somalispot Awards

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Favourite user: @Canuck because she's relentless in her crusade against the puppet officials, but lay off the harrassing people :yousmart:also @maestro because I agree with his posts usually
Funniest user: @Knowthyself, because of the gifs
Rudest user:
Smartest user: @Inquisitive_ because of the impressive vocab
Dumbest user:
Most annoying user:
Most clan obsessed user: @SomaliWadaniSoldier
Most argumentative user:
Least argumentative user:
User that never backs down:
User with the most liked post:I think it's @666
Most Somali user: @madamelioness she seems older and more traditional
Least Somali user: @Cosmos @NoName and other militiant atheists, they don't sound in the least bit somali, I would think they were white if I didn't know
Kindest user:
Most potty-mouthed user:
Non understandable English user:
(Guess) Oldest (age) user:
(Guess) Youngest (age) user: so much of them :tacky:
User you'd hang out with: anyone but atheists/degenerates is ok
Most active (on SS) user: a lot of people are pretty active i can't say.


I have an IQ of 300
How am I a......
Shh Mr.Gus Doon

I have nothing but the utmost respect for your abilities to trigger the users of this site en masse :pachah1:
It takes a seasoned provocateur to get so much debate going on this site
I'm doing this out of reverence for your abilities, not hate :dabcasar:
Shh Mr. Doon

I have nothing but the utmost respect for your abilities to trigger the users of this site en masse :pachah1:
It takes a seasoned provocateur to get so much debate going on this site
I'm doing this out of reverence for your abilities, not hate :dabcasar:

I appreciate the kind words but I'm honestly confused when people call me a troll.

It's not my intention to be one nor is it my goal.

I just post my views.
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