Somalis weren’t pagans before islam

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Ah yes here we go again. I guess our inherent biases are bubbling up again. Samale was arab? Really? Well what arab clan did he came from? What sort of genetic population does samale cluster with in the arabian peninsula? Samale parent is name abroone is this an arab name? What is this about the destruction of the original inhabitants of somalia? Somalis are genetically and linguistically related to other cushitic people in the horn, oh wait don't tell me that these cushitic people are also arabs who came after the destruction of the original inhabitants? These sort of narratives are disingenuous and fictitious. You might as well say that somalis came from the moon while your at it.

Arabs were arabs before islam they didn't suddenly turn into a single nation with fabricated clans when islam came to be. Banu hashim trace origin to a man named hashim. He was not muslim and lived in the jahiliyah period. If we're going to use examples we should use the right ones.

Wallahi i can't believe that what i'm saying is controversial now. Samale is not arab and they existed before islam. The samale clans are the clans that these who claim arab origin married into and became somalisized in the process. This means the somali identiy lay within the sab and samale clans.

The sab somalis are genetically related to the samale clans more so than any other cushitic people in the horn and they share a common ancestor. The claim that they came into somalia from arsi is a baseless claim. If you have evidence please share them with us. One can present examples analogies and narrative till their hearts content but nothing beats hard cold evidence. How about we let the real somalis of the past explain to us who were the somalis who lived in somalia before islam.


I usually don't like to speak about such stuff because it encourages the somali gaals to act up but history is history no matter what. A lot of people hate the name somali and considered a recent invention. Well we have sab iyo samale instead who are the somalis who lived in somalia before islam.
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The only agenda those people push are scholarly facts lol. You even could look at the cycles of the Somali weekly calendar (if you are truly Somali you should know what a Monday year, a Friday year, a Sunday year is) to see when Somalis converted to Islam (somewhere in 870 ad), which means that Somalis were the first Muslim people, predating the Ridda wars wherein the Arabs converted.

it isn’t even true to say that Somalis became Muslim, its more true to say that Somalis were formed post-Islamic conversion.
Not all Somalis converted at the same time. Id even arugula that I suspect that there’s was some qabils that were separate from Somalis and considered non Somali but are Somali today
Did somalis as a nation exist before islam? Very likely At the very least we know our neighbours in the arabian peninsula saw us as one people. How can we determent if somalis saw themselves as a single ethnicity?

Well first off let's just look at clans rather than the name somali. The primordial clans of somalia that existed before islam are samale and sab. Samale with the sagal samale and sab with digil iyo merifle. Any other clan aside from them claim arab origin, well even these two clans sometimes also claim arab origin but usually they see themselves as somalis rather than arabs.

Almost ninety percent of somalia was inhabited by samale before islam meaning a single clan and a single family. Any other clan that claim arab origin married into the samale family to became somalizised.

It's either marrying into dir or into hawiya and at times into the sab family. So yeah you could say in a way that a common identity existed before islam and these people also to a large part also spoke the same language with different dialects.
Somalis never believed in nationhood to this day