The Ikhwaani Obsession With Politics & Current Affairs | Ust Abu Salma Mohammad Aideed


Ikwani are weird. they attack Saudi and call for rebellion because of recent sinful activity, but their leaderships have praised Israel and belittle Allah.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Ikwani are weird. they attack Saudi and call for rebellion because of recent sinful activity, but their leaderships have praised Israel and belittle Allah.

I forget where I saw this but I remember saw someone point this out- the ikhwanis, with how they work... if Saudi was on good terms with them- they would be praising Saudi. it's all about politics with them.

this is why they criticize Saudi for spending money on football/soccer players but were praising Qatar when they had some... I think it was the world cup or something in Qatar. and Qatar spent a bunch of money. so when Saudi does it, they attack Saudi, when Qatar does it, they praise Qatar.

they would have people think it's all about din but really with them it's about politics.
I forget where I saw this but I remember saw someone point this out- the ikhwanis, with how they work... if Saudi was on good terms with them- they would be praising Saudi. it's all about politics with them.

this is why they criticize Saudi for spending money on football/soccer players but were praising Qatar when they had some... I think it was the world cup or something in Qatar. and Qatar spent a bunch of money. so when Saudi does it, they attack Saudi, when Qatar does it, they praise Qatar.

they would have people think it's all about din but really with them it's about politics.
Saudi is truly lucky they have you advocating for them for free 😂 what a dhaabo dhilif.. at least get paid you sucker

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Saudi is truly lucky they have you advocating for them for free 😂 what a dhaabo dhilif.. at least get paid you sucker

Who is pushing the anti-Saudi thing?

-"Human Rights" NGOs
-literal AQ types
-the Western media machine

these people are all sinister. and I think it's interesting that the ikhwanis have a giant, vast, incredibly well-funded media machine while myself opposing them am like a guerilla fighter with an old outdated weapon and almost zero resources while the ikhwani side has tanks and air support. why is the ikhwani ideology so extremely well-funded???? where are they getting this money from???


-Al Jazeera (now their host Mehdi Hasan is on MSNBC... I can't imagine any Salafi would be welcome on there)
then you have the giant Western propaganda apparatus helping them out as well.
then you have some alleged defenders of Islam joining in as well and framing this as some sort of resistance. I don't know since when a fight for Islam is helped in funding by George Soros.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
even this Deobandi has noticed this same thing I was just talking about

and I've been saying it for years.

and this guy talks about it too

I don't care how many people insult, mock me, attack me, whatever. I am firmly convinced my position is correct. I don't want to be on the same side as CNN and George Soros and I really doubt a true struggle in the interest of Islam and the Islamic sharia is going to be backed by those kinds of forces.


this is the version with the subtitles

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Who is pushing the anti-Saudi thing?

-"Human Rights" NGOs
-literal AQ types
-the Western media machine

these people are all sinister. and I think it's interesting that the ikhwanis have a giant, vast, incredibly well-funded media machine while myself opposing them am like a guerilla fighter with an old outdated weapon and almost zero resources while the ikhwani side has tanks and air support. why is the ikhwani ideology so extremely well-funded???? where are they getting this money from???


-Al Jazeera (now their host Mehdi Hasan is on MSNBC... I can't imagine any Salafi would be welcome on there)
then you have the giant Western propaganda apparatus helping them out as well.
then you have some alleged defenders of Islam joining in as well and framing this as some sort of resistance. I don't know since when a fight for Islam is helped in funding by George Soros.
You suck at logic. Saudi having entities that oppose them doesn’t necessarily mean that they (Saudi) are rightful possessors of righteousness and moral conduct.
You suck at logic. Saudi having entities that oppose them doesn’t necessarily mean that they (Saudi) are rightful possessors of righteousness and moral conduct.

