BREAKING NEWS Suicide bombing at Mogadishu restaurant


It's all so tiresome

Time for Xamar businesses to build a private security alert system.

The security & intelligence officials there are too busy doing god knows what.


Pathetic and a failed attempt by the dogs being slaughtered to get revenge or relevance for their khawarij group.

Send this suicide bombing non sense back to saudi arabia where this extremism belongs.



Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
The government needs to tap telecommunications, intercept radio communication and moderate the internet heavily. Some Somalis back home are low IQ animals and should be controlled with an iron grip without one bullet going off. The people suspected of such activities that harm the public should either be killed in the most gruesome way possible or undergo enhanced interrogation but still make an example of them and show the people, in order to instill fear into the hearts of these Muppets.

Also are we even sure it's AS? For what reason should they be targeting that restaurant? I thought their problem was with politicians only.