The birth of the 3rd Republic

What's worse, HSM doesn't even have the support of all of Hawiye, hell, not even his Abgaal clan, with Sheikh Shariif leading the opposition.

Kheyre- Murursade

Are also against this 'constitution'. He hasn't even built consensus and cooperation within his own Mogadishu.

So, the fact that people are pretending there is some kind of consensus is hilarious. Everyone is pretending that it's only Puntland that is outraged.
After taking control of Xamar, the ICU declared their intention to take over all of Somalia. They swept through the south began invading Puntland as well:

The problem was, Puntland already had an administration of their own that was keeping the peace. They did not need the ICU, nor did they want the ICU in their lands. So the war between the ICU and reer PL was a war that the ICU started.

I think the ICU did a really good job bringing peace to the south, but they were too belligerent. They were not interested in engaging in peaceful dialog with the other administrations in Somalia, instead they wanted to rule everyone by force. So the ICU has no-one but themselves to blame for their downfall. If they engaged in a more conciliatory approach with the people in other regions, perhaps things would be different in Somalia.
But they did engage in talks with PL. It was only after a car bombing that killed AY's brother that he decided to invite Ethiopians in.
How is that nonsensical? You yourself are admitting to me right now, that some of ICU's courts were extremists. "Show me who your friends are"

As for Dahir Aweys, he's the same guy who attacked Puntland in the 90s, to wage "Jihaad". We had plenty of experience with him and his friends.
She's right. Only 2 of the 13 courts we're radicals. Shiekh Dahir Aweys and Al Shabaab courts. They had strict Saudi-like interpretations of Islam in their neighborhoods. So basically they were a radical minority within the majority moderate ICU.


Funny thing is, the ICU proved they're more organized, transparent and effective government than TFG. They accomplished what AY and his make-shift government failed miserably to enforce with Ethiopian intervention and hanging to their nuts. Somalia is still suffering from the treacherous short sighted schemes of MJ supremacists which gave rise to Al Shabaab.
7 min man? With how he was booted out of his position, it could be that he isn't even hawiye. Ceeb badanaa. Take note from PM Roble
Qabiil has no space in politics. This man on the left is responsible for the dastuur as he is the minister of constitution. He is Abakar like me while shareefka is abgaal and on my side.

She's right. Only 2 of the 13 courts we're radicals. Shiekh Dahir Aweys and Al Shabaab. So basically they were a minority within the majority moderate ICU.

View attachment 322753

Funny thing is, the ICU proved they're more organized, transparent and effective government than TFG. They accomplished what AY and his TFG failed miserably to enforce with out Ethiopian intervention and hanging to their nuts. Somalia is still suffering from the treacherous short sighted schemes of MJ supremacists which gave rise to Al Shabaab.


I don't care if it was 1 man, they still declared war on our land, and today, they are defeated and dispersed.

"Don't start none, won't be none".

I don't care if it was 1 man, they still declared war on our land, and today, they are defeated and dispersed.

"Don't start none, won't be none".
Off course you wouldn't, it disproves the long standing lie that ICU were radicals and thus Mj's had every right to call in Ethiopians to destroy them and sit on the ashes. What happened next? After rise of Al Shabaab and creating this mess AY decided to resign and go back to his god forsaken region in Puntland claiming he "failed to being peace to Somalia" It's just so convenient he ran away from the problem he started to retire in his tribal enclave.
Off course you wouldn't, it disproves the long standing lie that ICU were radicals and thus Mj's had every right to call in Ethiopians to destroy them and sit on the ashes. What happened next? After rise of Al Shabaab and creating this mess AY decided to resign and go back to his god forsaken region in Puntland claiming he "failed to being peace to Somalia" It's just so convenient he ran away from the problem he started to retire in his tribal enclave.

Speaking of godforsaken tribal lands, how is SNM-land? Have Lafti Nagaa come to claim their prize yet?
What's worse, HSM doesn't even have the support of all of Hawiye, hell, not even his Abgaal clan, with Sheikh Shariif leading the opposition.

