Somalis are land rich and but lack civilization and will end up losing what they have


I think Farmaajo has made progress but i don't think he is revolutionary or has even done a good job.

I believe the main opposition are worse in every aspect. HSM is the reincarnation of a benedict arnold, he has no idea how to run a nation and wants a confederacy with his own little fiefdom, i.e mogadishu.

We should all support who we think will incrementally expand somalia, incrementalism is a philosophy that can work to lead a nation to a base stature. From there it can produce a genius who can transform the nation.
Its debatable should we take your words or the finance minister who said what Faramajo achieved in his sector over the period of 5 years would have realistically taken 10 years for a normal President, the reality is Farmaajo is not just the lesser of two evils, Farmaajo is much better and until I see someone better I say Farmaajo is good for Somalia he is Ahmed gurey of our time.


I think Farmaajo has made progress but i don't think he is revolutionary or has even done a good job.

I believe the main opposition are worse in every aspect. HSM is the reincarnation of a benedict arnold, he has no idea how to run a nation and wants a confederacy with his own little fiefdom, i.e mogadishu.

We should all support who we think will incrementally expand somalia, incrementalism is a philosophy that can work to lead a nation to a base stature. From there it can produce a genius who can transform the nation.
Thats not incrementalism hes literally moving in the exact opposite of what you mentioned besides arguably 1m1v :farmajoyaab:

Deni is the chosen one to finish the constitution and define state rights and federal rights.
Farmaajo has not beaten kenya in a war , rather he has given an illusion of power. In essence, he utilizes propaganda.

i love his new approach to politics. Propaganda is the most powerful force in human history, its propaganda that makes nations go to war, build huge monuments and even reach technological greatness.

We must support the propagandising of the Somali populace to transform their ideologies to ones conducive to growth and development.

I use the metric of propagandization coupled with obvious actual growth as one to assess a somali leaders capability of running a nation.

Farmaajo is first in that sense and shortly followed by Khaire.
Excessive inward propganda = Mccarthyism and Polarization

Propaganda against the outside = Nationalism and Unity
Its debatable should we take your words or the finance minister who said what Faramajo achieved in his sector over the period of 5 years would have realistically taken 10 years for a normal President, the reality is Farmaajo is not just the lesser of two evils, Farmaajo is much better and until I see someone better I say Farmaajo is good for Somalia he is Ahmed gurey of our time.

This guy is not Ahmed Gurey, don't shame our legendary figures.


Farmaajo is better , slightly , especially in media and institution building.
Thats not incrementalism hes literally moving in the exact opposite of what you mentioned besides arguably 1m1v :farmajoyaab:

Deni is the chosen one to finish the constitution and define state rights and federal rights.

Excessive inward propganda = Mccarthyism and Polarization

Propaganda against the outside = Nationalism and Unity
Deni , from a gut extinct, and an analysis of his tactics doesn't seem like someone who can rule somalia effectively especially at this time.

His failure to rule puntland effectively and instead engage in corruption along with illegal tactics implies poor impulse control/political coordination.

Regardless, we will see on sunday if Deni wins. If he wins i'll give him the benefit of doubt for the first year.

Farmaajo utilizes internal and external propaganda. See Kenya/alshabab/IC arms embargo etc.


They did in the 1850s, we can simply mitigate this love of clan through developing one man one vote systems throughout the nation.

Appointments should only be in cabinet while all other executive roles should be overseen by an elected person. I truly believe its the lack of an even playing fields that causes interfighting.

By setting up proper systems with impartial judges we can create growth and stronger urbanisation. From there we can develop a curriculum for students that focuses on patriotism.

To much focus on patriotism brings about populist leaders seeking conflict with other nations. I say embed capitalism, let them start thinking as individuals and about wealth but with a strong social safety system around education-medicine-cheap housing for those who fall between the cracks.

The housing shouldn't be comparable to 'individually purchased homes' but '1 or 2 bedrooms' apartments so they don't abuse the system and only use it as a 'safety measure' untill such time they r back in the workforce. The safety net should follow the philosophy of everyone has the right to 'survive' but survival doesn't mean they 'enjoy' life, if u want enjoyment u should seek employment.
To much focus on patriotism brings about populist leaders seeking conflict with other nations. I say embed capitalism, let them start thinking as individuals and about wealth but with a strong social safety system around education-medicine-cheap housing for those who fall between the cracks.
Kind Conflicts are how nations grow, pure capitalism leads to regressive exploitation and monopolistic entities forming.

Populism, with checks and balances, is what is needed in Somalia.


@codewebsduh populism is 'person centric, its abbenimo' where the whole state circulates around one 'figure' which is terrible, we currently have that in all of Somalia, similar to 'ismacil geele' in djibouti, look at djibouti as an example of populism, it doesn't work bro. It doesn't hold govt accountable becuz you will be called 'traitor' to the 'nation'. Pls re-think this populism, it only brings about dictators who are bigger then the law, courts, media, etc.

Somalis are naturally 'madax ka nool' which is populism, it's terrible. Sharci ku nool ba dhaanto.


Kind Conflicts are how nations grow, pure capitalism leads to regressive exploitation and monopolistic entities forming.

Populism, with checks and balances, is what is needed in Somalia.

