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Yes, @Von we should team-up and make Somalia great again!

This is my master plan, we begin with invading Ethiopia without mercy, and invading Kenya full force (war on two fronts) and continue the invasion deep in the heart of Africa and splitting there and invading from north, south and west after invading east Africa, and send the mighty Somali fleet to Madagascar!

They won't see this coming!

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You can not be pan-somalist and pro Madow at the same time i guess you have have to give up one of them.


Call me ayeeyo
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
2017-07-14 (2).png

Any emergency response role is great for Entrepreneurs, whether it be as paramedics, police officers, or soldiers..
It's true, I'd have been a paramedic if it wasn't for the low wage.
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