.

"There were these stories that they got them from Punt, this fabled, mysterious land," Kopp told Live Science.

Though Punt was mentioned in ancient Egyptian documents, it was never identifiable on a map. In 2020, Nathaniel Dominy, a primatologist at Dartmouth College used molecules from ancient baboon mummy teeth to reveal the baboons' diets in early life; he found that they came from a region encompassing modern-day Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The baboons in that study dated back to Egypt's New Kingdom, between 1550 B.C. to 1070B.C. It was the first hard evidence for the location of Punt.



Everything unuka leh

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
You have to look at this news from the perspective of these researchers, Somalia’s flora, fauna and ancient sites are off-limits to them, yet they want the credit and fame of rediscovering an ancient kingdom, so they will move ahead with the country they do have access to, which is Eritrea. In the process they will have to ignore that identical baboons are also present in the northern regions of Somalia, and that a specific variety of frankincense found in Ancient Egyptian tombs can only be sourced from Somalia.

via @Somali_patriotic;



Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Punt was eastern Cushitic thing Somali and oromo,afar etc all included, this has nothing to do with habesha Eritreans also this old, hundred studies has been done proving it also was in northern Somalia


HA Activist.
Meeehhh SL being included doesn’t really mean much tbf. The more time goes by the more convinced I am that the role of pastoralists in these ancient trade routes/relations was just secondary. Barely any region in the horn has the archeological proofs of being at one point a center of power but Eritrea/Tigray. Aksum for exemple sourced a lot of its trading goods from territories it didn’t occupy.


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