Madkhalis are all about protecting the western puppets in Saudi and not Islam. That much is obvious to all.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
You suck at logic. Saudi having entities that oppose them doesn’t necessarily mean that they (Saudi) are rightful possessors of righteousness and moral conduct.

you can justify jumping on a Soros-funded bandwagon all you want but I'm not looking to do so.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Madkhalis are all about protecting the western puppets in Saudi

isn't that basically identical to how Al-Shabaab talks about the Somali government? I guess you're not openly making takfir but you don't seem very far from it either.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
Madkhalis are hilarious.MBS will use them untill he can do the final death blow to the cult of Bin Abdulwahaab in Saudi Arabia.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Madkhalis are hilarious.MBS will use them untill he can do the final death blow to the cult of Bin Abdulwahaab in Saudi Arabia.

so-called "Madkhalis" aren't actually puppets of anyone. just because "Madkhalis" aren't doing things like giving anti-government sermons from the mimbar doesn't mean that "Madkhalis" are puppets of the government.

Imam Hanbal refused to stir up revolt against the government that persecuted him and said the Quran is created... but he wasn't remotely a puppet of the government.

real puppets are people like these fake Western scholars who change the rulings on things to appease the West. for all the rhetoric against Salafis, Salafis do not believe at all in trying to change the rulings on things at the behest of rulers. Salafis don't generally do the anti-government-sermon-from-mimbars thing but Salafis insofar as they are adhering to the minhaj don't budge an inch when it comes to the rulings on things.

You "anti-Madkhalis" for the sake of your agenda are playing with what a "scholar of the sultan" actually is.

A scholar of the sultan changes the rulings at the behest of the ruler. Just someone not talking about the government in public and not going along with some NGO-backed anti-government movement is not a scholar of the sultan, all of that is perfectly normal and consistent with the sunnah in a way that long predates the Saudi state or Sheikh Rabee Madkhali.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
so-called "Madkhalis" aren't actually puppets of anyone. just because "Madkhalis" aren't doing things like giving anti-government sermons from the mimbar doesn't mean that "Madkhalis" are puppets of the government.

Imam Hanbal refused to stir up revolt against the government that persecuted him and said the Quran is created... but he wasn't remotely a puppet of the government.

real puppets are people like these fake Western scholars who change the rulings on things to appease the West. for all the rhetoric against Salafis, Salafis do not believe at all in trying to change the rulings on things at the behest of rulers. Salafis don't generally do the anti-government-sermon-from-mimbars thing but Salafis insofar as they are adhering to the minhaj don't budge an inch when it comes to the rulings on things.

You "anti-Madkhalis" for the sake of your agenda are playing with what a "scholar of the sultan" actually is.

A scholar of the sultan changes the rulings at the behest of the ruler. Just someone not talking about the government in public and not going along with some NGO-backed anti-government movement is not a scholar of the sultan, all of that is perfectly normal and consistent with the sunnah in a way that long predates the Saudi state or Sheikh Rabee Madkhali.
I like Madkhalis, you are useful to those of us that want enlightened rulers like MBS to remove the literalist cancer ideology and bring forth a re-egernized Islam fit for the 21st century.

Your scholars are helpful for the agenda now but they will be sent to prison soon enough once the Saudi populace accepts MBS's reforms.Once he finishes off Wahabism, it will start to die off in a few decades
so-called "Madkhalis" aren't actually puppets of anyone. just because "Madkhalis" aren't doing things like giving anti-government sermons from the mimbar doesn't mean that "Madkhalis" are puppets of the government.

Imam Hanbal refused to stir up revolt against the government that persecuted him and said the Quran is created... but he wasn't remotely a puppet of the government.

real puppets are people like these fake Western scholars who change the rulings on things to appease the West. for all the rhetoric against Salafis, Salafis do not believe at all in trying to change the rulings on things at the behest of rulers. Salafis don't generally do the anti-government-sermon-from-mimbars thing but Salafis insofar as they are adhering to the minhaj don't budge an inch when it comes to the rulings on things.

