Somalis kill eachother because they are incestuous inbreds

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Balaayo kaa cabsiisay mise ku cabsiisay ayaan ku nidhaa! What in the fuk world is she talking about we are a bunch of inbred incestuous offsprings? Inkaar ilahay kugu rid oo meel xun kaa tuur you and your gossip xaawalay stories.

Walaahi if that shyt was to be translated into English or any other lingo, it would be a scandalous and embarrassing af. Sidii kalaan aduunyada khaatiyaan uga taaganyahay oo meel kasta ceebtayo iyo cawradayadu taalaa!

Just because she heard a once in a blue moon story about how one of her kin folks got forced to a marriage at an early age Does Not equate to that backward act being rampant and is practised widely.
Waxaad gallinba aragtiyo, hadba dhaayo guudkood yay garrasho hadda garrasho kaa noqon

Basically, you can't base your entire argument and point of view on a one off incident and
event you have heard from your gossip comrades on a lazy afternoon!

What is this phenomena of Sheeko sheeko gossip crap and other people finding truth in that?


And seek help in patience and prayers
She looks like Muxubo fabulous. I couldn't listen to her rant it was too much. I have heard of cases of old men marrying some young girls but how does that bring about the condemnation of all Somali men. What stupid stuff right here. I think she is seeking attention because she never got any.
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