Spain anti-doping: Aden(Somali), coach of Genzebe Dibaba, arrested

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A Somali coach doping professional athletes and helping their fellow East Africans win gold, I’m impressed. Somalis naturally are excellent athletes but lose out to others because of supplementations and steroids. In the coming years as Somali become privy to the game, I expect a lot more Somali athletes coming through. Where I live there’s a lot of BIG Somali cats, the days of Skinny Somali is over. Lord bless the PEDs.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
I think its more to do blood transfusion/PEDs which gives em more oxygen to the body..its popular with long distance runners and cyclists.

Look up eufemiano fuentes
I think its more to do blood transfusion/PEDs which gives em more oxygen to the body..its popular with long distance runners and cyclists.

Look up eufemiano fuentes
Yea, this is more actual blood doping and EPO. But it starts somewhere. When we going to start giving our Horners athletes some quality anabolics and have some world class sprinters. Wallahi it is only a manner of time. :banderas::ahh:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Yea, this is more actual blood doping and EPO. But it starts somewhere. When we going to start giving our Horners athletes some quality anabolics and have some world class sprinters. Wallahi it is only a manner of time. :banderas::ahh:
Wallahi somalis on steriods dont look good i know few and met one in ottawa @AbdiJohnson might know him hes name something jama i forgot dude was HUGEEE but had tiny ass alien looking head it looked so abnormal better to be natural even with our shitty genetics ;(
Wallahi somalis on steriods dont look good i know few and met one in ottawa @AbdiJohnson might know him hes name something jama i forgot dude was HUGEEE but had tiny ass alien looking head it looked so abnormal better to be natural even with our shitty genetics ;(
Well my experiences tell me otherwise. Somalis have excellent genetics for bodybuilding and usage of steroids. They have lean muscle mass with tiny frame which equates to a pleasuring aesthetic physique. I never believed in this shitty Somali gene. Diet, nutrition and environment is more important.

Steroids can be used in many ways from IFBB physiques, fitness model physiques, just for general mass, increase speed, increase power, increase explosiveness and many other positive factors. You decide what you end goal is, steroids are the means to the end.

Hassan Jama is a REAL bodybuilder. He isn’t about looking aesthetic but just being a bodybuilder freak. But Hassan Jama, grew up in Somalia so he didn’t have proper development. A Somali who grew up in the West and healthy will respond and even look better on gear. And I know many who do.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Bro steriods are gonna screw you long term man i wanna have actual kids instead of deformed one. Its only good short term the long term effect is it really worth it sxb?

Like said diet and good consitent nutrition is the way to good not steriods i been tempted but after what i seen what happen to other people with long term use of steriods i rather not....

also once you stop using it you lose your gains way more quicker then you do naturally........




Wallahi I could post 50 more Somali cats all near me but I don't want to expose my exact location :yacadiim:
Bro steriods are gonna screw you long term man i wanna have actual kids instead of deformed one. Its only good short term the long term effect is it really worth it sxb?

Like said diet and good consitent nutrition is the way to good not steriods i been tempted but after what i seen what happen to other people with long term use of steriods i rather not....

also once you stop using it you lose your gains way more quicker then you do naturally........
Everything you said true, and the reality of the matter is once you are on you should never come off. But this is another topic at hand. Yea, AAS/Steroids have sides and benefits, it is up to you to decide if you are willingly to take them

But ALL Somalis need to understand the amount of doping in Sports, to be a professional athlete or to make it from youth grade to professional ranks, you MUST use.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Everything you said true, and the reality of the matter is once you are on you should never come off. But this is another topic at hand. Yea, AAS/Steroids have sides and benefits, it is up to you to decide if you are willingly to take them

But ALL Somalis need to understand the amount of doping in Sports, to be a professional athlete or to make it from youth grade to professional ranks, you MUST use.
Yes sports i understand cause they need to perform to maintain whatever ranking there in the sporting world but eventually everyone gets caught

Just look at ben johnson lol
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