I agree capitalism isn't perfect and it does lead to 'monopoly' developing. My local grocery chain, own pharmaceuticals, hardware, they own their own farms for meat, egg, milk, they are all under one 'big ass corporate' they just swallow up the little guys. I agree it has flaws. When I walk into my supermarket, all them brands are 'fake' they all report to 2 monopoly owners but he keeps the brand names there to confuse ppl of competition.


@codewebsduh I am not pro business, I believe they should be taxed very high not low. Giving them low taxes, just benefits they're shareholders in end of year returns. Look at supermarkets how they cut they're costs with self checkouts, do they pass that onto consumers? hell no, it goes to shareholders the gains and prices remain same no matter how much tax u lower for them or how much they automate away humans, the only benefit of supply side economics is the corporate n shareholders not the state or ppl.

But we can't tax them so high they find it pointless to operate in Somalia, so there is balancing act. I believe in the philosophy 'wealth shud be in many hands, not concentrated in one hand' this generates more spending and growth all around for everyone unlike if it's concentrated.
I agree capitalism isn't perfect and it does lead to 'monopoly' developing. My local grocery chain, own pharmaceuticals, hardware, they own their own farms for meat, egg, milk, they are all under one 'big ass corporate' they just swallow up the little guys. I agree it has flaws. When I walk into my supermarket, all them brands are 'fake' they all report to 2 monopoly owners but he keeps the brand names there to confuse ppl of competition.
You are absolutely right, the Australian food industry is effectively owned by a few conglomerates.

However, you should understand that this due to economies of scale. Capitalism says everyone is free to develop but its contradictive when it comes to industries of scale.

To fix this we can create state owned companies , where 30% of the company is owned and operated by the state. Similar to china where huge companies are partially owned by a central government.

Another fix is banning foreign held companies , similar to japan.


@codewebsduh I love my ancestoral land, I love those who passed onto me my sumcad, land, my place in this world. I sing like this for my ancestors and it won't change with some 'populist' leader.

The only thing that can change my mind or anyone with my mind-set is our own financial well being, economics can change ppl to be 'selfish' at individual level


@codewebsduh to discuss economic growth without control of our 'currency supply' is a moot topic. Australia keeps it's dollar 70-75% of the us dollar, they do this to ensure ppl don't go buy online from America and spend local.

We need to control our currency to make Somalis importing to expensive thru currency manipulation. If we made the somali shilling valuable again by making all business people trade in it locally and if it's controlled by a central bank, we can make it not profitable for businesses to buy overseas becuz when they exchange their items into our currency and find it 25% more expensive, they will develop locally.


@codewebsduh to discuss economic growth without control of our 'currency supply' is a moot topic. Australia keeps it's dollar 70-75% of the us dollar, they do this to ensure ppl don't go buy online from America and spend local.

We need to control our currency to make Somalis importing to expensive thru currency manipulation. If we made the somali shilling valuable again by making all business people trade in it locally and if it's controlled by a central bank, we can make it not feasible to buy overseas and develop locally.
Currency is the most important focus a new President should be on


Land mass is important but you need resources. A tiny country like Rwanda is doing good. It doesn't matter if your country is big if most of it is a desert. Countries like Sudan can't use most of their territory despite being huge


Land mass is important but you need resources. A tiny country like Rwanda is doing good. It doesn't matter if your country is big if most of it is a desert. Countries like Sudan can't use most of their territory despite being huge

Deserts can be utilized into solar energy, oil n minerals are usually plentiful in deserts becuz the earth has aged n broken down to produce these important resources. But I do agree, give me human capital any day over land resources. The most important resource is your people as singapore has proven and Rwanda is following that model also.

Im watching Rwanda closely over the years. I am glad Somalia opened an embassy there, a good role model to watch

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@codewebsduh to discuss economic growth without control of our 'currency supply' is a moot topic. Australia keeps it's dollar 70-75% of the us dollar, they do this to ensure ppl don't go buy online from America and spend local.

We need to control our currency to make Somalis importing to expensive thru currency manipulation. If we made the somali shilling valuable again by making all business people trade in it locally and if it's controlled by a central bank, we can make it not profitable for businesses to buy overseas becuz when they exchange their items into our currency and find it 25% more expensive, they will develop locally.
I don't understand why we still don't have a currency. How can the desert state in SL have a currency yet Somalia not?

We need a non-political organisation, like the federal reserve, to handle it. Imagine Sh Sharif handling your currency, he would be like Erdogan.


We need to be like the japanese, we just need a strong government with a democratic basis.
Definitely need a Japanese like subway system. Their trains are world class. It's always been a dream of mine to help finance the over ground railway system that spans the entirety of the country from the beaches of Somalia to the forests of the south.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
With proper irrigation, techniques and technology we could turn our arid, not deserty land into something much more lush. Also just damming seasonal rivers, properly collecting our rainwater and building desalination plants would ensure constant access to water. We are good.
With proper irrigation, techniques and technology we could turn our arid, not deserty land into something much more lush. Also just damming seasonal rivers, properly collecting our rainwater and building desalination plants would ensure constant access to water. We are good.
Most of somaliyee is semi arid like sahel not arid like saudi arabia