You "anti-Madkhalis" for the sake of your agenda are playing with what a "scholar of the sultan" actually is.

A scholar of the sultan changes the rulings at the behest of the ruler. Just someone not talking about the government in public and not going along with some NGO-backed anti-government movement is not a scholar of the sultan, all of that is perfectly normal and consistent with the sunnah in a way that long predates the Saudi state or Sheikh Rabee Madkhali.
I like Madkhalis, you are useful to those of us that want enlightened rulers like MBS to remove the literalist cancer ideology and bring forth a re-egernized Islam fit for the 21st century.

Your scholars are helpful for the agenda now but they will be sent to prison soon enough once the Saudi populace accepts MBS's reforms.Once he finishes off Wahabism, it will start to die off in a few decades

Madkhalis and liberal "imams" in the west are two sides of the same coin.

Their job is to push forward secularism and liberalization and attack actual Muslims.

At least youre honest about it.
Madkhalis are all about protecting the western puppets in Saudi and not Islam. That much is obvious to all.
Bro let
isn't that basically identical to how Al-Shabaab talks about the Somali government? I guess you're not openly making takfir but you don't seem very far from it either.
Ahahha look at this guy it’s like you’re programmed and reading from a script. We are the furthest away from takfir. Don’t try that card it’s been worn out!

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I like Madkhalis, you are useful to those of us that want enlightened rulers like MBS to remove the literalist cancer ideology and bring forth a re-egernized Islam fit for the 21st century.

Your scholars are helpful for the agenda now but they will be sent to prison soon enough once the Saudi populace accepts MBS's reforms.Once he finishes off Wahabism, it will start to die off in a few decades

if we were genuinely on the same side, you would be portraying us completely differently. you are supporting the "anti-Madkhalis" because they are closer to modernism.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Bro let

Ahahha look at this guy it’s like you’re programmed and reading from a script.

it's like I talked about. I don't have the backing of you guys.

I don't have George Soros and basically every deviant faction as well as the Western media machine out there supporting me... along with youtube celebrities like MH, DH, etc..... plus YQ, Ilhan Omar, liberals in general, etc.

but at the end of the day you "anti-Madkhalis" like I always say- you have zero scholars with you. the imams of the sunnah past and present support our position with regards to rulers.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
another thing is the idea that some government can control Salafis is a hoax. no government can really control Salafiyyah and Salafiyyah goes back to over 1,400 years and will outlive every present government that exists and no government, NGO sponsored movement or deviant faction can change its teachings by an inch.


Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
if we were genuinely on the same side, you would be portraying us completely differently. you are supporting the "anti-Madkhalis" because they are closer to modernism.
No I don't.I despise all Salafis whether Madkhali or J**adi types, the other Salafis are a threat to the nation-state and to human decency as they are terr*orists. Your kind obeys the leader no matter, I can tolerate your kind for awhile but your ideology is dangerous for any society in the 21st century.

MBS is using both of you against the other and by the end of it will finish both of you off in his kingdom.Once both are finished in the kingdom, then the rest of this Wahabi tumour will slowly die in the Islamic World insha'allah.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I think it's kind of funny that resisting the NGOs is being "programmed," "bootlicker," "sellout," and traitor to Islam supposedly. All these things you supposedly are- if you resist the NGOs. If you refuse to march in step with these tentacles of colonialism which are the NGOs and the Western propaganda machine.

It reminds me of something Malcolm X said "you bite when the white man says bite; and you bark when the white man says bark."

you are to bark and bite at Saudi Arabia when Western NGOs, propaganda outlets, liberals and feminazis say to bark and bite or you are every insulting name they can think of. and to bark and bite at their command is being a real true defender of Islam, a modern-day Khaled ibn Walid supposedly.

let people come up with the worst insults and false accusations they can come up with, I reject the Soros-backed anti-Saudi thing just like I rejected the vaccine, climate hysteria, liberalism, feminism and pretty much all the other things funded and backed by Soros and the forces he represents.