The Disturbing Racism in Shi'ism

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

Shia sympathizers, how is your view on the racism in shi'ism?

If slandering the chastity of mother Aisha (who happens to be the wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) is no big deal to you

is the view that blacks are "a distorted creation" also no big deal to you? Do you support the Shia view on blacks?

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
No racism taught in regards to Sunni but a alot of racist Sunnis exist. Shi'ism blatantly says racist stuff in their books which is 100% wrong but the other have members being racist towards black people even while claiming being Sunni which gets swiped under the rug.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
No racism taught in regards to Sunni but a alot of racist Sunnis exist. Shi'ism blatantly says racist stuff in their books which is 100% wrong but the other have members being racist towards black people even while claiming being Sunni which gets swiped under the rug.

yes, racism exists amongst every ethnicity in the world. it has nothing to do with Sunni Islam.


Cushite Arab

Shia sympathizers, how is your view on the racism in shi'ism?

If slandering the chastity of mother Aisha (who happens to be the wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) is no big deal to you

is the view that blacks are "a distorted creation" also no big deal to you? Do you support the Shia view on blacks?
And Ali Ibn Abi Taalib was dark skinned in fact the majority of Sahabas were brown the Arabs back then were Cushites


Cushite Arab
Imagine being racist when all the Arabs were Cushites and the prophet SAW was brown 💀 the greatest Sahaba had very dark skin lil Bilal, Ali, Omar, Ubaada Ibnu Saamit and Mucaawiyah


Cushite Arab
The purest Banu Hashim today are dark skinned
Even in the 10th century (like I explained the Abbasids took over and brought hordes of central Asians and Persians) the family of the prophet SAW experienced racism for being too dark

Ninth century poet Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Al-Abbas ibn Jurayj, known as Ibn Al-Rumi, wrote a long poem to the Abbasids blaming them for the way that they treated the family of the Prophet Mohamed (SAWS). It should be understood that at that time, the Abbasids had become very mixed with the Romans, Greeks, and Persians. Here is part of what Ibn Al-Rumi said in his famous poem called Al-Jeemia:

You insulted them (the family of the Prophet Mohamed) because of their blackness while there are still pure-blooded black-skinned Arabs. However, you are blue (eyed) – the Romans have embellished your faces with their color.”

Sons of Cush got wiped out for their racism

Back in the Ummayad caliphate they'd discriminate the non Arabs and even the new revert non Arabs and they were all pure Arabs back then till the hordes came


Cushite Arab
@Xoxoxo You deny the purest Arabs were dark skinned and got replaced despite the hadiths, now read these backed by historical sources, first of all learn your Deen before you speak so ignorantly, I've sent the paintings of early Arab armies, all depict brown skinned people

The Ummayads saw themselves as superior, they massacred the family of the prophet SAW and discriminated non Arabs and Allah SWT says in the Quran he will always replace bad people for new good people
Now what happened??

The Abbasids arrived with a general from Khurasan leading great armies of Persians and central Asians, they conquered from east Khurasan to Kufa in modern day Iraq, the Abbasids later started massacring the Quraysh and the lands of the Arabs began to get filled with non Arab central Asians and Persians, there are many famous Persian families that assimilated now the 2 largest haplos are J1 and J2 both Persian

Also during conquests they everything in the captured territory is Ghaniima so millions of slaves, and when freed they take the masters tribe, and they had many European ones


Cushite Arab
It says this in the bible
May God extend Japheth’s territory; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be the slave of Japheth.”

The Arabs were defeated and dominated by the descendants of Japheth

Zaid ibn Aslam related that the prophet (SAWS) saw a vision and told his companions about it. He said, “I saw a group of black sheep and a group of white sheep then mixed with the black sheep. I interpreted it to mean that the non-Arab Persians will enter Islam and then share with you your genealogy and your wealth.” The companions became surprised by what he (SAWS) said. Then one said, “The non-Arab Persians will enter our land, Oh Messenger of Allah?!” The Prophet (SAWS) then said, “Yes. By He Who Has my soul in His Hand, if the religion was hanging on the distant star, men from the non-Arab Persians would reach it and the luckiest of them would be the people of Faris.
Pure Arab Mehris:


Descendants of Japheth who took over they even have the Monghol eyes to show the replacement, they use birds to hunt and do their dances because they are descendants of them, after massacring Arabs they married their women and took their geneologies

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
No racism taught in regards to Sunni but a alot of racist Sunnis exist. Shi'ism blatantly says racist stuff in their books which is 100% wrong but the other have members being racist towards black people even while claiming being Sunni which gets swiped under the rug.
Difference between racism in the books than racism by bad individuals.