SSC-Khatumo under imminent threat

No o
Tigray is less than 7 million, Somali's are close to 40 million if not more, we have a government with no arms embargo (bad news for Ethiopia and the wannabe Ethiopians πŸ˜‰). The "Tigrayns" you speak of don't have our population or resources, they're a rebel group (jabhad). 😎
Yet they subjugated Oromo, Amhara and Somalis for 30 years. The TDF was an army within an army who fought Ethiopia for 2 years. While I'm against Ethiopian intervention in Somaliland, it's delusional to think SSC or any tribal militia is able to stand to Ethiopian Army. Are SSC more powerful than ICU who conquered southern Somalia in less than 6 months, no. What makes you think SSC will be able to repulse the Ethiopian army in the flat desert of Lascanood? I remember a decade ago when Liyu police attacked Buuhoodle and Reer Buuhoodle asked for support. Liyu police next to Ethiopian army is a joke let's no kid ourselves. No tribal militia can stand against a standard army, you're not Taliban in Tora Bora.
That’s highball, some say 22k. There were some days where 700-800 people died. Multiply that by like 6 months of fighting. AUN to all Somalis that died. They committed wrong first though so you reap what you sow.

that same naxaris can’t be given to Ethiopians galo. Inshallah you guys are smart and allow Ethiopians among you to go in front.

Are you talking about Lascanood or Gaza? The pro Dhulbahante German scholar Markus Hoehn estimated that 2k Dhulbahante were killed in Lascanood and that was in July 2 months before capture of Goojacadde in August. He had no sources for Somaliland but estimated our casualties to be the same around 2k. 800 people getting killed in one day is an insane figure closer to the carpet bombings of Gaza.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Brother how is this an exaggeration. Who are you trying to gaslight?

It has been confirmed that Ethiopia has deployed heavy artillery tanks and military personnel right towards PL and SL. You think there are here to have a picnic?
damnnn you man are so shook :russ:

Are you talking about Lascanood or Gaza? The pro Dhulbahante German scholar Markus Hoehn estimated that 2k Dhulbahante were killed in Lascanood and that was in July 2 months before capture of Goojacadde in August. He had no sources for Somaliland but estimated our casualties to be the same around 2k. 800 people getting killed in one day is an insane figure closer to the carpet bombings of Gaza.
Maybe that entire thread is fugazi. If Markus said it that really means it was a lesser conflict. This is either Somalis or your revisionist history using Markus’s name.

you could be bias aswell so not too sure. Jabeerti seem to highball, while you are lowballing.

There was multiple days where the fighting took place and hundreds died. Not sure what to tell you. Sorry for bursting your bubble of preconceived notion.
Mannn Somali love to exaggerate any thing.Right the MOU and elections are main focus. No ones giving attention to beggarhante so they are kicking up a fuss. :heh:
If Hassan sheikh watches Ethiopia annex us, idk what will happen but won’t be pretty for him. Don’t assume anything it opens a blind spot, I’m opening myself to this possibility aswell.
No o

Yet they subjugated Oromo, Amhara and Somalis for 30 years. The TDF was an army within an army who fought Ethiopia for 2 years. While I'm against Ethiopian intervention in Somaliland, it's delusional to think SSC or any tribal militia is able to stand to Ethiopian Army. Are SSC more powerful than ICU who conquered southern Somalia in less than 6 months, no. What makes you think SSC will be able to repulse the Ethiopian army in the flat desert of Lascanood? I remember a decade ago when Liyu police attacked Buuhoodle and Reer Buuhoodle asked for support. Liyu police next to Ethiopian army is a joke let's no kid ourselves. No tribal militia can stand against a standard army, you're not Taliban in Tora Bora.
I honestly doubt Ethiopia will actually try anything. Their army is stretched out as is to start another front and it would galvanize the already tense people of Awdal even further to go against the MoU. If Abiy had half a brain he would back away instead of doing this cheap intimidation tactic.
Maybe that entire thread is fugazi. If Markus said it that really means it was a lesser conflict. This is either Somalis or your revisionist history using Markus’s name.

you could be bias aswell so not too sure. Jabeerti seem to highball, while you are lowballing.

There was multiple days where the fighting took place and hundreds died. Not sure what to tell you. Sorry for bursting your bubble of preconceived notion.

There were multiple days without fighting or shelling as well, a stalemate. 800 is insanely high even by Somali nomadic standards. The highest I've read was around 200 both injured and killed according to Markus, a very much pro - Dhulbahante scholar. This was 2 months before Dhulbahante captured Goojacadde.

Doesn't allegiance with Kuffar against Muslims in war take you out of the fold of Islam?
Why don't you answer the question. I think I understand now. You lot are all talk cowards basically and think you will get a nice clean fight in Somaliland but in Somalia you are more likely to be ended by your own countrymen some embarassing dishonorable way.

Ethiopia is not taking Awdal. Your average Somali could care less about Isaaq Vs Harti war.
Interesting development if it's true

This is more of a psy-op. Recently, UK and Ethiopia signed an agreement about Ethiopia - Somalia border. Neither FGS nor FMS were party to the so-called "agreement".

Ethiopia is not in a position to wage war unless UK is providing a diplomatic cover & UAE is funding it. So they could be pressuring the FGS to accept their so-called "sea access".

The UK would be probably using this Ethiopian troop build-up to put pressure on SSC Khaatumo/Puntland. Their ambassador hinted when he last talked abt re-engaging with secessionists in the north. They most likely lifted the arms embargo for this reason. He was recently in Hargeisa as well.

We will have to see how it develops. But the good thing is we will not be surprised if the Ethiopians joined the fight. We're also not worried about SL and their tantrums.
A.A, sharif, and farmaajo need to impeach this man who has not acted yet if Ethiopia really does annex anything. We’re going against Ethiopia who has the support of two nato nations and who has received weapons from UAE. :mindblown:
What do you mean by this. I’m confused, let Ethiopia do as they please if it means saving Somali lives? Or did I misunderstand

No, it means that I hope parents living under the SNM regime, who have a moral compass, should keep their sons home. Because they are fighting to steal and when they get killed, hellfire awaits them.
Folks, the Ethiopian threat toward SSC is exaggerated. There used to be a large Ethiopian force in the Wardheer area. When the conflict in Tigray erupted, some of the units were taken to the conflict in Tigray. Those forces were returned to Wardheer now. According to people who visited Wardheer, there is no confirmed info on Ethiopian forces attacking Buhoodle or other towns in SSC. What we have are just rumors.

Concerning Somaliland attacking SSC Khaatumo forces, there is no worry there as well. The commanders and people in the know that I spoke to don't have much worry on the SL side after the last crushing blow that Harti/Daarood allied forces delivered on August 25, 2023. But if SL initiates some suicidal attack on SSC, our forces are ready.


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