Somaliland pleads with the houthi rebels by saying we are banu hashim Too

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Tolnimo? When did I ever claim to be Gadabursi? :icon e confused:

You should've used Coldoon the dinka, if you wanted a Bani Hashim of questionable origin.

I will leave it to @sophisticate to come defend her uncle.

I'm a reer galbeed MK,. Passes the buck elsewhere to team MC (aka Kulmiye G-units). You'd do the same if this were HA vs. HY. The vice president Zeylaci or Professor Samatar can claim their fams.:mjlol: We won Mr. Ethiopia 71'. They are cracking windows with this one.

I demand DNA.:reallymaury:
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Same color

Abti is half Yemeni, though. Maternally.:mjlol: Even more claim than the sheegato. I doubt he'll step in as an intermediary. Regardless, God bless Reer Nurs and their PhDs. :salute:
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Tolnimo? When did I ever claim to be Gadabursi? :icon e confused:

You should've used Coldoon the dinka, if you wanted a Bani Hashim of questionable origin.

I will leave it to @sophisticate to come defend her uncle.

Waar dee waxaanu ku lee nahay -
Proof it if he is Gadabursi- taa dee waa kow.

Or isaaq miyuusan sheegen mar-
Irir, marna Dir, marna Banu Hashim iyo Jews-

Miyeysan waali cad/ cas aheen.:)

Ilaahow habraha abtirsiga u sax:)
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