The difference between Isaias Afwerki and IOG


Let him cook
I never understood how Djibouti hasn't become the premier power of the horn by now. It seems everything is in place for them but little to nothing has been done with it. Are they still suffering under the French? Is that what's stopping them from blowing up?
They have a lot going for them compared to rest of Somalia. They have 7 ports and train system, stable albeit corrupt govt so there is peace and stability, make a lot of money from renting out land to militaries. They have cheap electricity from Ethiopia and just also built own wind farm plant. They are way ahead of us. But still poor country compared to rest of world with very harsh climate and very high unemployment
The difference is IOG didn't isolate his nation from outside world nor kept them in dark like Eritreans under Isias who aren't allowed to leave the country without permission from the state.