Kheyre- Murursade

Are also against this 'constitution'. He hasn't even built consensus and cooperation within his own Mogadishu.

So, the fact that people are pretending there is some kind of consensus is hilarious. Everyone is pretending that it's only Puntland that is outraged.

Yet people on here will still say only Puntlanders and MJ’s are against it. They all have extreme cuqdad towards MJs. AY had a lot of hawiye politicians that were backing him and they’re part of this government today.
Yet people on here will still say only Puntlanders and MJ’s are against it. They all have extreme cuqdad towards MJs. AY had a lot of hawiye politicians that were backing him and they’re part of this government today.

All the Hawiye politicians, elders, they all had a seat in this government. They like to self-victimise and this lack of accountability is why their land is still occupied. Abdulahi Yusuf AUN died a long time ago, it's 2024, and HSM, their godfather, can't even bring his own clan together to write a constitution, let alone other Somali FMS.

Shariif, AAW, Kheyre, at some point, it will be ALL of HSM's former Badbaado Qaran colleagues vs him.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
It is understandable that most Hawiye feel ressentiment towards Puntland as it is always insisting on the implementation of the federal system. Many like @cow felt something similar during Farmaajo's term. Puntland is always standing in the way of chaos, guiding the Somali people to the correct path.

Culusow has 25 months to go. Puntland will wait him out. Amisom is not going anywhere so the FGS is unlikely to collapse. We will come and correct his mistakes inshallah. Wait for us, we are coming to help.
Justifying Ethiopian genocide of your fellow muslims is just evil. Innocent mothers and children bombed to oblivion, livelihoods destroyed, families displaced. Only the almighty knows what other atrocities befall upon the innocent. Peace upon the shahiids.

Angelina, ICU were targeted by the Ethiopians, because people of Xamar said they won't rest until all Somalis are free of Ethiopian occupation. Those who support ICU's decimation by the hands of Meles Zenawi with the help of warldord criminals, because the TPLF puppet in charge at the time, Abdullahi Yusuf was your kin, is nothing short of jaahilnimo.

@Angelina walaal always judge a ruler on what he inherited at the beginning of their tenure and what they left behind at the end of it. Through the objective lenses AY was a major disaster.

What the Ethiopians did in Mogadishu was insane. Not only did they dethrone a legitimate, popular, function moderate local government but they also killed thousands in the process only for their president to lift his arms in the air and run back to his enclave. A real role model of leadership.

I've always said they're the cancer of Somalia, the double dipping, two faced stealth secessionists. I'm laughing at their empty threats of secession. There's nothing they can do to reverse it and I love it.

The only good argument is the lack of oversight but I assume that should or has to be in process, centralism isnΒ΄t that bad especially now with 1p1v were basically everyone should be able to run for president regardless of clan or other shananigans.
Of all the issues discussed, that was your only take-away? If so, then it does not appear you have read the whole thread, or your grasp of politics is not very good.

I am in a jolly good mood, let me highlight some of the major issues:
- Usurpation of FMSs powers, now assumed by the FGS, incl:
- Elections,
- Land ownership,
- Natural resources,

- Removal of the power-sharing requirement with the Powers of the Executive now wholly concentrated in the Presidency with the PM reduced to a mere facsimile,

- Removing Shari'a, and instead introducing 'Xeer' [derived from non-Islamic customs and traditions] opening the door for:
- Civil partnership and abortion,

- Alienation of Somalis in occupied territories equating them with refugees,
- Reinstating the infamous National security doctrine
- Banishing Miranda rights,
- Constraining freedom on enquiry,
- Constraining freedom of congregation,
- Doing away with the Presumption of innocence principle,
- Awarding Power of declaring war to the Executive alone, with the Senator having no oversight,
- And so forth.

Now, which one of those do you consider trite and trivial?

Here is another useful thread, take a glance at where ills of centralism are being discussed.
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