Somalis and government systems

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scenario: you are choose by the elders of somalia to find and implement government system that will be used to rule Somalia. so you go touring around the world.

1st stop America
a federal republic where the branch of govern are divided between a judiciary, legislative and executive branches. ideal each branch act as a check on on the other two. every level of government from the district level to the white house is sworn into office by the populous and the judiciary is independent. yet only 2 political parties are allow to exist and although the populous is important, the true power broker are big business( banks and large multinational corporation).

economy is based on Research and development, finance(Banks) and the service sector over the last 40 year it has gutted its manufacture and industrial sectors. leaving the old industrial hubs of the last century in the midwest into a wasteland. american culture/fashion are ubiquitous around world. Hollywood entertains us while american university roll out the newest gizmos and gadgets. america companies dominate fortune 500, these companies are given extensive tax cuts and are allow to lower their overhead by moving their operations oversee to make us of cheaper labour. this has the disadvantage of reducing the number of jobs but reduces the price of goods that consumer can buy. in america, nothing seem to be out of reach however the middle class in weakening in America while the rich get richer and poor fall further in debt, financial insecure and hopelessness. this country is become more and more polarized. in the 50, they send a man to moon, today they're broke and have scraped their last space shuttle. forget about going to the mars, they need to use old soviet rockets to get to international space station. even though pessimism is rife, america is still at it peak, it has the largest economy, it is one of the best technology and it spend more on it military more than the next 10 country.

socially America is polarized, between a liberal east and west coast and liberal zones in the major cities and it vast heartland which is deeply conservative.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Part Two Europe

Europe is a hodgepodge of constitutional monarchs and parliamentary republics. usually they have two layer of government either a lower and upper house or between a federal assembly and representatives from the different regions. European politics is usually more colorfully with dozen of political parties competing for a small number of sits. it is uncommon for one major political party to win a majority so they're government are usually powerless coalitions. although interest groups are influential they aren't able to through their weigh around like in america.

while America is a capitalist economy, European are most socialist countries which mean that there is a balancing act between profit and social accountability. government plays a large role in directing the economies of these countries and taxes are high over 50% of personal income is used to pay for social enmities such free health care and assistant to the elder and poor. Europe has large industrial zones especially in Germany, poland and the scandinavian countries. they have extensive large banks and are a financial powerhouse for example the head of the IMF is alway european and usually French. even small countries like Ireland have large profitable pharmaceutical industries.yet it their ability to brand their goods, made in france and Italy has extensive clout that their goods command more profit then the goods of other countries. however while they are wealthy today, Europe is an aging continent that is contending with large refugee crisis and going bankrupt to pay for the social amenities that european have come to rely on from cradle to grave.

Europe is completely liberal, they are the least religious people on the planet with Atheists and agnostics claim double digit is these countries. European have inshrined individual liberties into their constitutions. perhaps if they had worried more about mundane matter rather than their high minded values they wouldn't be on their way to extinction.
Didn't read all of your post.

Somalis are libertarians by nature. We have always lived under the customary law called Xeer. Any form of foreign governance that micromanages our way of life like shariah law, dictatorship or western democracy is destined to fail. We're anarchist and (sub)clans are our real nations.

We are the most intractable people on the face of the earth that hold nothing but contempt for any sort of authority be it at school/college, work etc. We believe we are the most superior beings under the sun and everything is inferior to us.
Didn't read all of your post.

Somalis are libertarians by nature. We have always lived under the customary law called Xeer. Any form of foreign governance that micromanages our way of life like shariah law, dictatorship or western democracy is destined to fail. We're anarchist and (sub)clans are our real nations.

We are the most intractable people on the face of the earth that hold nothing but contempt for any sort of authority be it at school/college, work etc. We believe we are the most superior beings under the sun and everything is inferior to us.

and you think that is a good thing, society are by nature hierarchal, we are a reflection of our land. harsh, sparse and temperamental. it one of the reason why somalis never had strong long lasting empires only ephemeral sultanate. it one thing to hold you head high and never allow another to oppress you however, being abstinent /bull head that it get in the way of comprise and cooperation is exactly the reason why were are a failed state/people.


Bored to death
Didn't read all of your post.

Somalis are libertarians by nature. We have always lived under the customary law called Xeer. Any form of foreign governance that micromanages our way of life like shariah law, dictatorship or western democracy is destined to fail. We're anarchist and (sub)clans are our real nations.

We are the most intractable people on the face of the earth that hold nothing but contempt for any sort of authority be it at school/college, work etc. We believe we are the most superior beings under the sun and everything is inferior to us.
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