SSC Govt Is At An Important Cross Road And Junction



Faallo:-Guul darro walba oo Sool ka timaada waxaa iska leh reer Sool.​



Puntland-ta kale,waajibkoodii,waa guteen oo hawlgalkii Sool,waa kasoo dhalaaleen.
Beesha Sool Dhul iyo Dadba waa Xor,iyagayna Gacantoodu ku jirtaa Aayaha masiirkooda.

Sadex arimood,ayaa ka haray reer Puntland-ta kale…

1.Laascaanood Gacantiinay ku baxday.
2.Cuqdad lakala dhex-dhigay Beelaha.
3.Tacadigii SNM ee Sool.

Reer Sool,waxaa utaal si gaar ah Shaqo adag iyo jihayn mustaqbal oo ay tahay in ay dareemaan masuuliyadaas culayskeeda….

1.Jihaynta Dhalinyarada Hubka Gacanta ku dhigay.
2.Jihaynta masiirka Gobolka.
3.Qaadashada doorka Qadiyadaha guud kaga aadan.

Sadex arimood,waxaa laga rabaa in ay ku baraarugsan yihiin……

B.Gaadmada SNM iyo qorshahooda xiga,kadib jabka gaaray.
T.Udabacsanaanta iyo saamaynta Maskaxeed ee ay SNM ku dhex yeelatay Bulshada Sool qaybaheeda kala duwan.
J.Dhisida Qabka iyo hanka Bulshada Sool.

Guul darro walba oo Sool laga soo sheego Saakay kadib,waxaa iska leh oo aan lala qaybsanayn reer Sool.

Puntland inteeda kale Difaaca Gobolka,waa idinla haynaysaa,sidoo kale Miisaaniyada,waa idinla xoojinaysaa.

Jibril Qoobey.


Now that SNM is out of Sool, this is a critical cross road and junction, let's ensure our goals do not collapse due to in-fighting over personal-clan-regional interests. Khatumo needs to discuss it's future with PL also. Remember our enemies are the same, they have no love for u, they love to interfere and brainwash disgruntled clans, they did it to marehan and their trying to do it within harti. The reason behind it is your easier to conquer by yourself hadi aad ka tagto Hartinimo.

Their is benefits/losses to all Hartis whether it's separate governments or political unity and discussing a new powersharing model whether at federal/regional dimensions.
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Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
The best path forward is a DH state and I believe PL will be most helpful with regards to advice and aid in the formation of such a state.

We’ve aided GM and JL in this regard before, why not do the same for our literal brothers?
Winning the peace is harder than winning the war. The real battle begins now. Up until SSC Khatumo could establish itself, stand on its own feet, generate revenue streams, provide services, and manage its affairs, security or otherwise, meaningful support in administration, security, logistics, and services shall have to be availed, both by PL, and the Fed. gov't.


Winning the peace is harder than winning the war. The real battle begins now. Up until SSC Khatumo could establish itself, stand on its own feet, generate revenue streams, provide services, and manage its affairs, security or otherwise, meaningful support in administration, security, logistics, and services shall have to be availed, both by PL, and the Fed. gov't.

I don't see any political differencess between Harti. Maxan ku kala aragti duwan nahay? we r both federalist, we demand hamar first perform it's tasks properly before asking for more power to be centralized, when in-fact since 2016 we see the current duties of the SFG leading to power abuses war on JL and PL in 2016, isbaaro development, they even did air blockade on Gedo and all the symptoms of the past of centralism is unfolding before our eyes and then they say they want more 'powers' to be given to hamar? ya dadkani la heeshin kara with their absolute madness. This is the madness my father encountered in 99 with his HG elite friends, I am baffled till 2023, the madness is still there, they haven't changed a bit since 99.

All im saying why can't we sit down and see if a PL united is possible, why rush to leaving when attempts to resolve isn't even attempted? fudeed is something what SL did with secession, it's always wise to calculate both the benefits vs the losses on PL unity vs separate govt. If we can't reach a settlement, then of course I would support Khatumo.
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