Study finds that 1 in 3 women suffer from health problems due to childbirth


I put Books to the Test of Life
That I agree. But the fact of the matter is that a lot of things that stressed our fathers us women can also relate to now as in todays modern world, we work, start businesses, pay bills and the list continues. The thing is, with regards to male ‘duties’ it’s no longer the sole domain of men anymore. That’s not to say men don’t have other pressures that us women will not understand.

Because those issues shed the light on how much sacrifices and issues women go through. Whilst the average man does indeed understand that their mother has done a lot for them, they fail to understand that their mothers situation could have been better if men actually helped a whole lot more. It will later down the line make them more sympathetic to their spouses.

It isn’t. We have a culture of men thinking going into the kitchen is beneath them and other issues I can’t be bothered to delve into tbh.

It really isn’t since when women are going through this, they’re also expected to do everything else, especially in this day and age in which women are also taking on men’s responsiblities such as provision.
I agree that sons should contribute within their capabilities to improve their mothers' situations. Frankly, I would be surprised if any decent man didn't, unless they were mentally unstable and a waste of space. This could involve helping with medications and prescriptions, running errands, doing groceries, and even taking care of household chores like vacuuming. I assume that most Somali boys have taken on these responsibilities for their mothers in one way or another, particularly in large families where chores are divided among family members, even if certain tasks are traditionally reserved for females.

Yes, the primary issue lies in the system where women often take on responsibilities traditionally assigned to men. This is another topic and a current reality where partners may struggle unless both work to make ends meet. While this is a root cause of various challenges, it's a different issue from the current topic.

Men may express various opinions, but when it comes to choosing a spouse, they inevitably must decide whether to have a wife as a housewife or one who also contributes financially to make ends meet. In such cases, they can't complain if responsibilities are shared equally, and they have to participate in household duties, as the Prophet himself did.Take my father, for example. He worked tirelessly, and my mother was a housewife. However, there was a period of 5-6 years when we were only with our dad. During that time, he not only worked but also frequently cooked for us and handled other chores while my mom was overseas with my younger sister. It all comes down to balance and finding someone with common sense and logic when choosing a life partner.
I agree that sons should contribute within their capabilities to improve their mothers' situations. Frankly, I would be surprised if any decent man didn't, unless they were mentally unstable and a waste of space. This could involve helping with medications and prescriptions, running errands, doing groceries, and even taking care of household chores like vacuuming. I assume that most Somali boys have taken on these responsibilities for their mothers in one way or another, particularly in large families where chores are divided among family members, even if certain tasks are traditionally reserved for females.

Yes, the primary issue lies in the system where women often take on responsibilities traditionally assigned to men. This is another topic and a current reality where partners may struggle unless both work to make ends meet. While this is a root cause of various challenges, it's a different issue from the current topic.

Men may express various opinions, but when it comes to choosing a spouse, they inevitably must decide whether to have a wife as a housewife or one who also contributes financially to make ends meet. In such cases, they can't complain if responsibilities are shared equally, and they have to participate in household duties, as the Prophet himself did.Take my father, for example. He worked tirelessly, and my mother was a housewife. However, there was a period of 5-6 years when we were only with our dad. During that time, he not only worked but also frequently cooked for us and handled other chores while my mom was overseas with my younger sister. It all comes down to balance and finding someone with common sense and logic when choosing a life partner.
Your parents sound like amazing individuals. MashaAllah.