Tense situation in Villa Somalia, Farmaajo blocks PM's office with troops.

The baboon looks uncomfortable in a suit, someone needs to get him a macawis and dacas.
Subha'Allahi where are your Isaaq Overlords when you need them, an looma-oyaan wasakh-geli speaking out of order is unimaginable, langaabyahow dont ever speak unless spoken to and let this be final time i respond to you langaab fish-boy.


Nearly half a fucking decade wasted with this guy, and absolutely nothing to show for it but for a more corrupt election than in 2017 and a shabaab reemergence. If in 2025 Somalia ends up like Afghanistan, he needs to be lynched
the reemergence coincides with decreased amisom activity. :mjlol:
Get the f*ck outta here with that nonsense, Farmaajo thought everyone was as retarded as him when he blatantly lied and tried to extend his term by claiming to be in favor of 1m1v, despite the fact you currently have to by plane from Muqdisho to Baidoa, when in 2014 you could go by car.

I don't even know for what reason he kept the country in limbo for, at the very fucking least Qoslaaye and shariif left when they lost, this guy is determined to go down badly
You claimed this election is the most corrupt, i told you it isn't. Even if it was, it's not farmaajo's fault but your dear rooble who told fms elect any mps you want. Now he is trying to take back the power he gave away.

What does extension or not extension have to do with this? Both shariif and qoslaaye extended their terms. But we are only talking about the election, stop adding irrelevant points.

Yeah qoslaaye and shariif left when they lost. Farmaajo didn't lose, if he does he will leave. What's your point? You're all over the place dude.
Security minister 30 jir 30 million haysta announces that those who took part in the organizing the attempted coup (whether they're politicians or members of the armed forces) will be brought to justice
Roble once again erratic and deranged video statement came after he agreed to step aside and let the investigation take its course. He was then escorted into the opm by foot by the SNA, his guards couldnt bring their weapons.

His video statement is a last ditch effort cry for help, while accusing others of a coup attempt after being caught looting, he has been the one actually trying to start a coup.

In what world do the military take orders from him? After he was planning to fire all of them and was caught looting their land.

Dont get distracted by propaganda and psyops. Expect him to join Jazeera crew soon.



SOMEONE just tried to snatch dhul that belongs to the people and the FGS and we are protetcting the thief? Even with evidence about the crime? Whatever if it is PM Rooble or a low ranked private in the SNA this is a serious crime against the country of Somalia and should be dealed with same consequences. Today is not about who you support, who pays you, who givee you this and that. We should really consider the voice of the people and stand behind whoever protetects the interest of state and state owned facilities.

Funny how rooble even said that Farmajoo can not kick or hire someone as his term is finished. Who tf appointed you as PM back in feb when farmajoo at the time also diddnt had term? Or the law only apply when it benefits him? lol. Hope Allah SWT may guide us and make it easier for Somalia. We are tired of this now!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I just spoke to Xamar Badbaado qaran troops are back in action Jacfar has unleashed his miltia on Hawlwadaag.
Why is he shaking in fear :mjlol: :mjkkk:
Sxb you need glasses if thats what you call fear, the man is clearly oozing with confidence and leadership, he won the battle against farmaajo decisively.

But hey look at the bright side with farmaajo gone and Badbaadiye Rooble being the new Boss, you may get your job Shaqo now from Rooble, your CBB experience is well in need.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Sxb you need glasses if thats what you call fear, the man is clearly oozing with confidence and leadership, he won the battle against farmaajo decisively.

But hey look at the bright side with farmaajo gone and Badbaadiye Rooble being the new Boss, you may get your job Shaqo now from Rooble, your CBB experience is well in need.
His office was literally surrounded by troops loyal to Farmaajo, he had to walk by foot escorted by Mahdi Guleed, its best for Rooble to resign he has been caught in corurption. Another HG should be named.

