The Difference Between: Shifa'ah, Istighatha, Tawassul & Clarifying Doubts

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

Shamsi Calls Palestinians Mushriks...By Jalal Abualrub @DUSDawah

I really urge people to stay away from Shamsi. this guy is going to do all kinds of wrong stuff and then people are going to think badly of Salafiyyah because of him
Shamsi never said all Palestinians worship graves. He just said the only country that bans grave worship in public and implements it s Saudi Arabia.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
do you believe sufis who prostrate to graves are mushriks

A person who worships a grave is comitting shirk. I'm not looking to go any further, I'm not out to go around calling people mushrikeen. That is really serious and I'm not looking to get it into that. The Christians are mushrikeen, Hindus, etc. but to call Sufis with that kind of thing... that is really serious and I'm not into that kind of thing. I'm not about to mass takfir sufis or anything like that.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
yes but salafis tend to call people who don't worship graves grave worshippers

ok well I didn't say who is or who isn't worshipping graves. what I said applies only to whoever it is that's worshipping graves. if they worship graves, it applies, if they don't it doesn't. and whatever some other person says or tends to say doesn't reflect on me, I'm not responsible for what some other person says.
idk why but they say they do it out of respect to the person.
The Companions wanted to prostrate to the Prophet peace upon him out of respect just like the Christians but he refused.

Previous nations were allowed, like Yusuf when his parents and siblings prostrated to him out of respect; but the Shariah of our beloved it's forbidden, otherwise he would have allowed it.

If the prostration is for Worship, it's clear Kufr.

