Sultan from Awdal says he is ready to help defend Djibouti.

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Suldaan Ibraahim Dacar Yuusuf oo kamida salaadiinta Gobolka Awdal ayaa ka hadlay xaalada ka soo korodhay xuduuda u dhaxaysa Jibuuti iyo dalkaasi Eriteria suldaanku wuxuu sheegay hadii ay Ciidanka dalkaasi Eritria daandaansiga joojin waayaan inay ciidamo ka diri doonaan Soomaalilnd si loo difaaco jamhuuriyada Jibuuti Suldaankani ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horeeyay ee ka hadla arimaha khaliijka ee khilaafka abuuray marka laga tago Boqorka Daarood o isna ku baaqay in xaalada la dajiyo
Halkan Ka Daawo Suldaan Ibraahim Dacar Yuusuf oo Ka Mida Salaadiinta Dhaqanka Gobolka Awdal oo Fariin Adag Hawada u Mariyey Dawlada Eritria Ee Duulaanka ku Dhulka Dalka Jibuuti



the pussy is never yours, its just your turn.
If Somalia had a stable state Eritrea wouldn't dare to f*ck with Djibouti, Guul Djibouti
If Somalia had a stable state Eritrea wouldn't dare to f*ck with Djibouti, Guul Djibouti

You do know the mountain and island rightfully belong to Eritrea. The only reason why Djibouti claims it is because the Ethiopian government told them too because of strategic reasons. Plus the land is no where near Somali area which is in the far south.
You do know the mountain and island rightfully belong to Eritrea. The only reason why Djibouti claims it is because the Ethiopian government told them too because of strategic reasons. Plus the land is no where near Somali area which is in the far south.
Go back to Yemen you filthy Semite :camby:


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
Totally against this. Djibouti is a threat to Somaliland. Somaliland should fund Afar militias to take out the fat tyrant omar gulleh and his oromo wife.


Good gesture, but I think Eritrea will overrun Djibouti within hours if it was between them only.

Eritrea is a militaristic society.


Suldaanka Gobyare
You do know the mountain and island rightfully belong to Eritrea. The only reason why Djibouti claims it is because the Ethiopian government told them too because of strategic reasons. Plus the land is no where near Somali area which is in the far south.
All of it is Djiboutian area, which makes it Somali area.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
Somaliland needs to focus on Somaliland.
Djibouti is threatened by Somaliland. If we were to get recognition they would be done for. So i am just looking out for somaliland :manny:
Isnt his wife from somaliland? :what1:
Shes a sheegaato. Claims sacad muuse but everyone knows shes oromo.
Somaliland should focus on bootyclapping for the Ayrabs in search of their precious ictiraaf:mjlol:
Orad amisom o niiki
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