The ATOM Discussion


@cars please be patient with me as I don't want to be conceptually wrong, the measurements are for much later stage for me in any topic but I know it's important to or else it can't be captured and processed, im not saying it's irrelevant, but as with all learning, you need to know the laws/concepts first.
I think it would be a difficult feat to list every single physical law, behavior, rule, etc in one post. It probably would take years of study to learn everything about modern physics. Personally, I only have extensively studied a single year of physics and there is probably a lot of additional knowledge that a physicist would know. If you want to do your own comprehensive study, it probably would make sense to begin with a study of math (start at your own current level of math and move up towards Calculus) and start with introductory physics and move up from there.

As for what the laws are, I did make a slight mistake earlier by claiming that there are four fundamental laws of phyiscs in my first post. I meant to say that there are four fundamental forces. As in, these are the only four things that we know (as of today) cause the forces that are experienced in the universe. There are also other laws that form the foundation of our understanding of physics. For example, Newton's three laws of motion govern the fundamental laws related to motion and are used to derive many other things. The laws of thermodynamics give fundamental laws as to how heat, temperature, and energy work. I can't produce a comprehensive list since I myself do not know all of the laws, there are probably a lot more fundamental laws in general relativity and quantum mechanics that I do not know of.

From what I gathered, I could be wrong at a concept level. It's not 'waves' but 'fields. Let's define 'field' are we talking invisible fields like 'home' wireless at home with computers, that type of field? and you said it has a magnetic layer to it also, similar to the field created between a magnet and fridge?'
The main distinction I was trying to point out was that there are both fields (electric fields, magnetic fields) as well as waves. Electric fields and magnetic fields are called fields because they are vector fields. A vector field is basically a mathematical term. Suppose we have a function F with n inputs, (x1, x2, ... xn). If a function F is a vector field, then it must also have n outputs F(x1, x2, ..., xn). Take an electric field for example, which is a three dimensional field. It has three inputs, the electric field component in the x, y, and z-axis calculated by determining the electric force experienced by a unit charge in each axis. Then, there are n outputs, which for each output is basically the electric field magnitude and direction (+ or - sign) experienced in each axis. On the other hand, an electromagnetic wave is the result of the interaction of electric and magnetic fields, though I am not sure why they are called waves (I guess because the electric and magnetic fields oscillate as the EM field propagates through space, it makes sense to call it a wave?).

Yes, the information sent by a wireless connection to an internet router is sent by electromagnetic waves These waves are invisible because our eyes do not have the capacity to see electromagnetic waves except within the visible light spectrum of wavelengths between 0.4-0.7 micrometers (all of the light that you see in a daily basis are electromagnetic waves between these wavelengths). Yes, the magnetic field carried by an electromagnetic wave and the the magnetic field created by a bar magnet are both magnetic fields, though you likely don't see the magnetic effect of EM waves because they are likely much less in magnitude then, say, a bar magnet, and the magnetic field in a point in space caused by an EM wave are also temporary as the EM wave propagates through space at light speed and doesn't stay in one place forever whereas a bar magnet has a constant magnetic field when its on a fridge as long as it isn't moving.
Thank you for bringing this subject up, as a student, this was my bread and butter, yet it has been a while, for I have been residing in bits and bytes for far too long. Going from an atom to diodes to bytes to carving our an abstraction layer is quite a marvel.


Areas of interest: semiconductors and microchips.
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Those interested in the field, here is a worthy class on Circuits and Electronics on MiT's open course ware:

What Prof. Agarwal explains in the 1st 15 minutes of lecture one is the body of work of 500+ years of various doyens in the field. No where else would one see that than MiT.
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